use std::path::PathBuf; #[cfg(feature = "from-source")] use std::env; #[cfg(feature = "from-source")] use crate::download::download_and_extract_zip; #[cfg(feature = "from-source")] pub fn is_from_source_feature_enabled() -> bool { true } #[cfg(not(feature = "from-source"))] pub fn is_from_source_feature_enabled() -> bool { false } #[cfg(not(feature = "from-source"))] pub fn download_scip_source() -> PathBuf { unimplemented!("Cannot download SCIP source code without the `from-source` feature") } #[cfg(feature = "from-source")] pub fn download_scip_source() -> PathBuf { let scip_version = "9.1.1"; let url = format!("{scip_version}.zip"); let target = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); let target = std::path::Path::new(&target); if target.join(format!("scipoptsuite-{scip_version}")).exists() { println!("cargo:warning=SCIP was previously downloaded, skipping download"); } else { download_and_extract_zip(&url, &*target).expect("Failed to download SCIP"); } target.join(format!("scipoptsuite-{scip_version}")) } #[cfg(feature = "from-source")] pub fn compile_scip(source_path: PathBuf) -> PathBuf { let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); let out_dir = std::path::Path::new(&out_dir); let lib_path = out_dir.join("lib"); if lib_path.exists() { println!("cargo:warning=SCIP was previously compiled, skipping compilation"); return out_dir.to_path_buf(); } use cmake::Config; let mut dst = Config::new(source_path); dst .define("IPOPT", "OFF") .define("ZIMPL", "OFF") .define("GMP", "OFF") .define("READLINE", "OFF") .define("BOOST", "OFF") .define("AUTOBUILD","OFF") .define("PAPILO", "OFF") .define("SYM", "snauty") .define("ZLIB", "OFF") .define("SHARED", "OFF") .build() } #[cfg(not(feature = "from-source"))] pub fn compile_scip(source_path: PathBuf) -> PathBuf { unimplemented!("Cannot compile SCIP without the `from-source` feature") }