# See https://github.com/LukeMathWalker/cargo-chef ARG RUST_VERSION=1-buster FROM rust:${RUST_VERSION} as planner WORKDIR /scryer-prolog RUN cargo install cargo-chef COPY . . RUN cargo chef prepare --recipe-path recipe.json FROM rust:${RUST_VERSION} as cacher WORKDIR /scryer-prolog RUN cargo install cargo-chef COPY --from=planner /scryer-prolog/recipe.json recipe.json RUN cargo chef cook --release --recipe-path recipe.json FROM rust:${RUST_VERSION} as builder WORKDIR /scryer-prolog COPY . . # Copy over the cached dependencies COPY --from=cacher /scryer-prolog/target target COPY --from=cacher $CARGO_HOME $CARGO_HOME RUN cargo build --release --bin scryer-prolog # Newer versions of Debian (i.e. bookworm) contain libssl3 instead of libssl1.1 # which we depend on. FROM debian:bullseye-slim COPY --from=builder /scryer-prolog/target/release/scryer-prolog /usr/local/bin ENV RUST_BACKTRACE=1 # Sanity check the binary: if it can't be executed (e.g. if there are missing libraries) # then fail the build RUN scryer-prolog --version ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/scryer-prolog"]