use { bytemuck::cast_slice, inline_spirv::inline_spirv, screen_13::prelude::*, std::{mem::size_of, sync::Arc}, }; // Min/max sampler reduction is commonly used to create depth buffer mip-maps for use with gpu-based // visibility determination. // // Support for min/max sampling is core to Vulkan 1.2 however different graphics cards may have // varying supported properties which are detailed by the physical device property structures. This // example checks for that support. // // Note that this example only reduces the sample "depth image" once, and it does not fully occupy // the compute units of the GPU by using larger local group sizes. fn main() -> Result<(), DriverError> { pretty_env_logger::init(); let mut render_graph = RenderGraph::new(); let device = Arc::new(Device::create_headless(DeviceInfo::default())?); let size = 4; // The 4x4 depth image will have pixels that look like this: // 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 // 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 // 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 // 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 let depth_image = fill_depth_image(&device, &mut render_graph, size)?; // These 2x2 reduced images have undefined data until we wait on the results later let min_reduced_image = reduce_depth_image( &device, &mut render_graph, depth_image, vk::SamplerReductionMode::MIN, )?; let max_reduced_image = reduce_depth_image( &device, &mut render_graph, depth_image, vk::SamplerReductionMode::MAX, )?; // Create result buffers so we can read back the results let min_result_buf = copy_image_to_buffer(&device, &mut render_graph, min_reduced_image)?; let max_result_buf = copy_image_to_buffer(&device, &mut render_graph, max_reduced_image)?; render_graph .resolve() .submit(&mut HashPool::new(&device), 0, 0)? .wait_until_executed()?; // For each image we have reduced each 2x2 pixel group into the min/max values of each group let min_result_data: &[f32] = cast_slice(Buffer::mapped_slice(&min_result_buf)); let max_result_data: &[f32] = cast_slice(Buffer::mapped_slice(&max_result_buf)); // The minimum result data should look like this: // 0.0 2.0 // 8.0 10.0 println!("{min_result_data:?}"); // The maximum result data should look like this: // 5.0 7.0 // 13.0 15.0 println!("{max_result_data:?}"); assert_eq!(min_result_data.len(), 4); assert_eq!(max_result_data.len(), 4); assert_eq!(min_result_data[0], 0.0); assert_eq!(min_result_data[1], 2.0); assert_eq!(min_result_data[2], 8.0); assert_eq!(min_result_data[3], 10.0); assert_eq!(max_result_data[0], 5.0); assert_eq!(max_result_data[1], 7.0); assert_eq!(max_result_data[2], 13.0); assert_eq!(max_result_data[3], 15.0); Ok(()) } fn fill_depth_image( device: &Arc, render_graph: &mut RenderGraph, size: u32, ) -> Result { let info = ImageInfo::image_2d( size, size, vk::Format::D32_SFLOAT, vk::ImageUsageFlags::SAMPLED | vk::ImageUsageFlags::TRANSFER_DST, ); let ImageInfo { fmt, ty, tiling, usage, flags, .. } = info; // Sometimes required because support is not 100% common: Check min/max reduction support // let fmt_props = Device::format_properties(device, fmt); if !fmt_props.optimal_tiling_features.contains( vk::FormatFeatureFlags::SAMPLED_IMAGE | vk::FormatFeatureFlags::SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_LINEAR | vk::FormatFeatureFlags::SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_MINMAX, ) { // In this case you might just fall back to a compute shader algorthm warn!("Requested image does not support min/max reduction"); return Err(DriverError::Unsupported); } // If this is not supported you would need a fallback algorithm (this duplicates the check // we already performed above, it's just a different way to go about finding the answer) assert!( device .physical_device .sampler_filter_minmax_properties .single_component_formats ); // Not required, but good practice: Check image format support let image_fmt_props = Device::image_format_properties(device, fmt, ty.into(), tiling, usage, flags)? .ok_or(DriverError::Unsupported)?; if size > image_fmt_props.max_extent.width || size > image_fmt_props.max_extent.height { // In this case you might use a smaller image warn!("Requested image is too big"); return Err(DriverError::Unsupported); } // You could check this if you needed to reduce multiple channel images: // device.physical_device.sampler_filter_minmax_properties.image_component_mapping let depth_data = (0..size.pow(2)).map(|x| x as f32).collect::>(); let depth_data = render_graph.bind_node(Buffer::create_from_slice( device, vk::BufferUsageFlags::TRANSFER_SRC, cast_slice(&depth_data), )?); let depth_image = render_graph.bind_node(Image::create(device, info)?); render_graph.copy_buffer_to_image(depth_data, depth_image); Ok(depth_image) } fn reduce_depth_image( device: &Arc, render_graph: &mut RenderGraph, depth_image: ImageNode, reduction_mode: vk::SamplerReductionMode, ) -> Result { let depth_info = render_graph.node_info(depth_image); assert_eq!(depth_info.width, depth_info.height); // (We use R32_SFLOAT because D32_SFLOAT has very low support for the STORAGE usage and most // implementations would be reading the image elsewhere instead of using it as a depth image) let reduced_info = ImageInfo::image_2d( depth_info.width >> 1, depth_info.height >> 1, vk::Format::R32_SFLOAT, vk::ImageUsageFlags::STORAGE | vk::ImageUsageFlags::TRANSFER_SRC, ); let reduced_image = render_graph.bind_node(Image::create(device, reduced_info)?); render_graph .begin_pass("Reduce depth image") .bind_pipeline(&Arc::new(ComputePipeline::create( device, ComputePipelineInfo::default(), Shader::new_compute( inline_spirv!( r#"#version 460 core layout(binding = 0) uniform sampler2D depth_image; layout(binding = 1) writeonly uniform image2D reduced_image; void main() { ivec2 reduced_size = imageSize(reduced_image); vec2 sample_xy = vec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy) + 0.5; vec4 sample_val = texture(depth_image, sample_xy / vec2(reduced_size)); ivec2 store_xy = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy); imageStore(reduced_image, store_xy, sample_val); }"#, comp ) .as_slice(), ) .image_sampler(0, SamplerInfo::LINEAR.reduction_mode(reduction_mode)), )?)) .read_descriptor(0, depth_image) .write_descriptor(1, reduced_image) .record_compute(move |compute, _| { compute.dispatch(reduced_info.width, reduced_info.height, 1); }); Ok(reduced_image) } fn copy_image_to_buffer( device: &Arc, render_graph: &mut RenderGraph, reduced_image: ImageNode, ) -> Result, DriverError> { let reduced_info = render_graph.node_info(reduced_image); let result_len = (reduced_info.width * reduced_info.height) as vk::DeviceSize * size_of::() as vk::DeviceSize; let result_buf = render_graph.bind_node(Buffer::create( device, BufferInfo::host_mem(result_len, vk::BufferUsageFlags::TRANSFER_DST), )?); render_graph.copy_image_to_buffer(reduced_image, result_buf); Ok(render_graph.unbind_node(result_buf)) }