mod profile_with_puffin; use { bytemuck::cast_slice, glam::{vec3, Mat4, Vec3, Vec4}, inline_spirv::inline_spirv, screen_13::prelude::*, std::sync::Arc, }; #[derive(Clone, Copy)] struct Camera { position: Vec3, projection: Mat4, view: Mat4, } #[derive(Clone, Copy)] struct Material { color: Vec3, metallic: f32, roughness: f32, } struct Shape { index_buf: Arc, index_count: u32, vertex_buf: Arc, } const GOLD: Material = Material { color: vec3(1.0, 0.76, 0.33), metallic: 1.0, roughness: 0.3, }; /// The example demonstrates leasing resources (images and buffers) and composing rendering /// operations with just a few lines of RenderGraph builder-pattern code. /// /// Also shown: /// - Basic PBR rendering (from Sascha Willems) /// - Depth/stencil buffer usage /// - Multiple rendering passes with a transient image fn main() -> Result<(), DisplayError> { pretty_env_logger::init(); profile_with_puffin::init(); let event_loop = EventLoop::new().build().unwrap(); let depth_stencil_format = best_depth_stencil_format(&event_loop.device); let mut pool = LazyPool::new(&event_loop.device); let fill_background = create_fill_background_pipeline(&event_loop.device); let pbr = create_pbr_pipeline(&event_loop.device); let funky_shape = create_funky_shape(&event_loop, &mut pool)?; let mut t = 0.0;|mut frame| { t += frame.dt; let index_buf = frame.render_graph.bind_node(&funky_shape.index_buf); let vertex_buf = frame.render_graph.bind_node(&funky_shape.vertex_buf); let depth_stencil = frame.render_graph.bind_node( frame.width, frame.height, depth_stencil_format, vk::ImageUsageFlags::DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT | vk::ImageUsageFlags::TRANSIENT_ATTACHMENT, )) .unwrap(), ); let camera = camera(frame.width, frame.height); let model = Mat4::from_rotation_y(t * 0.4); let obj_pos = Vec3::ZERO; let material = GOLD; let camera_buf = bind_camera_buf(&mut frame, &mut pool, camera, model); let light_buf = bind_light_buf(&mut frame, &mut pool); let push_const_data = write_push_consts(obj_pos, material); let mut write = DepthStencilMode::DEPTH_WRITE; write.stencil_test = true; write.depth_test = false; write.front.compare_op = vk::CompareOp::ALWAYS; write.front.compare_mask = 0xff; write.front.write_mask = 0xff; write.front.reference = 0x01; write.front.pass_op = vk::StencilOp::REPLACE; write.front.fail_op = vk::StencilOp::REPLACE; write.front.depth_fail_op = vk::StencilOp::REPLACE; write.back = write.front; // Renders a golden orb on an un-cleared swapchain image frame .render_graph .begin_pass("funky shape PBR") .bind_pipeline(&pbr) .set_depth_stencil(write) .read_descriptor(0, camera_buf) .read_descriptor(1, light_buf) .access_node(index_buf, AccessType::IndexBuffer) .access_node(vertex_buf, AccessType::VertexBuffer) .clear_depth_stencil(depth_stencil) .store_depth_stencil(depth_stencil) .store_color(0, frame.swapchain_image) .record_subpass(move |subpass, _| { subpass .bind_index_buffer(index_buf, vk::IndexType::UINT16) .bind_vertex_buffer(vertex_buf) .push_constants(&push_const_data) .draw_indexed(funky_shape.index_count, 1, 0, 0, 0); }); let mut read = write; read.stencil_test = true; read.front.compare_op = vk::CompareOp::NOT_EQUAL; read.front.pass_op = vk::StencilOp::REPLACE; read.front.fail_op = vk::StencilOp::KEEP; read.front.depth_fail_op = vk::StencilOp::KEEP; // Renders a solid color wherever the golden orb did not draw frame .render_graph .begin_pass("fill background") .bind_pipeline(&fill_background) .set_depth_stencil(read) .load_depth_stencil(depth_stencil) .load_color(0, frame.swapchain_image) .store_color(0, frame.swapchain_image) .record_subpass(move |subpass, _| { subpass.draw(6, 1, 0, 0); }); }) } fn best_depth_stencil_format(device: &Device) -> vk::Format { for format in [ vk::Format::D24_UNORM_S8_UINT, vk::Format::D16_UNORM_S8_UINT, vk::Format::D32_SFLOAT_S8_UINT, ] { let format_props = Device::image_format_properties( device, format, vk::ImageType::TYPE_2D, vk::ImageTiling::OPTIMAL, vk::ImageUsageFlags::DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT | vk::ImageUsageFlags::TRANSIENT_ATTACHMENT, vk::ImageCreateFlags::empty(), ); if format_props.is_ok() { return format; } } panic!("Unsupported depth/stencil format"); } fn bind_camera_buf( frame: &mut FrameContext, pool: &mut LazyPool, camera: Camera, model: Mat4, ) -> BufferLeaseNode { let mut buf = pool .lease(BufferInfo::host_mem( 204, vk::BufferUsageFlags::UNIFORM_BUFFER, )) .unwrap(); write_camera_buf(&mut buf, camera, model); frame.render_graph.bind_node(buf) } fn bind_light_buf(frame: &mut FrameContext, pool: &mut LazyPool) -> BufferLeaseNode { let mut buf = pool .lease(BufferInfo::host_mem( 64, vk::BufferUsageFlags::UNIFORM_BUFFER, )) .unwrap(); write_light_buf(&mut buf); frame.render_graph.bind_node(buf) } fn write_push_consts(obj_pos: Vec3, material: Material) -> [u8; 32] { let mut data = [0u8; 32]; write_vec3_to_slice(obj_pos, &mut data[0..]); write_f32_to_slice(material.roughness, &mut data[12..]); write_f32_to_slice(material.metallic, &mut data[16..]); write_vec3_to_slice(material.color, &mut data[20..]); data } fn camera(width: u32, height: u32) -> Camera { let aspect_ratio = width as f32 / height as f32; let fov_y_degrees = 45f32; let z_near = 0.1f32; let z_far = 100f32; let projection = Mat4::perspective_rh(fov_y_degrees.to_radians(), aspect_ratio, z_near, z_far); let position = vec3(0.0, 0.0, -5.0); let view = Mat4::look_at_rh(position, Vec3::ZERO, Vec3::Y); Camera { position, projection, view, } } /// Returns ready-to-use index and vertex buffers. Index count is also returned. The shape data uses /// temporary staging buffers which are not required but are fun. fn create_funky_shape(event_loop: &EventLoop, pool: &mut LazyPool) -> Result { // Static index/vertex data courtesy of the polyhedron-ops library let (indices, vertices) = funky_shape_data(); let index_count = indices.len() as u32; // Create host-accessible buffers let index_buf_host = Buffer::create_from_slice( &event_loop.device, vk::BufferUsageFlags::TRANSFER_SRC, cast_slice(&indices), )?; let vertex_buf_host = Buffer::create_from_slice( &event_loop.device, vk::BufferUsageFlags::TRANSFER_SRC, cast_slice(&vertices), )?; // Create GPU-only buffers let index_buf = Arc::new(Buffer::create( &event_loop.device, BufferInfo::device_mem(, vk::BufferUsageFlags::TRANSFER_DST | vk::BufferUsageFlags::INDEX_BUFFER, ), )?); let vertex_buf = Arc::new(Buffer::create( &event_loop.device, BufferInfo::device_mem(, vk::BufferUsageFlags::TRANSFER_DST | vk::BufferUsageFlags::VERTEX_BUFFER, ), )?); // We will use a temporary render graph to copy host data to the GPU let mut graph = RenderGraph::new(); // Bind things to the graph let index_buf_host = graph.bind_node(index_buf_host); let vertex_buf_host = graph.bind_node(vertex_buf_host); let index_buf_gpu = graph.bind_node(&index_buf); let vertex_buf_gpu = graph.bind_node(&vertex_buf); // Add operations to the graph which copy host-accessible data to GPU graph .copy_buffer(index_buf_host, index_buf_gpu) .copy_buffer(vertex_buf_host, vertex_buf_gpu); // Submit the graph, which runs the operations on the GPU graph.resolve().submit(pool, 0, 0)?; // (We drop the graph here; it's okay the cache keeps things alive until they're done) Ok(Shape { index_buf, index_count, vertex_buf, }) } fn create_fill_background_pipeline(device: &Arc) -> Arc { let vertex_shader = Shader::new_vertex( inline_spirv!( r#" #version 450 core const float X[6] = {-1, -1, 1, 1, 1, -1}; const float Y[6] = {-1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1}; vec2 vertex_pos() { float x = X[gl_VertexIndex]; float y = Y[gl_VertexIndex]; return vec2(x, y); } void main() { gl_Position = vec4(vertex_pos(), 0, 1); } "#, vert ) .as_slice(), ); let fragment_shader = Shader::new_fragment( inline_spirv!( r#" #version 450 layout(location = 0) out vec4 color; void main() { color = vec4(vec3(0.75), 1.0); } "#, frag ) .as_slice(), ); Arc::new( GraphicPipeline::create( device, GraphicPipelineInfo::default(), [vertex_shader, fragment_shader], ) .unwrap(), ) } fn create_pbr_pipeline(device: &Arc) -> Arc { // See: let vertex_shader = Shader::new_vertex( inline_spirv!( r#" #version 450 layout (location = 0) in vec3 inPos; layout (location = 1) in vec3 inNormal; layout (binding = 0) uniform UBO { mat4 projection; mat4 model; mat4 view; vec3 camPos; } ubo; layout (location = 0) out vec3 outWorldPos; layout (location = 1) out vec3 outNormal; layout(push_constant) uniform PushConsts { vec3 objPos; } pushConsts; out gl_PerVertex { vec4 gl_Position; }; void main() { vec3 locPos = vec3(ubo.model * vec4(inPos, 1.0)); outWorldPos = locPos + pushConsts.objPos; outNormal = mat3(ubo.model) * inNormal; gl_Position = ubo.projection * ubo.view * vec4(outWorldPos, 1.0); } "#, vert ) .as_slice(), ); // See: let fragment_shader = Shader::new_fragment( inline_spirv!( r#" #version 450 layout (location = 0) in vec3 inWorldPos; layout (location = 1) in vec3 inNormal; layout (binding = 0) uniform UBO { mat4 projection; mat4 model; mat4 view; vec3 camPos; } ubo; layout (binding = 1) uniform UBOShared { vec4 lights[4]; } uboParams; layout (location = 0) out vec4 outColor; layout(push_constant) uniform PushConsts { layout(offset = 12) float roughness; layout(offset = 16) float metallic; layout(offset = 20) float r; layout(offset = 24) float g; layout(offset = 28) float b; } material; const float PI = 3.14159265359; //#define ROUGHNESS_PATTERN 1 vec3 materialcolor() { return vec3(material.r, material.g, material.b); } // Normal Distribution function -------------------------------------- float D_GGX(float dotNH, float roughness) { float alpha = roughness * roughness; float alpha2 = alpha * alpha; float denom = dotNH * dotNH * (alpha2 - 1.0) + 1.0; return (alpha2)/(PI * denom*denom); } // Geometric Shadowing function -------------------------------------- float G_SchlicksmithGGX(float dotNL, float dotNV, float roughness) { float r = (roughness + 1.0); float k = (r*r) / 8.0; float GL = dotNL / (dotNL * (1.0 - k) + k); float GV = dotNV / (dotNV * (1.0 - k) + k); return GL * GV; } // Fresnel function ---------------------------------------------------- vec3 F_Schlick(float cosTheta, float metallic) { vec3 F0 = mix(vec3(0.04), materialcolor(), metallic); // * material.specular vec3 F = F0 + (1.0 - F0) * pow(1.0 - cosTheta, 5.0); return F; } // Specular BRDF composition -------------------------------------------- vec3 BRDF(vec3 L, vec3 V, vec3 N, float metallic, float roughness) { // Precalculate vectors and dot products vec3 H = normalize (V + L); float dotNV = clamp(dot(N, V), 0.0, 1.0); float dotNL = clamp(dot(N, L), 0.0, 1.0); float dotLH = clamp(dot(L, H), 0.0, 1.0); float dotNH = clamp(dot(N, H), 0.0, 1.0); // Light color fixed vec3 lightColor = vec3(1.0); vec3 color = vec3(0.0); if (dotNL > 0.0) { float rroughness = max(0.05, roughness); // D = Normal distribution (Distribution of the microfacets) float D = D_GGX(dotNH, roughness); // G = Geometric shadowing term (Microfacets shadowing) float G = G_SchlicksmithGGX(dotNL, dotNV, rroughness); // F = Fresnel factor (Reflectance depending on angle of incidence) vec3 F = F_Schlick(dotNV, metallic); vec3 spec = D * F * G / (4.0 * dotNL * dotNV); color += spec * dotNL * lightColor; } return color; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void main() { vec3 N = normalize(inNormal); vec3 V = normalize(ubo.camPos - inWorldPos); float roughness = material.roughness; // Add striped pattern to roughness based on vertex position #ifdef ROUGHNESS_PATTERN roughness = max(roughness, step(fract(inWorldPos.y * 2.02), 0.5)); #endif // Specular contribution vec3 Lo = vec3(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < uboParams.lights.length(); i++) { vec3 L = normalize(uboParams.lights[i].xyz - inWorldPos); Lo += BRDF(L, V, N, material.metallic, roughness); }; // Combine with ambient vec3 color = materialcolor() * 0.02; color += Lo; // Gamma correct color = pow(color, vec3(0.4545)); outColor = vec4(color, 1.0); } "#, frag ) .as_slice(), ); Arc::new( GraphicPipeline::create( device, GraphicPipelineInfo::default(), [vertex_shader, fragment_shader], ) .unwrap(), ) } /// Returns index and position/normal data (polyhedron_ops you are 🥇🏆🥂💯) fn funky_shape_data() -> (Vec, Vec<[f32; 6]>) { let (indices, positions, normals) = polyhedron_ops::Polyhedron::dodecahedron() .chamfer(None, false) .bevel(None, None, None, None, false) .catmull_clark_subdivide(false) .bevel(None, None, None, None, false) .finalize() .to_triangle_mesh_buffers(); let indices = indices.into_iter().map(|idx| idx as u16).collect(); let vertices = positions .into_iter() .zip(normals) .map(|(position, normal)| { [ position.x, position.y, position.z, normal.x, normal.y, normal.z, ] }) .collect(); (indices, vertices) } fn write_cols_to_slice(data: Mat4, slice: &mut [u8]) -> usize { let mut start = 0; for data in data.to_cols_array() { let data = data.to_ne_bytes(); let end = start + data.len(); slice[start..end].clone_from_slice(&data); start = end; } start } fn write_f32_to_slice(data: f32, slice: &mut [u8]) -> usize { slice[0..4].clone_from_slice(&data.to_ne_bytes()); 4 } fn write_vec3_to_slice(data: Vec3, slice: &mut [u8]) -> usize { let mut start = 0; for data in data.to_array() { let data = data.to_ne_bytes(); let end = start + data.len(); slice[start..end].clone_from_slice(&data); start = end; } start } fn write_vec4_to_slice(data: Vec4, slice: &mut [u8]) -> usize { let mut start = 0; for data in data.to_array() { let data = data.to_ne_bytes(); let end = start + data.len(); slice[start..end].clone_from_slice(&data); start = end; } start } fn write_camera_buf(buf: &mut Lease, camera: Camera, model: Mat4) { let data = Buffer::mapped_slice_mut(buf); write_cols_to_slice(camera.projection, &mut data[0..]); write_cols_to_slice(model, &mut data[64..]); write_cols_to_slice(camera.view, &mut data[128..]); write_vec3_to_slice(camera.position, &mut data[192..]); } fn write_light_buf(buf: &mut Lease) { let data = Buffer::mapped_slice_mut(buf); let p = 4.0; write_vec4_to_slice(vec3(0.0, -p, -p).extend(1.0), &mut data[0..]); write_vec4_to_slice(vec3(p * 0.5, p, -p).extend(1.0), &mut data[16..]); write_vec4_to_slice(vec3(-p, -p * 0.5, -p).extend(1.0), &mut data[32..]); write_vec4_to_slice(vec3(p, -p * 0.5, -p).extend(1.0), &mut data[48..]); }