use super::*; use crate::stream::*; use crate::chunk::chunk_selective_ack::GapAckBlock; use async_trait::async_trait; use std::io; use std::net::SocketAddr; use std::str::FromStr; use std::time::Duration; use tokio::net::UdpSocket; use util::conn::conn_bridge::*; use util::conn::conn_pipe::pipe; use util::conn::*; async fn create_new_association_pair( br: &Arc, ca: Arc, cb: Arc, ack_mode: AckMode, recv_buf_size: u32, ) -> Result<(Association, Association)> { let (handshake0ch_tx, mut handshake0ch_rx) = mpsc::channel(1); let (handshake1ch_tx, mut handshake1ch_rx) = mpsc::channel(1); let (closed_tx, mut closed_rx0) = broadcast::channel::<()>(1); let mut closed_rx1 = closed_tx.subscribe(); // Setup client tokio::spawn(async move { let client = Association::client(Config { net_conn: ca, max_receive_buffer_size: recv_buf_size, max_message_size: 0, name: "client".to_owned(), }) .await; let _ = handshake0ch_tx.send(client).await; let _ = closed_rx0.recv().await; Result::<()>::Ok(()) }); // Setup server tokio::spawn(async move { let server = Association::server(Config { net_conn: cb, max_receive_buffer_size: recv_buf_size, max_message_size: 0, name: "server".to_owned(), }) .await; let _ = handshake1ch_tx.send(server).await; let _ = closed_rx1.recv().await; Result::<()>::Ok(()) }); let mut client = None; let mut server = None; let mut a0handshake_done = false; let mut a1handshake_done = false; let mut i = 0; while (!a0handshake_done || !a1handshake_done) && i < 100 { br.tick().await; let timer = tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(10)); tokio::pin!(timer); tokio::select! { _ = timer.as_mut() =>{}, r0 = handshake0ch_rx.recv() => { if let Ok(c) = r0.unwrap() { client = Some(c); } a0handshake_done = true; }, r1 = handshake1ch_rx.recv() => { if let Ok(s) = r1.unwrap() { server = Some(s); } a1handshake_done = true; }, }; i += 1; } if !a0handshake_done || !a1handshake_done { return Err(Error::Other("handshake failed".to_owned()).into()); } drop(closed_tx); let (client, server) = (client.unwrap(), server.unwrap()); { let mut ai = client.association_internal.lock().await; ai.ack_mode = ack_mode; } { let mut ai = server.association_internal.lock().await; ai.ack_mode = ack_mode; } Ok((client, server)) } async fn close_association_pair(br: &Arc, client: Association, server: Association) { let (handshake0ch_tx, mut handshake0ch_rx) = mpsc::channel(1); let (handshake1ch_tx, mut handshake1ch_rx) = mpsc::channel(1); let (closed_tx, mut closed_rx0) = broadcast::channel::<()>(1); let mut closed_rx1 = closed_tx.subscribe(); // Close client tokio::spawn(async move { client.close().await?; let _ = handshake0ch_tx.send(()).await; let _ = closed_rx0.recv().await; Result::<()>::Ok(()) }); // Close server tokio::spawn(async move { server.close().await?; let _ = handshake1ch_tx.send(()).await; let _ = closed_rx1.recv().await; Result::<()>::Ok(()) }); let mut a0handshake_done = false; let mut a1handshake_done = false; let mut i = 0; while (!a0handshake_done || !a1handshake_done) && i < 100 { br.tick().await; let timer = tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(10)); tokio::pin!(timer); tokio::select! { _ = timer.as_mut() =>{}, _ = handshake0ch_rx.recv() => { a0handshake_done = true; }, _ = handshake1ch_rx.recv() => { a1handshake_done = true; }, }; i += 1; } drop(closed_tx); } async fn flush_buffers(br: &Arc, client: &Association, server: &Association) { loop { loop { let n = br.tick().await; if n == 0 { break; } } { let (a0, a1) = ( client.association_internal.lock().await, server.association_internal.lock().await, ); if a0.buffered_amount() == 0 && a1.buffered_amount() == 0 { break; } } tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(10)).await; } } async fn establish_session_pair( br: &Arc, client: &Association, server: &mut Association, si: u16, ) -> Result<(Arc, Arc)> { let hello_msg = Bytes::from_static(b"Hello"); let s0 = client .open_stream(si, PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary) .await?; let _ = s0 .write_sctp(&hello_msg, PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Dcep) .await?; flush_buffers(br, client, server).await; let s1 = server.accept_stream().await.unwrap(); if s0.stream_identifier != s1.stream_identifier { return Err(Error::Other("SI should match".to_owned()).into()); } br.process().await; let mut buf = vec![0u8; 1024]; let (n, ppi) = s1.read_sctp(&mut buf).await?; if n != hello_msg.len() { return Err(Error::Other("received data must by 3 bytes".to_owned()).into()); } if ppi != PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Dcep { return Err(Error::Other("unexpected ppi".to_owned()).into()); } if &buf[..n] != &hello_msg { return Err(Error::Other("received data mismatch".to_owned()).into()); } flush_buffers(br, client, server).await; Ok((s0, s1)) } //use std::io::Write; #[tokio::test] async fn test_assoc_reliable_simple() -> Result<()> { /*env_logger::Builder::new() .format(|buf, record| { writeln!( buf, "{}:{} [{}] {} - {}", record.file().unwrap_or("unknown"), record.line().unwrap_or(0), record.level(), chrono::Local::now().format("%H:%M:%S.%6f"), record.args() ) }) .filter(None, log::LevelFilter::Trace) .init();*/ const SI: u16 = 1; const MSG: Bytes = Bytes::from_static(b"ABC"); let (br, ca, cb) = Bridge::new(0, None, None); let (a0, mut a1) = create_new_association_pair(&br, Arc::new(ca), Arc::new(cb), AckMode::NoDelay, 0).await?; let (s0, s1) = establish_session_pair(&br, &a0, &mut a1, SI).await?; { let a = a0.association_internal.lock().await; assert_eq!(0, a.buffered_amount(), "incorrect bufferedAmount"); } let n = s0 .write_sctp(&MSG, PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary) .await?; assert_eq!(MSG.len(), n, "unexpected length of received data"); { let a = a0.association_internal.lock().await; assert_eq!(MSG.len(), a.buffered_amount(), "incorrect bufferedAmount"); } flush_buffers(&br, &a0, &a1).await; let mut buf = vec![0u8; 32]; let (n, ppi) = s1.read_sctp(&mut buf).await?; assert_eq!(n, MSG.len(), "unexpected length of received data"); assert_eq!(ppi, PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, "unexpected ppi"); { let q = s0.reassembly_queue.lock().await; assert!(!q.is_readable(), "should no longer be readable"); } { let a = a0.association_internal.lock().await; assert_eq!(0, a.buffered_amount(), "incorrect bufferedAmount"); } close_association_pair(&br, a0, a1).await; Ok(()) } //use std::io::Write; #[tokio::test] async fn test_assoc_reliable_ordered_reordered() -> Result<()> { /*env_logger::Builder::new() .format(|buf, record| { writeln!( buf, "{}:{} [{}] {} - {}", record.file().unwrap_or("unknown"), record.line().unwrap_or(0), record.level(), chrono::Local::now().format("%H:%M:%S.%6f"), record.args() ) }) .filter(None, log::LevelFilter::Trace) .init();*/ const SI: u16 = 2; let mut sbuf = vec![0u8; 1000]; for i in 0..sbuf.len() { sbuf[i] = (i & 0xff) as u8; } let mut sbufl = vec![0u8; 2000]; for i in 0..sbufl.len() { sbufl[i] = (i & 0xff) as u8; } let (br, ca, cb) = Bridge::new(0, None, None); let (a0, mut a1) = create_new_association_pair(&br, Arc::new(ca), Arc::new(cb), AckMode::NoDelay, 0).await?; let (s0, s1) = establish_session_pair(&br, &a0, &mut a1, SI).await?; { let a = a0.association_internal.lock().await; assert_eq!(0, a.buffered_amount(), "incorrect bufferedAmount"); } sbuf[0..4].copy_from_slice(&0u32.to_be_bytes()); let n = s0 .write_sctp( &Bytes::from(sbuf.clone()), PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, ) .await?; assert_eq!(sbuf.len(), n, "unexpected length of received data"); sbuf[0..4].copy_from_slice(&1u32.to_be_bytes()); let n = s0 .write_sctp( &Bytes::from(sbuf.clone()), PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, ) .await?; assert_eq!(sbuf.len(), n, "unexpected length of received data"); tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(10)).await; br.reorder(0).await; br.process().await; let mut buf = vec![0u8; 2000]; let (n, ppi) = s1.read_sctp(&mut buf).await?; assert_eq!(n, sbuf.len(), "unexpected length of received data"); assert_eq!(ppi, PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, "unexpected ppi"); assert_eq!( u32::from_be_bytes([buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], buf[3]]), 0, "unexpected received data" ); let (n, ppi) = s1.read_sctp(&mut buf).await?; assert_eq!(n, sbuf.len(), "unexpected length of received data"); assert_eq!(ppi, PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, "unexpected ppi"); assert_eq!( u32::from_be_bytes([buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], buf[3]]), 1, "unexpected received data" ); br.process().await; { let q = s0.reassembly_queue.lock().await; assert!(!q.is_readable(), "should no longer be readable"); } close_association_pair(&br, a0, a1).await; Ok(()) } //use std::io::Write; #[tokio::test] async fn test_assoc_reliable_ordered_fragmented_then_defragmented() -> Result<()> { /*env_logger::Builder::new() .format(|buf, record| { writeln!( buf, "{}:{} [{}] {} - {}", record.file().unwrap_or("unknown"), record.line().unwrap_or(0), record.level(), chrono::Local::now().format("%H:%M:%S.%6f"), record.args() ) }) .filter(None, log::LevelFilter::Trace) .init();*/ const SI: u16 = 3; let mut sbuf = vec![0u8; 1000]; for i in 0..sbuf.len() { sbuf[i] = (i & 0xff) as u8; } let mut sbufl = vec![0u8; 2000]; for i in 0..sbufl.len() { sbufl[i] = (i & 0xff) as u8; } let (br, ca, cb) = Bridge::new(0, None, None); let (a0, mut a1) = create_new_association_pair(&br, Arc::new(ca), Arc::new(cb), AckMode::NoDelay, 0).await?; let (s0, s1) = establish_session_pair(&br, &a0, &mut a1, SI).await?; s0.set_reliability_params(false, ReliabilityType::Reliable, 0); s1.set_reliability_params(false, ReliabilityType::Reliable, 0); let n = s0 .write_sctp( &Bytes::from(sbufl.clone()), PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, ) .await?; assert_eq!(sbufl.len(), n, "unexpected length of received data"); flush_buffers(&br, &a0, &a1).await; let mut rbuf = vec![0u8; 2000]; let (n, ppi) = s1.read_sctp(&mut rbuf).await?; assert_eq!(n, sbufl.len(), "unexpected length of received data"); assert_eq!(&rbuf[..n], &sbufl, "unexpected received data"); assert_eq!(ppi, PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, "unexpected ppi"); br.process().await; { let q = s0.reassembly_queue.lock().await; assert!(!q.is_readable(), "should no longer be readable"); } close_association_pair(&br, a0, a1).await; Ok(()) } //use std::io::Write; #[tokio::test] async fn test_assoc_reliable_unordered_fragmented_then_defragmented() -> Result<()> { /*env_logger::Builder::new() .format(|buf, record| { writeln!( buf, "{}:{} [{}] {} - {}", record.file().unwrap_or("unknown"), record.line().unwrap_or(0), record.level(), chrono::Local::now().format("%H:%M:%S.%6f"), record.args() ) }) .filter(None, log::LevelFilter::Trace) .init();*/ const SI: u16 = 4; let mut sbuf = vec![0u8; 1000]; for i in 0..sbuf.len() { sbuf[i] = (i & 0xff) as u8; } let mut sbufl = vec![0u8; 2000]; for i in 0..sbufl.len() { sbufl[i] = (i & 0xff) as u8; } let (br, ca, cb) = Bridge::new(0, None, None); let (a0, mut a1) = create_new_association_pair(&br, Arc::new(ca), Arc::new(cb), AckMode::NoDelay, 0).await?; let (s0, s1) = establish_session_pair(&br, &a0, &mut a1, SI).await?; s0.set_reliability_params(true, ReliabilityType::Reliable, 0); s1.set_reliability_params(true, ReliabilityType::Reliable, 0); let n = s0 .write_sctp( &Bytes::from(sbufl.clone()), PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, ) .await?; assert_eq!(sbufl.len(), n, "unexpected length of received data"); flush_buffers(&br, &a0, &a1).await; let mut rbuf = vec![0u8; 2000]; let (n, ppi) = s1.read_sctp(&mut rbuf).await?; assert_eq!(n, sbufl.len(), "unexpected length of received data"); assert_eq!(&rbuf[..n], &sbufl, "unexpected received data"); assert_eq!(ppi, PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, "unexpected ppi"); br.process().await; { let q = s0.reassembly_queue.lock().await; assert!(!q.is_readable(), "should no longer be readable"); } close_association_pair(&br, a0, a1).await; Ok(()) } //use std::io::Write; #[tokio::test] async fn test_assoc_reliable_unordered_ordered() -> Result<()> { /*env_logger::Builder::new() .format(|buf, record| { writeln!( buf, "{}:{} [{}] {} - {}", record.file().unwrap_or("unknown"), record.line().unwrap_or(0), record.level(), chrono::Local::now().format("%H:%M:%S.%6f"), record.args() ) }) .filter(None, log::LevelFilter::Trace) .init();*/ const SI: u16 = 5; let mut sbuf = vec![0u8; 1000]; for i in 0..sbuf.len() { sbuf[i] = (i & 0xff) as u8; } let mut sbufl = vec![0u8; 2000]; for i in 0..sbufl.len() { sbufl[i] = (i & 0xff) as u8; } let (br, ca, cb) = Bridge::new(0, None, None); let (a0, mut a1) = create_new_association_pair(&br, Arc::new(ca), Arc::new(cb), AckMode::NoDelay, 0).await?; let (s0, s1) = establish_session_pair(&br, &a0, &mut a1, SI).await?; s0.set_reliability_params(true, ReliabilityType::Reliable, 0); s1.set_reliability_params(true, ReliabilityType::Reliable, 0); br.reorder_next_nwrites(0, 2).await; sbuf[0..4].copy_from_slice(&0u32.to_be_bytes()); let n = s0 .write_sctp( &Bytes::from(sbuf.clone()), PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, ) .await?; assert_eq!(sbuf.len(), n, "unexpected length of received data"); sbuf[0..4].copy_from_slice(&1u32.to_be_bytes()); let n = s0 .write_sctp( &Bytes::from(sbuf.clone()), PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, ) .await?; assert_eq!(sbuf.len(), n, "unexpected length of received data"); flush_buffers(&br, &a0, &a1).await; let mut buf = vec![0u8; 2000]; let (n, ppi) = s1.read_sctp(&mut buf).await?; assert_eq!(n, sbuf.len(), "unexpected length of received data"); assert_eq!(ppi, PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, "unexpected ppi"); assert_eq!( u32::from_be_bytes([buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], buf[3]]), 1, "unexpected received data" ); let (n, ppi) = s1.read_sctp(&mut buf).await?; assert_eq!(n, sbuf.len(), "unexpected length of received data"); assert_eq!(ppi, PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, "unexpected ppi"); assert_eq!( u32::from_be_bytes([buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], buf[3]]), 0, "unexpected received data" ); br.process().await; { let q = s0.reassembly_queue.lock().await; assert!(!q.is_readable(), "should no longer be readable"); } close_association_pair(&br, a0, a1).await; Ok(()) } //use std::io::Write; #[tokio::test] async fn test_assoc_reliable_retransmission() -> Result<()> { /*env_logger::Builder::new() .format(|buf, record| { writeln!( buf, "{}:{} [{}] {} - {}", record.file().unwrap_or("unknown"), record.line().unwrap_or(0), record.level(), chrono::Local::now().format("%H:%M:%S.%6f"), record.args() ) }) .filter(None, log::LevelFilter::Trace) .init();*/ const SI: u16 = 6; const MSG1: Bytes = Bytes::from_static(b"ABC"); const MSG2: Bytes = Bytes::from_static(b"DEFG"); let (br, ca, cb) = Bridge::new(0, None, None); let (a0, mut a1) = create_new_association_pair(&br, Arc::new(ca), Arc::new(cb), AckMode::NoDelay, 0).await?; { let mut a = a0.association_internal.lock().await; a.rto_mgr.set_rto(100, true); } let (s0, s1) = establish_session_pair(&br, &a0, &mut a1, SI).await?; let n = s0 .write_sctp(&MSG1, PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary) .await?; assert_eq!(MSG1.len(), n, "unexpected length of received data"); let n = s0 .write_sctp(&MSG2, PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary) .await?; assert_eq!(MSG2.len(), n, "unexpected length of received data"); tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(10)).await; log::debug!("dropping packet"); br.drop_offset(0, 0, 1).await; // drop the first packet (second one should be sacked) // process packets for 200 msec for _ in 0..20 { br.tick().await; tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(10)).await; } let mut buf = vec![0u8; 32]; let (n, ppi) = s1.read_sctp(&mut buf).await?; assert_eq!(n, MSG1.len(), "unexpected length of received data"); assert_eq!(&buf[..n], &MSG1, "unexpected length of received data"); assert_eq!(ppi, PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, "unexpected ppi"); let (n, ppi) = s1.read_sctp(&mut buf).await?; assert_eq!(n, MSG2.len(), "unexpected length of received data"); assert_eq!(&buf[..n], &MSG2, "unexpected length of received data"); assert_eq!(ppi, PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, "unexpected ppi"); br.process().await; { let q = s0.reassembly_queue.lock().await; assert!(!q.is_readable(), "should no longer be readable"); } close_association_pair(&br, a0, a1).await; Ok(()) } //use std::io::Write; #[tokio::test] async fn test_assoc_reliable_short_buffer() -> Result<()> { /*env_logger::Builder::new() .format(|buf, record| { writeln!( buf, "{}:{} [{}] {} - {}", record.file().unwrap_or("unknown"), record.line().unwrap_or(0), record.level(), chrono::Local::now().format("%H:%M:%S.%6f"), record.args() ) }) .filter(None, log::LevelFilter::Trace) .init();*/ const SI: u16 = 1; const MSG: Bytes = Bytes::from_static(b"Hello"); let (br, ca, cb) = Bridge::new(0, None, None); let (a0, mut a1) = create_new_association_pair(&br, Arc::new(ca), Arc::new(cb), AckMode::NoDelay, 0).await?; let (s0, s1) = establish_session_pair(&br, &a0, &mut a1, SI).await?; { let a = a0.association_internal.lock().await; assert_eq!(0, a.buffered_amount(), "incorrect bufferedAmount"); } let n = s0 .write_sctp(&MSG, PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary) .await?; assert_eq!(MSG.len(), n, "unexpected length of received data"); { let a = a0.association_internal.lock().await; assert_eq!(MSG.len(), a.buffered_amount(), "incorrect bufferedAmount"); } flush_buffers(&br, &a0, &a1).await; let mut buf = vec![0u8; 3]; let result = s1.read_sctp(&mut buf).await; assert!(result.is_err(), "expected error to be io.ErrShortBuffer"); if let Err(err) = result { assert_eq!( Error::ErrShortBuffer, err, "expected error to be io.ErrShortBuffer" ); } { let q = s0.reassembly_queue.lock().await; assert!(!q.is_readable(), "should no longer be readable"); } { let a = a0.association_internal.lock().await; assert_eq!(0, a.buffered_amount(), "incorrect bufferedAmount"); } close_association_pair(&br, a0, a1).await; Ok(()) } //use std::io::Write; #[tokio::test] async fn test_assoc_unreliable_rexmit_ordered_no_fragment() -> Result<()> { /*env_logger::Builder::new() .format(|buf, record| { writeln!( buf, "{}:{} [{}] {} - {}", record.file().unwrap_or("unknown"), record.line().unwrap_or(0), record.level(), chrono::Local::now().format("%H:%M:%S.%6f"), record.args() ) }) .filter(None, log::LevelFilter::Trace) .init();*/ const SI: u16 = 1; let mut sbuf = vec![0u8; 1000]; for i in 0..sbuf.len() { sbuf[i] = (i & 0xff) as u8; } let (br, ca, cb) = Bridge::new(0, None, None); let (a0, mut a1) = create_new_association_pair(&br, Arc::new(ca), Arc::new(cb), AckMode::NoDelay, 0).await?; let (s0, s1) = establish_session_pair(&br, &a0, &mut a1, SI).await?; // When we set the reliability value to 0 [times], then it will cause // the chunk to be abandoned immediately after the first transmission. s0.set_reliability_params(false, ReliabilityType::Rexmit, 0); s1.set_reliability_params(false, ReliabilityType::Rexmit, 0); // doesn't matter br.drop_next_nwrites(0, 1).await; // drop the first packet (second one should be sacked) sbuf[0..4].copy_from_slice(&0u32.to_be_bytes()); let n = s0 .write_sctp( &Bytes::from(sbuf.clone()), PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, ) .await?; assert_eq!(sbuf.len(), n, "unexpected length of received data"); sbuf[0..4].copy_from_slice(&1u32.to_be_bytes()); let n = s0 .write_sctp( &Bytes::from(sbuf.clone()), PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, ) .await?; assert_eq!(sbuf.len(), n, "unexpected length of received data"); log::debug!("flush_buffers"); flush_buffers(&br, &a0, &a1).await; let mut buf = vec![0u8; 2000]; log::debug!("read_sctp"); let (n, ppi) = s1.read_sctp(&mut buf).await?; assert_eq!(n, sbuf.len(), "unexpected length of received data"); assert_eq!(ppi, PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, "unexpected ppi"); assert_eq!( u32::from_be_bytes([buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], buf[3]]), 1, "unexpected received data" ); log::debug!("process"); br.process().await; { let q = s0.reassembly_queue.lock().await; assert!(!q.is_readable(), "should no longer be readable"); } close_association_pair(&br, a0, a1).await; Ok(()) } //use std::io::Write; #[tokio::test] async fn test_assoc_unreliable_rexmit_ordered_fragment() -> Result<()> { /*env_logger::Builder::new() .format(|buf, record| { writeln!( buf, "{}:{} [{}] {} - {}", record.file().unwrap_or("unknown"), record.line().unwrap_or(0), record.level(), chrono::Local::now().format("%H:%M:%S.%6f"), record.args() ) }) .filter(None, log::LevelFilter::Trace) .init();*/ const SI: u16 = 1; let mut sbuf = vec![0u8; 2000]; for i in 0..sbuf.len() { sbuf[i] = (i & 0xff) as u8; } let (br, ca, cb) = Bridge::new(0, None, None); let (a0, mut a1) = create_new_association_pair(&br, Arc::new(ca), Arc::new(cb), AckMode::NoDelay, 0).await?; let (s0, s1) = establish_session_pair(&br, &a0, &mut a1, SI).await?; { // lock RTO value at 100 [msec] let mut a = a0.association_internal.lock().await; a.rto_mgr.set_rto(100, true); } // When we set the reliability value to 0 [times], then it will cause // the chunk to be abandoned immediately after the first transmission. s0.set_reliability_params(false, ReliabilityType::Rexmit, 0); s1.set_reliability_params(false, ReliabilityType::Rexmit, 0); // doesn't matter br.drop_next_nwrites(0, 1).await; // drop the first packet (second one should be sacked) sbuf[0..4].copy_from_slice(&0u32.to_be_bytes()); let n = s0 .write_sctp( &Bytes::from(sbuf.clone()), PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, ) .await?; assert_eq!(sbuf.len(), n, "unexpected length of received data"); sbuf[0..4].copy_from_slice(&1u32.to_be_bytes()); let n = s0 .write_sctp( &Bytes::from(sbuf.clone()), PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, ) .await?; assert_eq!(sbuf.len(), n, "unexpected length of received data"); //log::debug!("flush_buffers"); flush_buffers(&br, &a0, &a1).await; let mut buf = vec![0u8; 2000]; //log::debug!("read_sctp"); let (n, ppi) = s1.read_sctp(&mut buf).await?; assert_eq!(n, sbuf.len(), "unexpected length of received data"); assert_eq!(ppi, PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, "unexpected ppi"); assert_eq!( u32::from_be_bytes([buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], buf[3]]), 1, "unexpected received data" ); //log::debug!("process"); br.process().await; { let q = s0.reassembly_queue.lock().await; assert!(!q.is_readable(), "should no longer be readable"); } close_association_pair(&br, a0, a1).await; Ok(()) } //use std::io::Write; #[tokio::test] async fn test_assoc_unreliable_rexmit_unordered_no_fragment() -> Result<()> { /*env_logger::Builder::new() .format(|buf, record| { writeln!( buf, "{}:{} [{}] {} - {}", record.file().unwrap_or("unknown"), record.line().unwrap_or(0), record.level(), chrono::Local::now().format("%H:%M:%S.%6f"), record.args() ) }) .filter(None, log::LevelFilter::Trace) .init();*/ const SI: u16 = 2; let mut sbuf = vec![0u8; 1000]; for i in 0..sbuf.len() { sbuf[i] = (i & 0xff) as u8; } let (br, ca, cb) = Bridge::new(0, None, None); let (a0, mut a1) = create_new_association_pair(&br, Arc::new(ca), Arc::new(cb), AckMode::NoDelay, 0).await?; let (s0, s1) = establish_session_pair(&br, &a0, &mut a1, SI).await?; // When we set the reliability value to 0 [times], then it will cause // the chunk to be abandoned immediately after the first transmission. s0.set_reliability_params(true, ReliabilityType::Rexmit, 0); s1.set_reliability_params(true, ReliabilityType::Rexmit, 0); // doesn't matter br.drop_next_nwrites(0, 1).await; // drop the first packet (second one should be sacked) sbuf[0..4].copy_from_slice(&0u32.to_be_bytes()); let n = s0 .write_sctp( &Bytes::from(sbuf.clone()), PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, ) .await?; assert_eq!(sbuf.len(), n, "unexpected length of received data"); sbuf[0..4].copy_from_slice(&1u32.to_be_bytes()); let n = s0 .write_sctp( &Bytes::from(sbuf.clone()), PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, ) .await?; assert_eq!(sbuf.len(), n, "unexpected length of received data"); //log::debug!("flush_buffers"); flush_buffers(&br, &a0, &a1).await; let mut buf = vec![0u8; 2000]; //log::debug!("read_sctp"); let (n, ppi) = s1.read_sctp(&mut buf).await?; assert_eq!(n, sbuf.len(), "unexpected length of received data"); assert_eq!(ppi, PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, "unexpected ppi"); assert_eq!( u32::from_be_bytes([buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], buf[3]]), 1, "unexpected received data" ); //log::debug!("process"); br.process().await; { let q = s0.reassembly_queue.lock().await; assert!(!q.is_readable(), "should no longer be readable"); } close_association_pair(&br, a0, a1).await; Ok(()) } //use std::io::Write; #[tokio::test] async fn test_assoc_unreliable_rexmit_unordered_fragment() -> Result<()> { /*env_logger::Builder::new() .format(|buf, record| { writeln!( buf, "{}:{} [{}] {} - {}", record.file().unwrap_or("unknown"), record.line().unwrap_or(0), record.level(), chrono::Local::now().format("%H:%M:%S.%6f"), record.args() ) }) .filter(None, log::LevelFilter::Trace) .init();*/ const SI: u16 = 1; let mut sbuf = vec![0u8; 2000]; for i in 0..sbuf.len() { sbuf[i] = (i & 0xff) as u8; } let (br, ca, cb) = Bridge::new(0, None, None); let (a0, mut a1) = create_new_association_pair(&br, Arc::new(ca), Arc::new(cb), AckMode::NoDelay, 0).await?; let (s0, s1) = establish_session_pair(&br, &a0, &mut a1, SI).await?; // When we set the reliability value to 0 [times], then it will cause // the chunk to be abandoned immediately after the first transmission. s0.set_reliability_params(true, ReliabilityType::Rexmit, 0); s1.set_reliability_params(true, ReliabilityType::Rexmit, 0); // doesn't matter sbuf[0..4].copy_from_slice(&0u32.to_be_bytes()); let n = s0 .write_sctp( &Bytes::from(sbuf.clone()), PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, ) .await?; assert_eq!(sbuf.len(), n, "unexpected length of received data"); sbuf[0..4].copy_from_slice(&1u32.to_be_bytes()); let n = s0 .write_sctp( &Bytes::from(sbuf.clone()), PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, ) .await?; assert_eq!(sbuf.len(), n, "unexpected length of received data"); //log::debug!("flush_buffers"); tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(10)).await; br.drop_offset(0, 0, 2).await; // drop the second fragment of the first chunk (second chunk should be sacked) flush_buffers(&br, &a0, &a1).await; let mut buf = vec![0u8; 2000]; //log::debug!("read_sctp"); let (n, ppi) = s1.read_sctp(&mut buf).await?; assert_eq!(n, sbuf.len(), "unexpected length of received data"); assert_eq!(ppi, PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, "unexpected ppi"); assert_eq!( u32::from_be_bytes([buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], buf[3]]), 1, "unexpected received data" ); //log::debug!("process"); br.process().await; { let q = s0.reassembly_queue.lock().await; assert!(!q.is_readable(), "should no longer be readable"); assert_eq!( 0, q.unordered.len(), "should be nothing in the unordered queue" ); assert_eq!( 0, q.unordered_chunks.len(), "should be nothing in the unorderedChunks list" ); } close_association_pair(&br, a0, a1).await; Ok(()) } //use std::io::Write; #[tokio::test] async fn test_assoc_unreliable_rexmit_timed_ordered() -> Result<()> { /*env_logger::Builder::new() .format(|buf, record| { writeln!( buf, "{}:{} [{}] {} - {}", record.file().unwrap_or("unknown"), record.line().unwrap_or(0), record.level(), chrono::Local::now().format("%H:%M:%S.%6f"), record.args() ) }) .filter(None, log::LevelFilter::Trace) .init();*/ const SI: u16 = 3; let mut sbuf = vec![0u8; 1000]; for i in 0..sbuf.len() { sbuf[i] = (i & 0xff) as u8; } let (br, ca, cb) = Bridge::new(0, None, None); let (a0, mut a1) = create_new_association_pair(&br, Arc::new(ca), Arc::new(cb), AckMode::NoDelay, 0).await?; let (s0, s1) = establish_session_pair(&br, &a0, &mut a1, SI).await?; // When we set the reliability value to 0 [times], then it will cause // the chunk to be abandoned immediately after the first transmission. s0.set_reliability_params(false, ReliabilityType::Timed, 0); s1.set_reliability_params(false, ReliabilityType::Timed, 0); // doesn't matter br.drop_next_nwrites(0, 1).await; // drop the first packet (second one should be sacked) sbuf[0..4].copy_from_slice(&0u32.to_be_bytes()); let n = s0 .write_sctp( &Bytes::from(sbuf.clone()), PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, ) .await?; assert_eq!(sbuf.len(), n, "unexpected length of received data"); sbuf[0..4].copy_from_slice(&1u32.to_be_bytes()); let n = s0 .write_sctp( &Bytes::from(sbuf.clone()), PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, ) .await?; assert_eq!(sbuf.len(), n, "unexpected length of received data"); //log::debug!("flush_buffers"); flush_buffers(&br, &a0, &a1).await; let mut buf = vec![0u8; 2000]; //log::debug!("read_sctp"); let (n, ppi) = s1.read_sctp(&mut buf).await?; assert_eq!(n, sbuf.len(), "unexpected length of received data"); assert_eq!(ppi, PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, "unexpected ppi"); assert_eq!( u32::from_be_bytes([buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], buf[3]]), 1, "unexpected received data" ); //log::debug!("process"); br.process().await; { let q = s0.reassembly_queue.lock().await; assert!(!q.is_readable(), "should no longer be readable"); } close_association_pair(&br, a0, a1).await; Ok(()) } //use std::io::Write; #[tokio::test] async fn test_assoc_unreliable_rexmit_timed_unordered() -> Result<()> { /*env_logger::Builder::new() .format(|buf, record| { writeln!( buf, "{}:{} [{}] {} - {}", record.file().unwrap_or("unknown"), record.line().unwrap_or(0), record.level(), chrono::Local::now().format("%H:%M:%S.%6f"), record.args() ) }) .filter(None, log::LevelFilter::Trace) .init();*/ const SI: u16 = 3; let mut sbuf = vec![0u8; 1000]; for i in 0..sbuf.len() { sbuf[i] = (i & 0xff) as u8; } let (br, ca, cb) = Bridge::new(0, None, None); let (a0, mut a1) = create_new_association_pair(&br, Arc::new(ca), Arc::new(cb), AckMode::NoDelay, 0).await?; let (s0, s1) = establish_session_pair(&br, &a0, &mut a1, SI).await?; // When we set the reliability value to 0 [times], then it will cause // the chunk to be abandoned immediately after the first transmission. s0.set_reliability_params(true, ReliabilityType::Timed, 0); s1.set_reliability_params(true, ReliabilityType::Timed, 0); // doesn't matter br.drop_next_nwrites(0, 1).await; // drop the first packet (second one should be sacked) sbuf[0..4].copy_from_slice(&0u32.to_be_bytes()); let n = s0 .write_sctp( &Bytes::from(sbuf.clone()), PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, ) .await?; assert_eq!(sbuf.len(), n, "unexpected length of received data"); sbuf[0..4].copy_from_slice(&1u32.to_be_bytes()); let n = s0 .write_sctp( &Bytes::from(sbuf.clone()), PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, ) .await?; assert_eq!(sbuf.len(), n, "unexpected length of received data"); //log::debug!("flush_buffers"); flush_buffers(&br, &a0, &a1).await; let mut buf = vec![0u8; 2000]; //log::debug!("read_sctp"); let (n, ppi) = s1.read_sctp(&mut buf).await?; assert_eq!(n, sbuf.len(), "unexpected length of received data"); assert_eq!(ppi, PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, "unexpected ppi"); assert_eq!( u32::from_be_bytes([buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], buf[3]]), 1, "unexpected received data" ); //log::debug!("process"); br.process().await; { let q = s0.reassembly_queue.lock().await; assert!(!q.is_readable(), "should no longer be readable"); assert_eq!( 0, q.unordered.len(), "should be nothing in the unordered queue" ); assert_eq!( 0, q.unordered_chunks.len(), "should be nothing in the unorderedChunks list" ); } close_association_pair(&br, a0, a1).await; Ok(()) } //TODO: TestAssocT1InitTimer //TODO: TestAssocT1CookieTimer //TODO: TestAssocT3RtxTimer //use std::io::Write; // 1) Send 4 packets. drop the first one. // 2) Last 3 packet will be received, which triggers fast-retransmission // 3) The first one is retransmitted, which makes s1 readable // Above should be done before RTO occurs (fast recovery) #[tokio::test] async fn test_assoc_congestion_control_fast_retransmission() -> Result<()> { /*env_logger::Builder::new() .format(|buf, record| { writeln!( buf, "{}:{} [{}] {} - {}", record.file().unwrap_or("unknown"), record.line().unwrap_or(0), record.level(), chrono::Local::now().format("%H:%M:%S.%6f"), record.args() ) }) .filter(None, log::LevelFilter::Trace) .init();*/ const SI: u16 = 6; let mut sbuf = vec![0u8; 1000]; for i in 0..sbuf.len() { sbuf[i] = (i & 0xff) as u8; } let (br, ca, cb) = Bridge::new(0, None, None); let (a0, mut a1) = create_new_association_pair(&br, Arc::new(ca), Arc::new(cb), AckMode::Normal, 0).await?; let (s0, s1) = establish_session_pair(&br, &a0, &mut a1, SI).await?; br.drop_next_nwrites(0, 1).await; // drop the first packet (second one should be sacked) for i in 0..4u32 { sbuf[0..4].copy_from_slice(&i.to_be_bytes()); let n = s0 .write_sctp( &Bytes::from(sbuf.clone()), PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, ) .await?; assert_eq!(sbuf.len(), n, "unexpected length of received data"); } // process packets for 500 msec, assuming that the fast retrans/recover // should complete within 500 msec. for _ in 0..50 { br.tick().await; tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(10)).await; } let mut buf = vec![0u8; 3000]; // Try to read all 4 packets for i in 0..4 { { let q = s1.reassembly_queue.lock().await; assert!(q.is_readable(), "should be readable"); } let (n, ppi) = s1.read_sctp(&mut buf).await?; assert_eq!(n, sbuf.len(), "unexpected length of received data"); assert_eq!(ppi, PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, "unexpected ppi"); assert_eq!( u32::from_be_bytes([buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], buf[3]]), i, "unexpected received data" ); } //br.process().await; { let a = a0.association_internal.lock().await; let b = a1.association_internal.lock().await; assert!(!a.in_fast_recovery, "should not be in fast-recovery"); log::debug!("nDATAs : {}", b.stats.get_num_datas()); log::debug!("nSACKs : {}", a.stats.get_num_sacks()); log::debug!("nAckTimeouts: {}", b.stats.get_num_ack_timeouts()); log::debug!("nFastRetrans: {}", a.stats.get_num_fast_retrans()); assert_eq!(1, a.stats.get_num_fast_retrans(), "should be 1"); } close_association_pair(&br, a0, a1).await; Ok(()) } //use std::io::Write; #[tokio::test] async fn test_assoc_congestion_control_congestion_avoidance() -> Result<()> { /*env_logger::Builder::new() .format(|buf, record| { writeln!( buf, "{}:{} [{}] {} - {}", record.file().unwrap_or("unknown"), record.line().unwrap_or(0), record.level(), chrono::Local::now().format("%H:%M:%S.%6f"), record.args() ) }) .filter(None, log::LevelFilter::Trace) .init();*/ const MAX_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE: u32 = 64 * 1024; const SI: u16 = 6; const N_PACKETS_TO_SEND: u32 = 2000; let mut sbuf = vec![0u8; 1000]; for i in 0..sbuf.len() { sbuf[i] = (i & 0xff) as u8; } let (br, ca, cb) = Bridge::new(0, None, None); let (a0, mut a1) = create_new_association_pair( &br, Arc::new(ca), Arc::new(cb), AckMode::Normal, MAX_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE, ) .await?; let (s0, s1) = establish_session_pair(&br, &a0, &mut a1, SI).await?; { let a = a0.association_internal.lock().await; let b = a1.association_internal.lock().await; a.stats.reset(); b.stats.reset(); } for i in 0..N_PACKETS_TO_SEND { sbuf[0..4].copy_from_slice(&i.to_be_bytes()); let n = s0 .write_sctp( &Bytes::from(sbuf.clone()), PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, ) .await?; assert_eq!(sbuf.len(), n, "unexpected length of received data"); } let mut rbuf = vec![0u8; 3000]; // Repeat calling br.Tick() until the buffered amount becomes 0 let mut n_packets_received = 0u32; while s0.buffered_amount() > 0 && n_packets_received < N_PACKETS_TO_SEND { loop { let n = br.tick().await; if n == 0 { break; } } loop { let readable = { let q = s1.reassembly_queue.lock().await; q.is_readable() }; if !readable { break; } let (n, ppi) = s1.read_sctp(&mut rbuf).await?; assert_eq!(sbuf.len(), n, "unexpected length of received data"); assert_eq!( n_packets_received, u32::from_be_bytes([rbuf[0], rbuf[1], rbuf[2], rbuf[3]]), "unexpected length of received data" ); assert_eq!(ppi, PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, "unexpected ppi"); n_packets_received += 1; } } br.process().await; assert_eq!( n_packets_received, N_PACKETS_TO_SEND, "unexpected num of packets received" ); { let a = a0.association_internal.lock().await; let b = a1.association_internal.lock().await; assert!(!a.in_fast_recovery, "should not be in fast-recovery"); assert!( a.cwnd > a.ssthresh, "should be in congestion avoidance mode" ); assert!( a.ssthresh >= MAX_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE, "{} should not be less than the initial size of 128KB {}", a.ssthresh, MAX_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE ); assert_eq!( 0, s1.get_num_bytes_in_reassembly_queue().await, "reassembly queue should be empty" ); log::debug!("nDATAs : {}", b.stats.get_num_datas()); log::debug!("nSACKs : {}", a.stats.get_num_sacks()); log::debug!("nT3Timeouts: {}", a.stats.get_num_t3timeouts()); assert_eq!( N_PACKETS_TO_SEND as u64, b.stats.get_num_datas(), "packet count mismatch" ); assert!( a.stats.get_num_sacks() <= N_PACKETS_TO_SEND as u64 / 2, "too many sacks" ); assert_eq!(0, a.stats.get_num_t3timeouts(), "should be no retransmit"); } close_association_pair(&br, a0, a1).await; Ok(()) } //use std::io::Write; #[tokio::test] async fn test_assoc_congestion_control_slow_reader() -> Result<()> { /*env_logger::Builder::new() .format(|buf, record| { writeln!( buf, "{}:{} [{}] {} - {}", record.file().unwrap_or("unknown"), record.line().unwrap_or(0), record.level(), chrono::Local::now().format("%H:%M:%S.%6f"), record.args() ) }) .filter(None, log::LevelFilter::Trace) .init();*/ const MAX_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE: u32 = 64 * 1024; const SI: u16 = 6; const N_PACKETS_TO_SEND: u32 = 130; let mut sbuf = vec![0u8; 1000]; for i in 0..sbuf.len() { sbuf[i] = (i & 0xff) as u8; } let (br, ca, cb) = Bridge::new(0, None, None); let (a0, mut a1) = create_new_association_pair( &br, Arc::new(ca), Arc::new(cb), AckMode::Normal, MAX_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE, ) .await?; let (s0, s1) = establish_session_pair(&br, &a0, &mut a1, SI).await?; for i in 0..N_PACKETS_TO_SEND { sbuf[0..4].copy_from_slice(&i.to_be_bytes()); let n = s0 .write_sctp( &Bytes::from(sbuf.clone()), PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, ) .await?; assert_eq!(sbuf.len(), n, "unexpected length of received data"); } let mut rbuf = vec![0u8; 3000]; // 1. First forward packets to receiver until rwnd becomes 0 // 2. Wait until the sender's cwnd becomes 1*MTU (RTO occurred) // 3. Stat reading a1's data let mut n_packets_received = 0u32; let mut has_rtoed = false; while s0.buffered_amount() > 0 && n_packets_received < N_PACKETS_TO_SEND { loop { let n = br.tick().await; if n == 0 { break; } } if !has_rtoed { let a = a0.association_internal.lock().await; let b = a1.association_internal.lock().await; let rwnd = b.get_my_receiver_window_credit().await; let cwnd = a.cwnd; if cwnd > a.mtu || rwnd > 0 { // Do not read until a1.getMyReceiverWindowCredit() becomes zero continue; } has_rtoed = true; } loop { let readable = { let q = s1.reassembly_queue.lock().await; q.is_readable() }; if !readable { break; } let (n, ppi) = s1.read_sctp(&mut rbuf).await?; assert_eq!(sbuf.len(), n, "unexpected length of received data"); assert_eq!( n_packets_received, u32::from_be_bytes([rbuf[0], rbuf[1], rbuf[2], rbuf[3]]), "unexpected length of received data" ); assert_eq!(ppi, PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, "unexpected ppi"); n_packets_received += 1; } tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(4)).await; } br.process().await; assert_eq!( n_packets_received, N_PACKETS_TO_SEND, "unexpected num of packets received" ); assert_eq!( 0, s1.get_num_bytes_in_reassembly_queue().await, "reassembly queue should be empty" ); { let a = a0.association_internal.lock().await; let b = a1.association_internal.lock().await; log::debug!("nDATAs : {}", b.stats.get_num_datas()); log::debug!("nSACKs : {}", a.stats.get_num_sacks()); log::debug!("nAckTimeouts: {}", b.stats.get_num_ack_timeouts()); } close_association_pair(&br, a0, a1).await; Ok(()) } /*FIXME use std::io::Write; #[tokio::test] async fn test_assoc_delayed_ack() -> Result<()> { env_logger::Builder::new() .format(|buf, record| { writeln!( buf, "{}:{} [{}] {} - {}", record.file().unwrap_or("unknown"), record.line().unwrap_or(0), record.level(), chrono::Local::now().format("%H:%M:%S.%6f"), record.args() ) }) .filter(None, log::LevelFilter::Trace) .init(); const SI: u16 = 6; let mut sbuf = vec![0u8; 1000]; let mut rbuf = vec![0u8; 1500]; for i in 0..sbuf.len() { sbuf[i] = (i & 0xff) as u8; } let (br, ca, cb) = Bridge::new(0, None, None); let (a0, mut a1) = create_new_association_pair(&br, Arc::new(ca), Arc::new(cb), AckMode::AlwaysDelay, 0) .await?; let (s0, s1) = establish_session_pair(&br, &a0, &mut a1, SI).await?; { let a = a0.association_internal.lock().await; let b = a1.association_internal.lock().await; a.stats.reset(); b.stats.reset(); } let n = s0 .write_sctp( &Bytes::from(sbuf.clone()), PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, ) .await?; assert_eq!(sbuf.len(), n, "unexpected length of received data"); // Repeat calling br.Tick() until the buffered amount becomes 0 let since = SystemTime::now(); let mut n_packets_received = 0; while s0.buffered_amount() > 0 { loop { let n = br.tick().await; if n == 0 { break; } } loop { let readable = { let q = s1.reassembly_queue.lock().await; q.is_readable() }; if !readable { break; } let (n, ppi) = s1.read_sctp(&mut rbuf).await?; assert_eq!(sbuf.len(), n, "unexpected length of received data"); assert_eq!(ppi, PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, "unexpected ppi"); n_packets_received += 1; } } let delay = (SystemTime::now().duration_since(since).unwrap().as_millis() as f64) / 1000.0; log::debug!("received in {} seconds", delay); assert!(delay >= 0.2, "should be >= 200msec"); br.process().await; assert_eq!(n_packets_received, 1, "unexpected num of packets received"); assert_eq!( 0, s1.get_num_bytes_in_reassembly_queue().await, "reassembly queue should be empty" ); { let a = a0.association_internal.lock().await; let b = a1.association_internal.lock().await; log::debug!("nDATAs : {}", b.stats.get_num_datas()); log::debug!("nSACKs : {}", a.stats.get_num_sacks()); log::debug!("nAckTimeouts: {}", b.stats.get_num_ack_timeouts()); assert_eq!(1, b.stats.get_num_datas(), "DATA chunk count mismatch"); assert_eq!( a.stats.get_num_sacks(), b.stats.get_num_datas(), "sack count should be equal to the number of data chunks" ); assert_eq!( 1, b.stats.get_num_ack_timeouts(), "ackTimeout count mismatch" ); assert_eq!(0, a.stats.get_num_t3timeouts(), "should be no retransmit"); } close_association_pair(&br, a0, a1).await; Ok(()) } */ //use std::io::Write; #[tokio::test] async fn test_assoc_reset_close_one_way() -> Result<()> { /*env_logger::Builder::new() .format(|buf, record| { writeln!( buf, "{}:{} [{}] {} - {}", record.file().unwrap_or("unknown"), record.line().unwrap_or(0), record.level(), chrono::Local::now().format("%H:%M:%S.%6f"), record.args() ) }) .filter(None, log::LevelFilter::Trace) .init();*/ const SI: u16 = 1; const MSG: Bytes = Bytes::from_static(b"ABC"); let (br, ca, cb) = Bridge::new(0, None, None); let (a0, mut a1) = create_new_association_pair(&br, Arc::new(ca), Arc::new(cb), AckMode::NoDelay, 0).await?; let (s0, s1) = establish_session_pair(&br, &a0, &mut a1, SI).await?; { let a = a0.association_internal.lock().await; assert_eq!(0, a.buffered_amount(), "incorrect bufferedAmount"); } let n = s0 .write_sctp(&MSG, PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary) .await?; assert_eq!(MSG.len(), n, "unexpected length of received data"); { let a = a0.association_internal.lock().await; assert_eq!(MSG.len(), a.buffered_amount(), "incorrect bufferedAmount"); } log::debug!("s0.close"); s0.close().await?; // send reset let (done_ch_tx, mut done_ch_rx) = mpsc::channel(1); let mut buf = vec![0u8; 32]; tokio::spawn(async move { loop { log::debug!("s1.read_sctp begin"); match s1.read_sctp(&mut buf).await { Ok((n, ppi)) => { log::debug!("s1.read_sctp done with {:?}", &buf[..n]); assert_eq!(ppi, PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, "unexpected ppi"); assert_eq!(n, MSG.len(), "unexpected length of received data"); let _ = done_ch_tx.send(None).await; } Err(err) => { log::debug!("s1.read_sctp err {:?}", err); let _ = done_ch_tx.send(Some(err)).await; break; } } } }); loop { br.process().await; let timer = tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(10)); tokio::pin!(timer); tokio::select! { _ = timer.as_mut() =>{}, result = done_ch_rx.recv() => { log::debug!("s1. {:?}", result); if let Some(err_opt) = result { if let Some(err) = err_opt{ assert!(true, "got error {:?}", err); break; } }else{ break; } } } } close_association_pair(&br, a0, a1).await; Ok(()) } //use std::io::Write; #[tokio::test] async fn test_assoc_reset_close_both_ways() -> Result<()> { /*env_logger::Builder::new() .format(|buf, record| { writeln!( buf, "{}:{} [{}] {} - {}", record.file().unwrap_or("unknown"), record.line().unwrap_or(0), record.level(), chrono::Local::now().format("%H:%M:%S.%6f"), record.args() ) }) .filter(None, log::LevelFilter::Trace) .init();*/ const SI: u16 = 1; const MSG: Bytes = Bytes::from_static(b"ABC"); let (br, ca, cb) = Bridge::new(0, None, None); let (a0, mut a1) = create_new_association_pair(&br, Arc::new(ca), Arc::new(cb), AckMode::NoDelay, 0).await?; let (s0, s1) = establish_session_pair(&br, &a0, &mut a1, SI).await?; { let a = a0.association_internal.lock().await; assert_eq!(0, a.buffered_amount(), "incorrect bufferedAmount"); } let n = s0 .write_sctp(&MSG, PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary) .await?; assert_eq!(MSG.len(), n, "unexpected length of received data"); { let a = a0.association_internal.lock().await; assert_eq!(MSG.len(), a.buffered_amount(), "incorrect bufferedAmount"); } log::debug!("s0.close"); s0.close().await?; // send reset let (done_ch_tx, mut done_ch_rx) = mpsc::channel(1); let done_ch_tx = Arc::new(done_ch_tx); let done_ch_tx1 = Arc::clone(&done_ch_tx); let ss1 = Arc::clone(&s1); tokio::spawn(async move { let mut buf = vec![0u8; 32]; loop { log::debug!("s1.read_sctp begin"); match ss1.read_sctp(&mut buf).await { Ok((n, ppi)) => { log::debug!("s1.read_sctp done with {:?}", &buf[..n]); assert_eq!(ppi, PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Binary, "unexpected ppi"); assert_eq!(n, MSG.len(), "unexpected length of received data"); let _ = done_ch_tx1.send(None).await; } Err(err) => { log::debug!("s1.read_sctp err {:?}", err); let _ = done_ch_tx1.send(Some(err)).await; break; } } } }); loop { br.process().await; let timer = tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(10)); tokio::pin!(timer); tokio::select! { _ = timer.as_mut() =>{}, result = done_ch_rx.recv() => { log::debug!("s1. {:?}", result); if let Some(err_opt) = result { if let Some(err) = err_opt{ assert!(true, "got error {:?}", err); break; } }else{ break; } } } } log::debug!("s1.close"); s1.close().await?; // send reset let done_ch_tx0 = Arc::clone(&done_ch_tx); tokio::spawn(async move { let mut buf = vec![0u8; 32]; loop { log::debug!("s.read_sctp begin"); match s0.read_sctp(&mut buf).await { Ok(_) => { assert!(false, "must be error"); } Err(err) => { log::debug!("s0.read_sctp err {:?}", err); let _ = done_ch_tx0.send(Some(err)).await; break; } } } }); loop { br.process().await; let timer = tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(10)); tokio::pin!(timer); tokio::select! { _ = timer.as_mut() =>{}, result = done_ch_rx.recv() => { log::debug!("s0. {:?}", result); if let Some(err_opt) = result { if let Some(err) = err_opt{ assert!(true, "got error {:?}", err); break; }else{ assert!(false, "must be error"); } }else{ break; } } } } close_association_pair(&br, a0, a1).await; Ok(()) } //use std::io::Write; #[tokio::test] async fn test_assoc_abort() -> Result<()> { /*env_logger::Builder::new() .format(|buf, record| { writeln!( buf, "{}:{} [{}] {} - {}", record.file().unwrap_or("unknown"), record.line().unwrap_or(0), record.level(), chrono::Local::now().format("%H:%M:%S.%6f"), record.args() ) }) .filter(None, log::LevelFilter::Trace) .init();*/ const SI: u16 = 1; let (br, ca, cb) = Bridge::new(0, None, None); let (a0, mut a1) = create_new_association_pair(&br, Arc::new(ca), Arc::new(cb), AckMode::NoDelay, 0).await?; let abort = ChunkAbort { error_causes: vec![ErrorCauseProtocolViolation { code: PROTOCOL_VIOLATION, ..Default::default() }], }; let packet = { let a = a0.association_internal.lock().await; a.create_packet(vec![Box::new(abort)]).marshal()? }; let (_s0, _s1) = establish_session_pair(&br, &a0, &mut a1, SI).await?; // Both associations are established assert_eq!(AssociationState::Established, a0.get_state()); assert_eq!(AssociationState::Established, a1.get_state()); let result = a0.net_conn.send(&packet).await; assert!(result.is_ok(), "must be ok"); flush_buffers(&br, &a0, &a1).await; // There is a little delay before changing the state to closed tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(10)).await; // The receiving association should be closed because it got an ABORT assert_eq!(AssociationState::Established, a0.get_state()); assert_eq!(AssociationState::Closed, a1.get_state()); close_association_pair(&br, a0, a1).await; Ok(()) } struct FakeEchoConn { wr_tx: Mutex>>, rd_rx: Mutex>>, bytes_sent: AtomicUsize, bytes_received: AtomicUsize, } impl FakeEchoConn { fn new() -> impl Conn + AsAny { let (wr_tx, rd_rx) = mpsc::channel(1); FakeEchoConn { wr_tx: Mutex::new(wr_tx), rd_rx: Mutex::new(rd_rx), bytes_sent: AtomicUsize::new(0), bytes_received: AtomicUsize::new(0), } } } trait AsAny { fn as_any(&self) -> &(dyn std::any::Any + Send + Sync); } impl AsAny for FakeEchoConn { fn as_any(&self) -> &(dyn std::any::Any + Send + Sync) { self } } type UResult = std::result::Result; #[async_trait] impl Conn for FakeEchoConn { async fn connect(&self, _addr: SocketAddr) -> UResult<()> { Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "Not applicable").into()) } async fn recv(&self, b: &mut [u8]) -> UResult { let mut rd_rx = self.rd_rx.lock().await; let v = match rd_rx.recv().await { Some(v) => v, None => { return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof, "Unexpected EOF").into()) } }; let l = std::cmp::min(v.len(), b.len()); b[..l].copy_from_slice(&v[..l]); self.bytes_received.fetch_add(l, Ordering::SeqCst); Ok(l) } async fn recv_from(&self, _buf: &mut [u8]) -> UResult<(usize, SocketAddr)> { Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "Not applicable").into()) } async fn send(&self, b: &[u8]) -> UResult { let wr_tx = self.wr_tx.lock().await; match wr_tx.send(b.to_vec()).await { Ok(_) => {} Err(err) => return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, err.to_string()).into()), }; self.bytes_sent.fetch_add(b.len(), Ordering::SeqCst); Ok(b.len()) } async fn send_to(&self, _buf: &[u8], _target: SocketAddr) -> UResult { Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "Not applicable").into()) } async fn local_addr(&self) -> UResult { Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::AddrNotAvailable, "Addr Not Available").into()) } async fn remote_addr(&self) -> Option { None } async fn close(&self) -> UResult<()> { Ok(()) } } //use std::io::Write; #[tokio::test] async fn test_stats() -> Result<()> { /*env_logger::Builder::new() .format(|buf, record| { writeln!( buf, "{}:{} [{}] {} - {}", record.file().unwrap_or("unknown"), record.line().unwrap_or(0), record.level(), chrono::Local::now().format("%H:%M:%S.%6f"), record.args() ) }) .filter(None, log::LevelFilter::Trace) .init();*/ let conn = Arc::new(FakeEchoConn::new()); let a = Association::client(Config { net_conn: Arc::clone(&conn) as Arc, max_receive_buffer_size: 0, max_message_size: 0, name: "client".to_owned(), }) .await?; if let Some(conn) = conn.as_any().downcast_ref::() { assert_eq!( conn.bytes_received.load(Ordering::SeqCst), a.bytes_received() ); assert_eq!(conn.bytes_sent.load(Ordering::SeqCst), a.bytes_sent()); } else { assert!(false, "must be FakeEchoConn"); } Ok(()) } async fn create_assocs() -> Result<(Association, Association)> { let addr1 = SocketAddr::from_str("").unwrap(); let addr2 = SocketAddr::from_str("").unwrap(); let udp1 = UdpSocket::bind(addr1).await.unwrap(); let udp2 = UdpSocket::bind(addr2).await.unwrap(); udp1.connect(udp2.local_addr().unwrap()).await.unwrap(); udp2.connect(udp1.local_addr().unwrap()).await.unwrap(); let (a1chan_tx, mut a1chan_rx) = mpsc::channel(1); let (a2chan_tx, mut a2chan_rx) = mpsc::channel(1); tokio::spawn(async move { let a = Association::client(Config { net_conn: Arc::new(udp1), max_receive_buffer_size: 0, max_message_size: 0, name: "client".to_owned(), }) .await?; let _ = a1chan_tx.send(a).await; Result::<()>::Ok(()) }); tokio::spawn(async move { let a = Association::server(Config { net_conn: Arc::new(udp2), max_receive_buffer_size: 0, max_message_size: 0, name: "server".to_owned(), }) .await?; let _ = a2chan_tx.send(a).await; Result::<()>::Ok(()) }); let timer1 = tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); tokio::pin!(timer1); let a1 = tokio::select! { _ = timer1.as_mut() =>{ assert!(false,"timed out waiting for a1"); return Err(Error::Other("timed out waiting for a1".to_owned()).into()); }, a1 = a1chan_rx.recv() => { a1.unwrap() } }; let timer2 = tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); tokio::pin!(timer2); let a2 = tokio::select! { _ = timer2.as_mut() =>{ assert!(false,"timed out waiting for a2"); return Err(Error::Other("timed out waiting for a2".to_owned()).into()); }, a2 = a2chan_rx.recv() => { a2.unwrap() } }; Ok((a1, a2)) } //use std::io::Write; //TODO: remove this conditional test #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))] #[tokio::test] async fn test_association_shutdown() -> Result<()> { /*env_logger::Builder::new() .format(|buf, record| { writeln!( buf, "{}:{} [{}] {} - {}", record.file().unwrap_or("unknown"), record.line().unwrap_or(0), record.level(), chrono::Local::now().format("%H:%M:%S.%6f"), record.args() ) }) .filter(None, log::LevelFilter::Trace) .init();*/ let (a1, a2) = create_assocs().await?; let s11 = a1.open_stream(1, PayloadProtocolIdentifier::String).await?; let s21 = a2.open_stream(1, PayloadProtocolIdentifier::String).await?; let test_data = Bytes::from_static(b"test"); let n = s11.write(&test_data).await?; assert_eq!(test_data.len(), n); let mut buf = vec![0u8; test_data.len()]; let n = buf).await?; assert_eq!(test_data.len(), n); assert_eq!(&test_data, &buf[0..n]); if let Ok(result) = tokio::time::timeout(Duration::from_secs(1), a1.shutdown()).await { assert!(result.is_ok(), "shutdown should be ok"); } else { assert!(false, "shutdown timeout"); } { let mut close_loop_ch_rx = a2.close_loop_ch_rx.lock().await; // Wait for close read loop channels to prevent flaky tests. let timer2 = tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); tokio::pin!(timer2); tokio::select! { _ = timer2.as_mut() =>{ assert!(false,"timed out waiting for a2 read loop to close"); }, _ = close_loop_ch_rx.recv() => { log::debug!("recv a2.close_loop_ch_rx"); } }; } Ok(()) } //use std::io::Write; //TODO: remove this conditional test #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))] #[tokio::test] async fn test_association_shutdown_during_write() -> Result<()> { /*env_logger::Builder::new() .format(|buf, record| { writeln!( buf, "{}:{} [{}] {} - {}", record.file().unwrap_or("unknown"), record.line().unwrap_or(0), record.level(), chrono::Local::now().format("%H:%M:%S.%6f"), record.args() ) }) .filter(None, log::LevelFilter::Trace) .init();*/ let (a1, a2) = create_assocs().await?; let s11 = a1.open_stream(1, PayloadProtocolIdentifier::String).await?; let s21 = a2.open_stream(1, PayloadProtocolIdentifier::String).await?; let (writing_done_tx, mut writing_done_rx) = mpsc::channel::<()>(1); let ss21 = Arc::clone(&s21); tokio::spawn(async move { let mut i = 0; while ss21.write(&Bytes::from(vec![i])).await.is_ok() { if i == 255 { i = 0; } else { i += 1; } if i % 100 == 0 { tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(20)).await; } } drop(writing_done_tx); }); let test_data = Bytes::from_static(b"test"); let n = s11.write(&test_data).await?; assert_eq!(test_data.len(), n); let mut buf = vec![0u8; test_data.len()]; let n = buf).await?; assert_eq!(test_data.len(), n); assert_eq!(&test_data, &buf[0..n]); { let mut close_loop_ch_rx = a1.close_loop_ch_rx.lock().await; tokio::select! { res = tokio::time::timeout(Duration::from_secs(1), a1.shutdown()) => { if let Ok(result) = res { assert!(result.is_ok(), "shutdown should be ok"); } else { assert!(false, "shutdown timeout"); } } _ = writing_done_rx.recv() => { log::debug!("writing_done_rx"); let result = close_loop_ch_rx.recv().await; log::debug!("a1.close_loop_ch_rx.recv: {:?}", result); }, }; } { let mut close_loop_ch_rx = a2.close_loop_ch_rx.lock().await; // Wait for close read loop channels to prevent flaky tests. let timer2 = tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); tokio::pin!(timer2); tokio::select! { _ = timer2.as_mut() =>{ assert!(false,"timed out waiting for a2 read loop to close"); }, _ = close_loop_ch_rx.recv() => { log::debug!("recv a2.close_loop_ch_rx"); } }; } Ok(()) } //use std::io::Write; #[tokio::test] async fn test_association_handle_packet_before_init() -> Result<()> { /*env_logger::Builder::new() .format(|buf, record| { writeln!( buf, "{}:{} [{}] {} - {}", record.file().unwrap_or("unknown"), record.line().unwrap_or(0), record.level(), chrono::Local::now().format("%H:%M:%S.%6f"), record.args() ) }) .filter(None, log::LevelFilter::Trace) .init();*/ let tests = vec![ ( "InitAck", Packet { source_port: 1, destination_port: 1, verification_tag: 0, chunks: vec![Box::new(ChunkInit { is_ack: true, initiate_tag: 1, num_inbound_streams: 1, num_outbound_streams: 1, advertised_receiver_window_credit: 1500, ..Default::default() })], }, ), ( "Abort", Packet { source_port: 1, destination_port: 1, verification_tag: 0, chunks: vec![Box::new(ChunkAbort::default())], }, ), ( "CoockeEcho", Packet { source_port: 1, destination_port: 1, verification_tag: 0, chunks: vec![Box::new(ChunkCookieEcho::default())], }, ), ( "HeartBeat", Packet { source_port: 1, destination_port: 1, verification_tag: 0, chunks: vec![Box::new(ChunkHeartbeat::default())], }, ), ( "PayloadData", Packet { source_port: 1, destination_port: 1, verification_tag: 0, chunks: vec![Box::new(ChunkPayloadData::default())], }, ), ( "Sack", Packet { source_port: 1, destination_port: 1, verification_tag: 0, chunks: vec![Box::new(ChunkSelectiveAck { cumulative_tsn_ack: 1000, advertised_receiver_window_credit: 1500, gap_ack_blocks: vec![GapAckBlock { start: 100, end: 200, }], ..Default::default() })], }, ), ( "Reconfig", Packet { source_port: 1, destination_port: 1, verification_tag: 0, chunks: vec![Box::new(ChunkReconfig { param_a: Some(Box::new(ParamOutgoingResetRequest::default())), param_b: Some(Box::new(ParamReconfigResponse::default())), })], }, ), ( "ForwardTSN", Packet { source_port: 1, destination_port: 1, verification_tag: 0, chunks: vec![Box::new(ChunkForwardTsn { new_cumulative_tsn: 100, ..Default::default() })], }, ), ( "Error", Packet { source_port: 1, destination_port: 1, verification_tag: 0, chunks: vec![Box::new(ChunkError::default())], }, ), ( "Shutdown", Packet { source_port: 1, destination_port: 1, verification_tag: 0, chunks: vec![Box::new(ChunkShutdown::default())], }, ), ( "ShutdownAck", Packet { source_port: 1, destination_port: 1, verification_tag: 0, chunks: vec![Box::new(ChunkShutdownAck::default())], }, ), ( "ShutdownComplete", Packet { source_port: 1, destination_port: 1, verification_tag: 0, chunks: vec![Box::new(ChunkShutdownComplete::default())], }, ), ]; for (name, packet) in tests { log::debug!("testing {}", name); let (a_conn, charlie_conn) = pipe(); let (a, _) = Association::new( Config { net_conn: Arc::new(a_conn), max_message_size: 0, max_receive_buffer_size: 0, name: "client".to_owned(), }, true, ) .await .unwrap(); let packet = packet.marshal()?; let result = charlie_conn.send(&packet).await; assert!(result.is_ok(), "{} charlie_conn.send should be ok", name); // Should not panic. tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)).await; a.close().await.unwrap(); } Ok(()) }