Version 0.3.0 (2018-05-23) ========================== * Raise *minimum rustc version* to `1.22.0`. * Update `rand` to version `0.5`. * Refactor code to use new language features available with `1.22.0`. Version 0.2.4 (2018-05-02) ========================== * Downgrade `ring` to version `0.12.1` as per recommendation from its author. Version 0.2.3 (2018-01-09) ========================== * Update `ring` to version `0.13.0-alpha` since previous versions fail to build. * Update `rand` and `base64` to their latest version. Version 0.2.1 (2017-07-19) ========================== Update `ring` to version `0.11` and `base64` to `0.6`. Version 0.2.0 (2017-05-10) ========================== * *New feature:* A SCRAM server implementation contributed by dyule. Thanks! * Rename `client::ClientFirst` to `client::ScramClient`. The former is deprecated, but keeps working in the v0.2 series. * Reexport `ScramClient`, `ScramServer` and other often used structs at crate root. * Update `ring` to version `0.9.4`. * Replace dependency on `data_encoding` by the `base64` crate. Version 0.1.1 (2017-01-30) ========================== Update `ring` to version `0.6`. Version 0.1.0 (2016-08-24) ========================== Version numbers like `0.0.x` are non-compatible, using `0.1.0` allows to push minior updates. Version 0.0.2 (2016-08-24) ========================== Update `ring` to version `0.3.0`. Version 0.0.1 (2016-08-20) ========================== First release providing a SCRAM-SHA-256 client implementation without support for channel-binding.