# This is an example configuration file for scribl, showing the various options # and their default settings. [audio_input] # Should we automatically remove noise from the incoming audio? This can be overridden # from within the user interface; this setting just affects the value on start-up. remove_noise = true # How aggressively should we remove non-speech sounds? If noise removal is off, # this has no effect. # # A value of 0.0 means that we don't attempt to delete non-speech noises. # Higher values make us more likely to decide that a particular sound is not # speech. 1.0 means that we delete everything. # # (VAD stands for "voice activity detection.") vad_threshold = 0.3 [export] # Height of the exported video, in pixels. (The width is derived from the height # and the aspect ratio of the animation.) height = 1080 # The exported video will have this many frames per second. fps = 30 # The exported video will have (approximately) this bitrate. bitrate = 4096