mod profile_with_puffin; use { bytemuck::{bytes_of, cast_slice, NoUninit, Pod, Zeroable}, glam::{vec3, Mat4, Quat, Vec3}, inline_spirv::inline_spirv, meshopt::remap::{generate_vertex_remap, remap_index_buffer, remap_vertex_buffer}, screen_13::prelude::*, std::{ env::current_exe, fs::{metadata, write}, path::{Path, PathBuf}, sync::Arc, }, tobj::{load_obj, GPU_LOAD_OPTIONS}, winit_input_helper::WinitInputHelper, }; const BLUR_PASSES: usize = 2; const BLUR_RADIUS: u32 = 2; const CUBEMAP_SIZE: u32 = 512; const SHADOW_BIAS: f32 = 0.3; const USE_GEOMETRY_SHADER: bool = true; /// Adapted from /// /// This example does an HTTPS GET to acquire model data! /// Model data courtesy: /// /// Also, see similar techniques here: /// /// fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { pretty_env_logger::init(); profile_with_puffin::init(); let model_path = download_model_from_github("nefertiti.obj")?; let model_transform = Mat4::from_scale_rotation_translation( Vec3::splat(15.0), Quat::from_rotation_z(180f32.to_radians()) * Quat::from_rotation_x(90f32.to_radians()), vec3(0.0, -2.0, 0.0), ) .to_cols_array(); let cube_transform = Mat4::from_scale(Vec3::splat(10.0)).to_cols_array(); let mut input = WinitInputHelper::default(); let event_loop = EventLoop::new() .window(|window| window.with_inner_size(LogicalSize::new(800, 600))) .build()?; // We may use a geometry shader on supported devices let use_geometry_shader = { let Vulkan10Features { geometry_shader, .. } = event_loop.device.physical_device.features_v1_0; USE_GEOMETRY_SHADER && geometry_shader }; // Load all the immutable graphics data we will need let cubemap_format = best_2d_optimal_format( &event_loop.device, &[ vk::Format::R32G32_SFLOAT, vk::Format::R16G16_SFLOAT, vk::Format::R32G32B32_SFLOAT, vk::Format::R16G16B16_SFLOAT, vk::Format::R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT, vk::Format::R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT, ], vk::ImageUsageFlags::COLOR_ATTACHMENT | vk::ImageUsageFlags::SAMPLED | vk::ImageUsageFlags::STORAGE, vk::ImageCreateFlags::CUBE_COMPATIBLE, ); let depth_format = best_2d_optimal_format( &event_loop.device, &[vk::Format::D32_SFLOAT, vk::Format::D16_UNORM], vk::ImageUsageFlags::DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, vk::ImageCreateFlags::empty(), ); let model_mesh = load_model_mesh(&event_loop.device, &model_path)?; let model_shadow = load_model_shadow(&event_loop.device, &model_path)?; let cube_mesh = load_cube_mesh(&event_loop.device)?; let cube_shadow = load_cube_shadow(&event_loop.device)?; let debug_pipeline = create_debug_pipeline(&event_loop.device)?; let blur_x_pipeline = create_blur_x_pipeline(&event_loop.device)?; let blur_y_pipeline = create_blur_y_pipeline(&event_loop.device)?; let mesh_pipeline = create_mesh_pipeline(&event_loop.device)?; let shadow_pipeline = if use_geometry_shader { create_shadow_pipeline_with_geometry_shader(&event_loop.device) } else { create_shadow_pipeline(&event_loop.device) }?; // A pool will be used for per-frame resources let mut pool = FifoPool::new(&event_loop.device); let mut elapsed = 0.0;|frame| { for event in { input.update(event); } // Hold spacebar to stop the light if !input.key_held(KeyCode::Space) { elapsed += frame.dt; } // Hit F11 to enable borderless fullscreen if input.key_pressed(KeyCode::F11) { frame .window .set_fullscreen(Some(Fullscreen::Borderless(None))); } // Hit F12 to enable exclusive fullscreen if input.key_pressed(KeyCode::F12) { if let Some(monitor) = frame.window.current_monitor() { if let Some(video_mode) = monitor.video_modes().next() { frame .window .set_fullscreen(Some(Fullscreen::Exclusive(video_mode))); } } } // Hit Escape to cancel fullscreen or exit if input.key_pressed(KeyCode::Escape) { if frame.window.fullscreen().is_some() { frame.window.set_fullscreen(None); } else { *frame.will_exit = true; } } // Calculate values for and fill some plain-old-data structs we will bind as UBO's let camera = { let aspect_ratio = frame.width as f32 / frame.height as f32; let fov_y = 45f32.to_radians(); let projection = Mat4::perspective_rh(fov_y, aspect_ratio, 0.1, 100.0); let eye = vec3(0.0, 0.0, -25.0); let view = Mat4::look_at_rh(eye, eye + Vec3::Z, -Vec3::Y); Camera { view, projection } }; let light = { let fov_y = 90f32.to_radians(); let radius = 7f32; let t = elapsed / 2.0 + 3.5; let position = vec3(radius * t.cos(), 0.0, radius * t.sin()); Light { position, range: 1000.0, view: Mat4::look_at_rh(position, position + Vec3::X, Vec3::Y), projection: Mat4::perspective_rh(fov_y, 1.0, 0.1, 100.0), } }; // Bind resources to the render graph of the current frame let cube_mesh_index_buf = frame.render_graph.bind_node(&cube_mesh.index_buf); let cube_mesh_vertex_buf = frame.render_graph.bind_node(&cube_mesh.vertex_buf); let cube_shadow_index_buf = frame.render_graph.bind_node(&cube_shadow.index_buf); let cube_shadow_vertex_buf = frame.render_graph.bind_node(&cube_shadow.vertex_buf); let model_mesh_index_buf = frame.render_graph.bind_node(&model_mesh.index_buf); let model_mesh_vertex_buf = frame.render_graph.bind_node(&model_mesh.vertex_buf); let model_shadow_index_buf = frame.render_graph.bind_node(&model_shadow.index_buf); let model_shadow_vertex_buf = frame.render_graph.bind_node(&model_shadow.vertex_buf); let camera_uniform_buf = frame .render_graph .bind_node(lease_uniform_buffer(&mut pool, &camera).unwrap()); let light_uniform_buf = frame .render_graph .bind_node(lease_uniform_buffer(&mut pool, &light).unwrap()); // Lease and bind a cube-compatible shadow 2D image array to the graph of the current frame let shadow_faces_image = pool .lease( ImageInfo::image_2d_array( CUBEMAP_SIZE, CUBEMAP_SIZE, 6, cubemap_format, vk::ImageUsageFlags::COLOR_ATTACHMENT | vk::ImageUsageFlags::SAMPLED | vk::ImageUsageFlags::STORAGE, ) .to_builder() .flags(vk::ImageCreateFlags::CUBE_COMPATIBLE), ) .unwrap(); let shadow_faces_info =; let shadow_faces_node = frame.render_graph.bind_node(shadow_faces_image); // Lease and bind a temporary image we'll use during blur passes let temp_image = frame .render_graph .bind_node(; // Lastly we lease and bind depth images needed for rendering let shadow_depth_image = frame.render_graph.bind_node( frame.width, frame.height, if use_geometry_shader { 6 } else { 1 }, depth_format, vk::ImageUsageFlags::DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, )) .unwrap(), ); let depth_image = frame.render_graph.bind_node( frame.width, frame.height, depth_format, vk::ImageUsageFlags::DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, )) .unwrap(), ); // Hold tab to view a debug mode if input.key_held(KeyCode::Tab) { frame .render_graph .begin_pass("DEBUG") .bind_pipeline(&debug_pipeline) .set_depth_stencil(DepthStencilMode::DEPTH_WRITE) .access_descriptor( 0, camera_uniform_buf, AccessType::AnyShaderReadUniformBuffer, ) .access_descriptor(1, light_uniform_buf, AccessType::AnyShaderReadUniformBuffer) .access_node(model_mesh_index_buf, AccessType::IndexBuffer) .access_node(model_mesh_vertex_buf, AccessType::VertexBuffer) .access_node(cube_mesh_index_buf, AccessType::IndexBuffer) .access_node(cube_mesh_vertex_buf, AccessType::VertexBuffer) .clear_color(0, frame.swapchain_image) .store_color(0, frame.swapchain_image) .clear_depth_stencil(depth_image) .store_depth_stencil(depth_image) .record_subpass(move |subpass, _| { subpass .bind_index_buffer(model_mesh_index_buf, vk::IndexType::UINT32) .bind_vertex_buffer(model_mesh_vertex_buf) .push_constants(cast_slice(&model_transform)) .draw_indexed(model_mesh.index_count, 1, 0, 0, 0) .bind_index_buffer(cube_mesh_index_buf, vk::IndexType::UINT32) .bind_vertex_buffer(cube_mesh_vertex_buf) .push_constants(cast_slice(&cube_transform)) .draw_indexed(cube_mesh.index_count, 1, 0, 0, 0); }); } else { // Render the omni light point of view into the six-layer image we leased above if use_geometry_shader { frame .render_graph .begin_pass("Shadow (Using geometry shader)") .bind_pipeline(&shadow_pipeline) .set_depth_stencil(DepthStencilMode::DEPTH_WRITE) .access_descriptor(0, light_uniform_buf, AccessType::AnyShaderReadUniformBuffer) .access_node(model_shadow_index_buf, AccessType::IndexBuffer) .access_node(model_shadow_vertex_buf, AccessType::VertexBuffer) .access_node(cube_shadow_index_buf, AccessType::IndexBuffer) .access_node(cube_shadow_vertex_buf, AccessType::VertexBuffer) .clear_color_value(0, shadow_faces_node, [light.range, light.range, 0.0, 0.0]) .store_color(0, shadow_faces_node) .clear_depth_stencil(shadow_depth_image) .record_subpass(move |subpass, _| { subpass .bind_index_buffer(model_shadow_index_buf, vk::IndexType::UINT32) .bind_vertex_buffer(model_shadow_vertex_buf) .push_constants(cast_slice(&model_transform)) .draw_indexed(model_shadow.index_count, 1, 0, 0, 0) .bind_index_buffer(cube_shadow_index_buf, vk::IndexType::UINT32) .bind_vertex_buffer(cube_shadow_vertex_buf) .push_constants(cast_slice(&cube_transform)) .draw_indexed(cube_shadow.index_count, 1, 0, 0, 0); }); } else { for array_layer in 0..6 { let mut shadow_faces_view_info = shadow_faces_info.default_view_info(); shadow_faces_view_info.array_layer_count = Some(1); shadow_faces_view_info.base_array_layer = array_layer; let mut light = light; light.view = match array_layer { 0 => Mat4::look_at_rh(light.position, light.position + Vec3::X, -Vec3::Y), 1 => Mat4::look_at_rh(light.position, light.position - Vec3::X, -Vec3::Y), 2 => Mat4::look_at_rh(light.position, light.position + Vec3::Y, Vec3::Z), 3 => Mat4::look_at_rh(light.position, light.position - Vec3::Y, -Vec3::Z), 4 => Mat4::look_at_rh(light.position, light.position + Vec3::Z, -Vec3::Y), _ => Mat4::look_at_rh(light.position, light.position - Vec3::Z, -Vec3::Y), }; let light_uniform_buf = frame .render_graph .bind_node(lease_uniform_buffer(&mut pool, &light).unwrap()); frame .render_graph .begin_pass("Shadow") .bind_pipeline(&shadow_pipeline) .set_depth_stencil(DepthStencilMode::DEPTH_WRITE) .access_descriptor( 0, light_uniform_buf, AccessType::AnyShaderReadUniformBuffer, ) .access_node(model_shadow_index_buf, AccessType::IndexBuffer) .access_node(model_shadow_vertex_buf, AccessType::VertexBuffer) .access_node(cube_shadow_index_buf, AccessType::IndexBuffer) .access_node(cube_shadow_vertex_buf, AccessType::VertexBuffer) .clear_color_value_as( 0, shadow_faces_node, [light.range, light.range, 0.0, 0.0], shadow_faces_view_info, ) .store_color_as(0, shadow_faces_node, shadow_faces_view_info) .clear_depth_stencil(shadow_depth_image) .record_subpass(move |subpass, _| { subpass .bind_index_buffer(model_shadow_index_buf, vk::IndexType::UINT32) .bind_vertex_buffer(model_shadow_vertex_buf) .push_constants(cast_slice(&model_transform)) .draw_indexed(model_shadow.index_count, 1, 0, 0, 0) .bind_index_buffer(cube_shadow_index_buf, vk::IndexType::UINT32) .bind_vertex_buffer(cube_shadow_vertex_buf) .push_constants(cast_slice(&cube_transform)) .draw_indexed(cube_shadow.index_count, 1, 0, 0, 0); }); } } if BLUR_RADIUS > 0 { for _ in 0..BLUR_PASSES { // Flip-flop between the shadow image and a temporary image using a // separable box blur filter which approximates a gaussian blur frame .render_graph .begin_pass("Blur X") .bind_pipeline(&blur_x_pipeline) .read_descriptor(0, shadow_faces_node) .write_descriptor(1, temp_image) .record_compute(move |compute, _| { compute.dispatch(1, CUBEMAP_SIZE, 6); }) .submit_pass() .begin_pass("Blur Y") .bind_pipeline(&blur_y_pipeline) .read_descriptor(0, temp_image) .write_descriptor(1, shadow_faces_node) .record_compute(move |compute, _| { compute.dispatch(CUBEMAP_SIZE, 1, 6); }); } } // Render the scene directly to the swapchain using the shadow map from the above pass frame .render_graph .begin_pass("Mesh objects") .bind_pipeline(&mesh_pipeline) .set_depth_stencil(DepthStencilMode::DEPTH_WRITE) .access_descriptor( 0, camera_uniform_buf, AccessType::AnyShaderReadUniformBuffer, ) .access_descriptor(1, light_uniform_buf, AccessType::AnyShaderReadUniformBuffer) .read_descriptor_as( 2, shadow_faces_node, shadow_faces_info .default_view_info() .with_ty(ImageType::Cube), ) .access_node(model_mesh_index_buf, AccessType::IndexBuffer) .access_node(model_mesh_vertex_buf, AccessType::VertexBuffer) .access_node(cube_mesh_index_buf, AccessType::IndexBuffer) .access_node(cube_mesh_vertex_buf, AccessType::VertexBuffer) .clear_color(0, frame.swapchain_image) .store_color(0, frame.swapchain_image) .clear_depth_stencil(depth_image) .record_subpass(move |subpass, _| { subpass .bind_index_buffer(model_mesh_index_buf, vk::IndexType::UINT32) .bind_vertex_buffer(model_mesh_vertex_buf) .push_constants(cast_slice(&model_transform)) .draw_indexed(model_mesh.index_count, 1, 0, 0, 0) .bind_index_buffer(cube_mesh_index_buf, vk::IndexType::UINT32) .bind_vertex_buffer(cube_mesh_vertex_buf) .push_constants(cast_slice(&cube_transform)) .draw_indexed(cube_mesh.index_count, 1, 0, 0, 0); }); } })?; Ok(()) } fn best_2d_optimal_format( device: &Device, formats: &[vk::Format], usage: vk::ImageUsageFlags, flags: vk::ImageCreateFlags, ) -> vk::Format { for format in formats { let format_props = Device::image_format_properties( device, *format, vk::ImageType::TYPE_2D, vk::ImageTiling::OPTIMAL, usage, flags, ); if format_props.is_ok() { return *format; } } panic!("Unsupported format"); } fn create_blur_x_pipeline(device: &Arc) -> Result, DriverError> { let comp = inline_spirv!( r#" #version 450 core #define POS_X 0 #define NEG_X 1 #define POS_Y 2 #define NEG_Y 3 #define POS_Z 4 #define NEG_Z 5 layout(local_size_x = 1, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; layout(constant_id = 0) const uint IMAGE_SIZE = 512; layout(constant_id = 1) const uint RADIUS = 4; layout(binding = 0, rg32f) restrict readonly uniform image2DArray image; layout(binding = 1, rg32f) restrict writeonly uniform image2DArray image_out; ivec3 leading_face(uint x) { uint face = gl_GlobalInvocationID.z; uint y = gl_GlobalInvocationID.y; switch (face) { case POS_X: return ivec3(x, y, POS_Z); case NEG_X: return ivec3(x, y, NEG_Z); case POS_Y: return ivec3(y, IMAGE_SIZE - (x + 1), NEG_X); case NEG_Y: return ivec3(IMAGE_SIZE - (y + 1), x, NEG_X); case POS_Z: return ivec3(x, y, NEG_X); default: return ivec3(x, y, POS_X); } } ivec3 trailing_face(uint x) { uint face = gl_GlobalInvocationID.z; uint y = gl_GlobalInvocationID.y; switch (face) { case POS_X: return ivec3(x, y, NEG_Z); case NEG_X: return ivec3(x, y, POS_Z); case POS_Y: return ivec3(IMAGE_SIZE - (y + 1), x, POS_X); case NEG_Y: return ivec3(y, IMAGE_SIZE - (x + 1), POS_X); case POS_Z: return ivec3(x, y, POS_X); default: return ivec3(x, y, NEG_X); } } void main() { uint face = gl_GlobalInvocationID.z; uint y = gl_GlobalInvocationID.y; vec2 accumulator = vec2(0.0); float per_texel = 1.0 / float((RADIUS << 1) + 1); for (uint x = IMAGE_SIZE - RADIUS; x < IMAGE_SIZE; x++) { accumulator += imageLoad(image, leading_face(x)).rg; } for (uint x = 0; x < RADIUS; x++) { accumulator += imageLoad(image, ivec3(x, y, face)).rg; } for (uint x = 0; x < RADIUS; x++) { accumulator += imageLoad(image, ivec3(x + RADIUS, y, face)).rg; imageStore(image_out, ivec3(x, y, face), vec4(accumulator * per_texel, 0.0, 0.0)); accumulator -= imageLoad(image, leading_face((IMAGE_SIZE - RADIUS) + x)).rg; } for (uint x = RADIUS; x < IMAGE_SIZE - RADIUS; x++) { accumulator += imageLoad(image, ivec3(x + RADIUS, y, face)).rg; imageStore(image_out, ivec3(x, y, face), vec4(accumulator * per_texel, 0.0, 0.0)); accumulator -= imageLoad(image, ivec3(x - RADIUS, y, face)).rg; } for (uint x = IMAGE_SIZE - RADIUS; x < IMAGE_SIZE; x++) { accumulator += imageLoad(image, trailing_face((x + RADIUS) - IMAGE_SIZE)).rg; imageStore(image_out, ivec3(x, y, face), vec4(accumulator * per_texel, 0.0, 0.0)); accumulator -= imageLoad(image, ivec3(x - RADIUS, y, face)).rg; } } "#, comp ); let shader = Shader::new_compute(comp.as_slice()).specialization_info(SpecializationInfo::new( vec![ vk::SpecializationMapEntry { constant_id: 0, offset: 0, size: 4, }, vk::SpecializationMapEntry { constant_id: 1, offset: 4, size: 4, }, ], bytes_of(&Blur { image_size: CUBEMAP_SIZE, radius: BLUR_RADIUS, }), )); Ok(Arc::new(ComputePipeline::create( device, ComputePipelineInfo::default(), shader, )?)) } fn create_blur_y_pipeline(device: &Arc) -> Result, DriverError> { let comp = inline_spirv!( r#" #version 450 core #define POS_X 0 #define NEG_X 1 #define POS_Y 2 #define NEG_Y 3 #define POS_Z 4 #define NEG_Z 5 layout(local_size_x = 1, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; layout(constant_id = 0) const uint IMAGE_SIZE = 512; layout(constant_id = 1) const uint RADIUS = 4; layout(binding = 0, rg32f) restrict readonly uniform image2DArray image; layout(binding = 1, rg32f) restrict writeonly uniform image2DArray image_out; ivec3 leading_face(uint y) { uint face = gl_GlobalInvocationID.z; uint x = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x; switch (face) { case POS_X: return ivec3(y, IMAGE_SIZE - (x + 1), POS_Y); case NEG_X: return ivec3(IMAGE_SIZE - (y + 1), x, POS_Y); case POS_Y: return ivec3(IMAGE_SIZE - (x + 1), IMAGE_SIZE - (y + 1), NEG_Z); case NEG_Y: return ivec3(x, y, POS_Z); case POS_Z: return ivec3(x, y, POS_Y); default: return ivec3(IMAGE_SIZE - (x + 1), IMAGE_SIZE - (y + 1), POS_Y); } } ivec3 trailing_face(uint y) { uint face = gl_GlobalInvocationID.z; uint x = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x; switch (face) { case POS_X: return ivec3(IMAGE_SIZE - (y + 1), x, NEG_Y); case NEG_X: return ivec3(y, IMAGE_SIZE - (x + 1), NEG_Y); case POS_Y: return ivec3(x, y, POS_Z); case NEG_Y: return ivec3(IMAGE_SIZE - (x + 1), IMAGE_SIZE - (y + 1), NEG_Z); case POS_Z: return ivec3(x, y, NEG_Y); default: return ivec3(IMAGE_SIZE - (x + 1), IMAGE_SIZE - (y + 1), NEG_Y); } } void main() { uint face = gl_GlobalInvocationID.z; uint x = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x; vec2 accumulator = vec2(0.0); float per_texel = 1.0 / float((RADIUS << 1) + 1); for (uint y = IMAGE_SIZE - RADIUS; y < IMAGE_SIZE; y++) { accumulator += imageLoad(image, leading_face(y)).rg; } for (uint y = 0; y < RADIUS; y++) { accumulator += imageLoad(image, ivec3(x, y, face)).rg; } for (uint y = 0; y < RADIUS; y++) { accumulator += imageLoad(image, ivec3(x, y + RADIUS, face)).rg; imageStore(image_out, ivec3(x, y, face), vec4(accumulator * per_texel, 0.0, 0.0)); accumulator -= imageLoad(image, leading_face((IMAGE_SIZE - RADIUS) + y)).rg; } for (uint y = RADIUS; y < IMAGE_SIZE - RADIUS; y++) { accumulator += imageLoad(image, ivec3(x, y + RADIUS, face)).rg; imageStore(image_out, ivec3(x, y, face), vec4(accumulator * per_texel, 0.0, 0.0)); accumulator -= imageLoad(image, ivec3(x, y - RADIUS, face)).rg; } for (uint y = IMAGE_SIZE - RADIUS; y < IMAGE_SIZE; y++) { accumulator += imageLoad(image, trailing_face((y + RADIUS) - IMAGE_SIZE)).rg; imageStore(image_out, ivec3(x, y, face), vec4(accumulator * per_texel, 0.0, 0.0)); accumulator -= imageLoad(image, ivec3(x, y - RADIUS, face)).rg; } } "#, comp ); let shader = Shader::new_compute(comp.as_slice()).specialization_info(SpecializationInfo::new( vec![ vk::SpecializationMapEntry { constant_id: 0, offset: 0, size: 4, }, vk::SpecializationMapEntry { constant_id: 1, offset: 4, size: 4, }, ], bytes_of(&Blur { image_size: CUBEMAP_SIZE, radius: BLUR_RADIUS, }), )); Ok(Arc::new(ComputePipeline::create( device, ComputePipelineInfo::default(), shader, )?)) } fn create_debug_pipeline(device: &Arc) -> Result, DriverError> { let vert = inline_spirv!( r#" #version 450 core layout(push_constant) uniform PushConstants { layout(offset = 0) mat4 model; } push_const; layout(binding = 0) uniform Camera { mat4 view; mat4 projection; } camera; layout(location = 0) in vec3 position; layout(location = 1) in vec3 normal; layout(location = 0) out vec3 world_position_out; layout(location = 1) out vec3 world_normal_out; void main() { world_position_out = (push_const.model * vec4(position, 1)).xyz; world_normal_out = normalize((push_const.model * vec4(normal, 1)).xyz); gl_Position = camera.projection * camera.view * vec4(world_position_out, 1); } "#, vert ); let frag = inline_spirv!( r#" #version 450 core layout(binding = 1) uniform Light { vec3 position; float range; mat4 view; mat4 projection; } light; layout(location = 0) in vec3 world_position; layout(location = 1) in vec3 world_normal; layout(location = 0) out vec4 color_out; void main() { color_out = vec4(vec3(0.0), 1.0); vec3 light_dir = light.position -; float light_dist = length(light_dir); if (light_dist < light.range) { light_dir = normalize(light_dir); float lambertian = max(0.0, dot(world_normal, light_dir)); float attenuation = max(0.0, min(1.0, light_dist / light.range)); attenuation = 1.0 - attenuation * attenuation; color_out.rgb = vec3(lambertian * attenuation); } } "#, frag ); let info = GraphicPipelineInfo::default(); Ok(Arc::new(GraphicPipeline::create( device, info, [ Shader::new_vertex(vert.as_slice()), Shader::new_fragment(frag.as_slice()), ], )?)) } fn create_mesh_pipeline(device: &Arc) -> Result, DriverError> { let vert = inline_spirv!( r#" #version 450 core layout(push_constant) uniform PushConstants { layout(offset = 0) mat4 model; } push_const; layout(binding = 0) uniform Camera { mat4 view; mat4 projection; } camera; layout(location = 0) in vec3 position; layout(location = 1) in vec3 normal; out gl_PerVertex { vec4 gl_Position; }; layout(location = 0) out vec4 world_position_out; layout(location = 1) out vec3 world_normal_out; void main() { world_normal_out = normalize((push_const.model * vec4(normal, 1.0)).xyz); world_position_out = push_const.model * vec4(position, 1.0); gl_Position = camera.projection * camera.view * world_position_out; } "#, vert ); let frag = inline_spirv!( r#" #version 450 core #define EPSILON 0.0001 #define MIN_SHADOW 0.1 layout(constant_id = 0) const float BIAS = 0.15; layout(binding = 1) uniform Light { vec3 position; float range; mat4 view; mat4 projection; } light; layout(binding = 2) uniform samplerCube shadow_map; layout(location = 0) in vec4 world_position; layout(location = 1) in vec3 world_normal; layout(location = 0) out vec4 color_out; float upper_bound_shadow(vec2 moments, float scene_depth) { float p = step(scene_depth, moments.x + BIAS); // eliminates cubemap boundary thin line // 0 if moments.x < scene_depth; 1 if otherwise float variance = max(moments.y - moments.x * moments.x, EPSILON); // depth^2 - mean^2 // ensure it as a denominator is not zero float dist = scene_depth - moments.x; float p_max = variance / (variance + dist * dist); return max(p, p_max); } float sample_shadow(samplerCube shadow_map, vec3 light, float scene_depth) { vec2 moments = texture(shadow_map, light).rg; // moments.r is mean, moments.g is depth^2 return upper_bound_shadow(moments, scene_depth); } void main() { color_out = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); vec3 light_dir = light.position -; float light_dist = length(light_dir); if (light_dist < light.range) { light_dir = normalize(light_dir); float shadow = sample_shadow(shadow_map, -light_dir, light_dist); float lambertian = max(0.0, dot(world_normal, light_dir)); float attenuation = max(0.0, min(1.0, light_dist / light.range)); attenuation = 1.0 - attenuation * attenuation; // Make shadows not fully dark shadow = max(MIN_SHADOW, shadow); color_out.rgb = vec3(attenuation * lambertian * shadow); } } "#, frag ); let info = GraphicPipelineInfo::default(); Ok(Arc::new(GraphicPipeline::create( device, info, [ Shader::new_vertex(vert.as_slice()), Shader::new_fragment(frag.as_slice()).specialization_info(SpecializationInfo::new( vec![vk::SpecializationMapEntry { constant_id: 0, offset: 0, size: 4, }], bytes_of(&SHADOW_BIAS), )), ], )?)) } fn create_shadow_pipeline(device: &Arc) -> Result, DriverError> { let vert = inline_spirv!( r#" #version 450 core layout(push_constant) uniform PushConstants { layout(offset = 0) mat4 model; } push_const; layout(binding = 0) uniform Light { vec3 position; float range; mat4 view; mat4 projection; } light; layout(location = 0) in vec3 position; layout(location = 0) out vec3 world_position_out; out gl_PerVertex { vec4 gl_Position; }; void main(void) { vec4 world_position = push_const.model * vec4(position, 1.0); gl_Position = light.projection * light.view * world_position; world_position_out =; } "#, vert ); let frag = inline_spirv!( r#" #version 450 core layout(binding = 0) uniform Light { vec3 position; float range; mat4 view; mat4 projection; } light; layout(location = 0) in vec3 world_position; layout(location = 0) out vec4 color_out; void main() { float dist = distance(, light.position); color_out.x = dist; color_out.y = dist * dist; } "#, frag ); let info = GraphicPipelineInfo::default(); Ok(Arc::new(GraphicPipeline::create( device, info, [ Shader::new_vertex(vert.as_slice()), Shader::new_fragment(frag.as_slice()), ], )?)) } fn create_shadow_pipeline_with_geometry_shader( device: &Arc, ) -> Result, DriverError> { let vert = inline_spirv!( r#" #version 450 core #define TAN_HALF_FOVY 1.0 // tan(45deg) #define ASPECT_RATIO 1.0 #define LIGHT_FRUSTUM_NEAR 0.1 struct ViewPositions { vec4 positions[6]; }; layout(push_constant) uniform PushConstants { layout(offset = 0) mat4 model; } push_const; layout(binding = 0) uniform Light { vec3 position; float range; mat4 view; mat4 projection; } light; layout(location = 0) in vec3 position; layout(location = 0) out vec3 world_position_out; layout(location = 1) out uint layer_mask_out; layout(location = 2) out ViewPositions view_positions_out; uint get_layer_flag(vec4 view_pos, uint flag) { // if view_pos is in frustum, return flag // otherwise return 0 uint res = 1; res *= uint(step(LIGHT_FRUSTUM_NEAR, -view_pos.z)); res *= uint(step(-light.range, view_pos.z)); float ymax = -TAN_HALF_FOVY * view_pos.z; float xmax = ymax * ASPECT_RATIO; res *= uint(step(-xmax, view_pos.x)); res *= uint(step(view_pos.x, xmax)); res *- uint(step(-ymax, view_pos.y)); res *- uint(step(view_pos.y, ymax)); return res * flag; } void main(void) { vec4 world_position = push_const.model * vec4(position, 1.0); world_position_out =; // posx vec4 view0_pos = light.view * world_position; view0_pos.x *= -1.0; // negx vec4 view1_pos = vec4(-view0_pos.x, view0_pos.y, -view0_pos.z, 1.0); // posy vec4 view2_pos = vec4(-view0_pos.z, view0_pos.x, -view0_pos.y, 1.0); // negy vec4 view3_pos = vec4(-view0_pos.z, -view0_pos.x, view0_pos.y, 1.0); // posz vec4 view4_pos = vec4(-view0_pos.z, view0_pos.y, view0_pos.x, 1.0); // negz vec4 view5_pos = vec4(view0_pos.z, view0_pos.y, -view0_pos.x, 1.0); layer_mask_out = get_layer_flag(view0_pos, 0x01) | get_layer_flag(view1_pos, 0x02) | get_layer_flag(view2_pos, 0x04) | get_layer_flag(view3_pos, 0x08) | get_layer_flag(view4_pos, 0x16) | get_layer_flag(view5_pos, 0x64); view_positions_out.positions[0] = view0_pos; view_positions_out.positions[1] = view1_pos; view_positions_out.positions[2] = view2_pos; view_positions_out.positions[3] = view3_pos; view_positions_out.positions[4] = view4_pos; view_positions_out.positions[5] = view5_pos; } "#, vert ); let geom = inline_spirv!( r#" #version 450 core #define CLIP mat4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0) struct ViewPositions { vec4 positions[6]; }; layout(binding = 0) uniform Light { vec3 position; float range; mat4 view; mat4 projection; } light; layout(triangles) in; layout(location = 0) in vec3 world_positions[]; layout(location = 1) in uint layer_mask[]; layout(location = 2) in ViewPositions view_positions[]; out gl_PerVertex { vec4 gl_Position; }; layout(triangle_strip, max_vertices = 18) out; layout(location = 0) out vec3 world_position_out; void emit(uint flag, int view_idx) { uint layer_flag = (layer_mask[0] | layer_mask[1] | layer_mask[2]) & flag; if (layer_flag > 0) { gl_Position = CLIP * light.projection * view_positions[0].positions[view_idx]; world_position_out = world_positions[0]; EmitVertex(); gl_Position = CLIP * light.projection * view_positions[1].positions[view_idx]; world_position_out = world_positions[1]; EmitVertex(); gl_Position = CLIP * light.projection * view_positions[2].positions[view_idx]; world_position_out = world_positions[2]; EmitVertex(); EndPrimitive(); } } void main() { gl_Layer = 0; emit(0x01, 0); gl_Layer = 1; emit(0x02, 1); gl_Layer = 2; emit(0x04, 2); gl_Layer = 3; emit(0x08, 3); gl_Layer = 4; emit(0x16, 4); gl_Layer = 5; emit(0x64, 5); } "#, geom ); let frag = inline_spirv!( r#" #version 450 core layout(binding = 0) uniform Light { vec3 position; float range; mat4 view; mat4 projection; } light; layout(location = 0) in vec3 world_position; layout(location = 0) out vec4 color_out; void main() { float dist = distance(, light.position); color_out.x = dist; color_out.y = dist * dist; } "#, frag ); let info = GraphicPipelineInfo::default(); Ok(Arc::new(GraphicPipeline::create( device, info, [ Shader::new_vertex(vert.as_slice()), Shader::new_geometry(geom.as_slice()), Shader::new_fragment(frag.as_slice()), ], )?)) } fn download_model_from_github(model_name: &str) -> anyhow::Result { const REPO_URL: &str = ""; let model_path = current_exe()?.parent().unwrap().join(model_name); let model_metadata = metadata(&model_path); if model_metadata.is_err() { info!("Downloading model from github"); let data = reqwest::blocking::get(REPO_URL.to_owned() + model_name)?.bytes()?; write(&model_path, data)?; info!("Download complete"); } Ok(model_path) } fn lease_uniform_buffer( pool: &mut impl Pool, data: &impl NoUninit, ) -> Result, DriverError> { let data = bytes_of(data); let mut buf = data.len() as _, vk::BufferUsageFlags::UNIFORM_BUFFER, ))?; Buffer::copy_from_slice(&mut buf, 0, data); Ok(buf) } /// Returns vertices of a cube where the faces face inside fn load_cube_data() -> [[f32; 6]; 36] { const N: f32 = -1f32; const P: f32 = 1f32; const Z: f32 = 0f32; const LEFT_BOTTOM_BACK: [f32; 3] = [N, N, P]; const LEFT_BOTTOM_FRONT: [f32; 3] = [N, N, N]; const LEFT_TOP_BACK: [f32; 3] = [N, P, P]; const LEFT_TOP_FRONT: [f32; 3] = [N, P, N]; const RIGHT_BOTTOM_BACK: [f32; 3] = [P, N, P]; const RIGHT_BOTTOM_FRONT: [f32; 3] = [P, N, N]; const RIGHT_TOP_BACK: [f32; 3] = [P, P, P]; const RIGHT_TOP_FRONT: [f32; 3] = [P, P, N]; const FORWARD: [f32; 3] = [Z, Z, P]; const BACKWARD: [f32; 3] = [Z, Z, N]; const LEFTWARD: [f32; 3] = [N, Z, Z]; const RIGHTWARD: [f32; 3] = [P, Z, Z]; const UPWARD: [f32; 3] = [Z, P, Z]; const DOWNWARD: [f32; 3] = [Z, N, Z]; const fn vertex(position: [f32; 3], normal: [f32; 3]) -> [f32; 6] { [ position[0], position[1], position[2], normal[0], normal[1], normal[2], ] } [ // Triangle 0 vertex(LEFT_TOP_BACK, BACKWARD), vertex(LEFT_BOTTOM_BACK, BACKWARD), vertex(RIGHT_TOP_BACK, BACKWARD), // Triangle 1 vertex(RIGHT_TOP_BACK, BACKWARD), vertex(LEFT_BOTTOM_BACK, BACKWARD), vertex(RIGHT_BOTTOM_BACK, BACKWARD), // // Triangle 2 vertex(RIGHT_TOP_FRONT, FORWARD), vertex(RIGHT_BOTTOM_FRONT, FORWARD), vertex(LEFT_TOP_FRONT, FORWARD), // Triangle 3 vertex(LEFT_TOP_FRONT, FORWARD), vertex(RIGHT_BOTTOM_FRONT, FORWARD), vertex(LEFT_BOTTOM_FRONT, FORWARD), // Triangle 4 vertex(LEFT_TOP_FRONT, RIGHTWARD), vertex(LEFT_BOTTOM_FRONT, RIGHTWARD), vertex(LEFT_TOP_BACK, RIGHTWARD), // Triangle 5 vertex(LEFT_TOP_BACK, RIGHTWARD), vertex(LEFT_BOTTOM_FRONT, RIGHTWARD), vertex(LEFT_BOTTOM_BACK, RIGHTWARD), // Triangle 6 vertex(RIGHT_TOP_BACK, LEFTWARD), vertex(RIGHT_BOTTOM_BACK, LEFTWARD), vertex(RIGHT_TOP_FRONT, LEFTWARD), // Triangle 7 vertex(RIGHT_TOP_FRONT, LEFTWARD), vertex(RIGHT_BOTTOM_BACK, LEFTWARD), vertex(RIGHT_BOTTOM_FRONT, LEFTWARD), // Triangle 8 vertex(LEFT_BOTTOM_BACK, UPWARD), vertex(LEFT_BOTTOM_FRONT, UPWARD), vertex(RIGHT_BOTTOM_BACK, UPWARD), // Triangle 9 vertex(RIGHT_BOTTOM_BACK, UPWARD), vertex(LEFT_BOTTOM_FRONT, UPWARD), vertex(RIGHT_BOTTOM_FRONT, UPWARD), // Triangle 10 vertex(LEFT_TOP_FRONT, DOWNWARD), vertex(LEFT_TOP_BACK, DOWNWARD), vertex(RIGHT_TOP_FRONT, DOWNWARD), // Triangle 11 vertex(RIGHT_TOP_FRONT, DOWNWARD), vertex(LEFT_TOP_BACK, DOWNWARD), vertex(RIGHT_TOP_BACK, DOWNWARD), ] } /// Loads a cube as indexed position and normal vertices fn load_cube_mesh(device: &Arc) -> Result { let vertices = load_cube_data(); let indices = (0u32..vertices.len() as u32).collect::>(); let index_buf = Arc::new(Buffer::create_from_slice( device, vk::BufferUsageFlags::INDEX_BUFFER, cast_slice(indices.as_slice()), )?); let vertex_buf = Arc::new(Buffer::create_from_slice( device, vk::BufferUsageFlags::VERTEX_BUFFER, cast_slice(vertices.as_slice()), )?); Ok(Model { index_buf, index_count: indices.len() as _, vertex_buf, }) } /// Loads a cube as indexed position vertices fn load_cube_shadow(device: &Arc) -> Result { let vertices = load_cube_data() .iter() .map(|vertex| [vertex[0], vertex[1], vertex[2]]) .collect::>(); let indices = (0u32..vertices.len() as u32).collect::>(); let index_buf = Arc::new(Buffer::create_from_slice( device, vk::BufferUsageFlags::INDEX_BUFFER, cast_slice(indices.as_slice()), )?); let vertex_buf = Arc::new(Buffer::create_from_slice( device, vk::BufferUsageFlags::VERTEX_BUFFER, cast_slice(vertices.as_slice()), )?); Ok(Model { index_buf, index_count: indices.len() as _, vertex_buf, }) } fn load_model( device: &Arc, path: impl AsRef, face_fn: fn(a: Vec3, b: Vec3, c: Vec3) -> [T; 3], ) -> anyhow::Result where T: Default + Pod, { let (models, _) = load_obj(path.as_ref(), &GPU_LOAD_OPTIONS)?; let mut vertices = Vec::with_capacity(models.iter().map(|model| model.mesh.indices.len()).sum()); // Calculate AABB let mut min = Vec3::ZERO; let mut max = Vec3::ZERO; for model in &models { for n in 0..model.mesh.positions.len() / 3 { let idx = 3 * n; let position = Vec3::from_slice(&model.mesh.positions[idx..idx + 3]); min = min.min(position); max = max.max(position); } } // Calculate a uniform scale which fits the model to a unit cube let scale = Vec3::splat(1.0 / (max - min).max_element()); // Load the triangles using the face_fn closure to form vertices for model in models { for n in 0..model.mesh.indices.len() / 3 { let idx = 3 * n; let a_idx = 3 * model.mesh.indices[idx] as usize; let b_idx = 3 * model.mesh.indices[idx + 1] as usize; let c_idx = 3 * model.mesh.indices[idx + 2] as usize; let a = Vec3::from_slice(&model.mesh.positions[a_idx..a_idx + 3]) * scale; let b = Vec3::from_slice(&model.mesh.positions[b_idx..b_idx + 3]) * scale; let c = Vec3::from_slice(&model.mesh.positions[c_idx..c_idx + 3]) * scale; let face = face_fn(a, b, c); vertices.push(face[0]); vertices.push(face[1]); vertices.push(face[2]); } } // Re-index and de-dupe the model vertices using meshopt let indices = (0u32..vertices.len() as u32).collect::>(); let (vertex_count, remap) = generate_vertex_remap(&vertices, Some(&indices)); let indices = remap_index_buffer(Some(&indices), vertex_count, &remap); let vertices = remap_vertex_buffer(&vertices, vertex_count, &remap); let index_buf = Arc::new(Buffer::create_from_slice( device, vk::BufferUsageFlags::INDEX_BUFFER | vk::BufferUsageFlags::VERTEX_BUFFER, cast_slice(&indices), )?); let vertex_buf = Arc::new(Buffer::create_from_slice( device, vk::BufferUsageFlags::VERTEX_BUFFER, cast_slice(&vertices), )?); Ok(Model { index_buf, index_count: indices.len() as _, vertex_buf, }) } /// Loads an .obj model as indexed position and normal vertices fn load_model_mesh(device: &Arc, path: impl AsRef) -> anyhow::Result { #[repr(C)] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Default)] struct Vertex { position: Vec3, normal: Vec3, } unsafe impl Pod for Vertex {} unsafe impl Zeroable for Vertex {} load_model(device, path, |a, b, c| { let u = b - a; let v = c - a; let normal = vec3( u.y * v.z - u.z * v.y, u.z * v.x - u.x * v.z, u.x * v.y - u.y * v.x, ) .normalize(); // Make faces CCW [ Vertex { position: a, normal, }, Vertex { position: c, normal, }, Vertex { position: b, normal, }, ] }) } /// Loads an .obj model as indexed position vertices fn load_model_shadow(device: &Arc, path: impl AsRef) -> anyhow::Result { #[repr(C)] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Default)] struct Vertex { position: Vec3, } unsafe impl Pod for Vertex {} unsafe impl Zeroable for Vertex {} load_model(device, path, |a, b, c| { // Make faces CCW [ Vertex { position: a }, Vertex { position: c }, Vertex { position: b }, ] }) } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Pod, Zeroable)] struct Blur { image_size: u32, radius: u32, } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Pod, Zeroable)] struct Camera { view: Mat4, projection: Mat4, } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Pod, Zeroable)] struct Light { position: Vec3, range: f32, view: Mat4, projection: Mat4, } struct Model { index_buf: Arc, index_count: u32, vertex_buf: Arc, }