mod profile_with_puffin; use { bmfont::{BMFont, OrdinateOrientation}, image::io::Reader, screen_13::prelude::*, screen_13_fx::BitmapFont, std::{ collections::VecDeque, io::Cursor, sync::{ atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}, mpsc::channel, Arc, }, thread::{available_parallelism, sleep, spawn}, time::{Duration, Instant}, }, }; const COLOR_SUBRESOURCE_LAYER: vk::ImageSubresourceLayers = vk::ImageSubresourceLayers { aspect_mask: vk::ImageAspectFlags::COLOR, mip_level: 0, base_array_layer: 0, layer_count: 1, }; // Demonstrates submitting work on multiple hardware queues (of the same family) from multiple // threads fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { pretty_env_logger::init(); profile_with_puffin::init(); let started_at = Instant::now(); // For this example we don't use V-Sync so that we are able to submit work as often as possible let sync_display = false; let event_loop = EventLoop::new().sync_display(sync_display).build()?; // We want to create one hardware queue for each CPU, or at least two let desired_queue_count = available_parallelism() .map(|res| res.get() as u32) .unwrap_or_default() .min(8); let secondary_queue_family = event_loop .device .physical_device .queue_families .iter() .enumerate() .skip(1) .find(|(_, queue_family_properties)| { queue_family_properties .queue_flags .contains(vk::QueueFlags::COMPUTE) || queue_family_properties .queue_flags .contains(vk::QueueFlags::GRAPHICS) }); assert!( secondary_queue_family.is_some(), "GPU does not support secondary queue family" ); let (secondary_queue_family_index, secondary_queue_family_properties) = secondary_queue_family.unwrap(); let queue_count = desired_queue_count.min(secondary_queue_family_properties.queue_count) as usize; assert!(queue_count > 0, "GPU does not support secondary queues"); info!("Using {queue_count} queues"); let running = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(true)); let thread_count = queue_count; let mut threads = Vec::with_capacity(thread_count); let (tx, rx) = channel(); info!("Launching {thread_count} threads"); for thread_index in 0..thread_count { let running = Arc::clone(&running); let device = Arc::clone(&event_loop.device); let tx = tx.clone(); threads.push(spawn(move || { let queue_index = thread_index; let mut pool = HashPool::new(&device); while running.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { // Fake some I/O time by sleeping sleep(Duration::from_millis(16)); let t = 12.0 * ((Instant::now() - started_at).as_millis() % 32) as f32; // Clear a new image to a cycling color let mut render_graph = RenderGraph::new(); let image = render_graph.bind_node( 10, 10, vk::Format::R8G8B8A8_UNORM, vk::ImageUsageFlags::TRANSFER_DST | vk::ImageUsageFlags::TRANSFER_SRC, )) .unwrap(), ); render_graph.clear_color_image_value( image, [ (t.sin() * 127.0 + 128.0) as u8, ((t + 2.0).sin() * 127.0 + 128.0) as u8, ((t + 4.0).sin() * 127.0 + 128.0) as u8, 0xff, ], ); let image = render_graph.unbind_node(image); // Submit on a queue we are reserving for only this thread to use render_graph .resolve() .submit(&mut pool, secondary_queue_family_index, queue_index) .unwrap(); // After submit() is called we can safely use this image on another thread! tx.send(image).unwrap(); } })); } let mut font = load_font(&event_loop.device)?; let mut images = VecDeque::new();|frame| { if let Ok(image) = rx.recv_timeout(Duration::from_nanos(1)) { images.push_front(image); while images.len() > 64 { images.pop_back(); } } frame.render_graph.clear_color_image(frame.swapchain_image); for (image_idx, image) in images.iter().enumerate() { let image = frame.render_graph.bind_node(image); let x = (image_idx % 8) as f32; let y = (image_idx / 8) as f32; let j = frame.width as f32 / 10.0; let k = frame.height as f32 / 10.0; frame.render_graph.blit_image_region( image, frame.swapchain_image, vk::Filter::NEAREST, vk::ImageBlit { src_subresource: COLOR_SUBRESOURCE_LAYER, src_offsets: [ vk::Offset3D { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }, vk::Offset3D { x: 10, y: 10, z: 1 }, ], dst_subresource: COLOR_SUBRESOURCE_LAYER, dst_offsets: [ vk::Offset3D { x: ((x * j) + j) as i32, y: ((y * k) + k) as i32, z: 0, }, vk::Offset3D { x: ((x * j) + (2.0 * j)) as i32, y: ((y * k) + (2.0 * k)) as i32, z: 1, }, ], }, ); } let fps = (1.0 / frame.dt).round(); let message = format!("FPS: {fps}"); font.print_scale( frame.render_graph, frame.swapchain_image, 0.0, 0.0, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff], message, 4.0, ); })?; info!("Stopping threads");, Ordering::Relaxed); for thread in threads.drain(..) { thread.join().unwrap(); } Ok(()) } fn load_font(device: &Arc) -> anyhow::Result { // Load the font definition file using the bmfont crate let font = BMFont::new( Cursor::new(include_bytes!("res/font/small/small_10px.fnt")), OrdinateOrientation::TopToBottom, )?; // We happen to know this font only requires a single image, this uses the image crate let temp_buf = Buffer::create_from_slice( device, vk::BufferUsageFlags::TRANSFER_SRC, Reader::new(Cursor::new( include_bytes!("res/font/small/small_10px_0.png").as_slice(), )) .with_guessed_format()? .decode()? .into_rgba8() .to_vec() .as_slice(), )?; // This image will hold the font glyphs let page_0 = Image::create( device, ImageInfo::image_2d( 64, 64, vk::Format::R8G8B8A8_UNORM, vk::ImageUsageFlags::SAMPLED | vk::ImageUsageFlags::TRANSFER_DST, ), ) .unwrap(); let mut render_graph = RenderGraph::new(); let page_0 = render_graph.bind_node(page_0); let temp_buf = render_graph.bind_node(temp_buf); render_graph.copy_buffer_to_image(temp_buf, page_0); // Unbind page_0 to get the Arc but we could have just bound a reference (with no unbind) let page_0 = render_graph.unbind_node(page_0); // This copy happens in queue index 0! Notice the unbind above is OK because we already asked // for the copy to happen first! render_graph .resolve() .submit(&mut HashPool::new(device), 0, 0)?; BitmapFont::new(device, font, [page_0]) }