use log::*; use scylla::{ query::Query, *, }; use scylladb::prelude::*; use std::{ convert::TryInto, net::SocketAddr, sync::Arc, time::SystemTime, }; use tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "info"); env_logger::init(); let node: SocketAddr = std::env::var("SCYLLA_NODE").map_or_else( |_| ([127, 0, 0, 1], 9042).into(), |n| { n.parse() .expect("Invalid SCYLLA_NODE env, use this format '' ") }, ); let mut timings = vec![10i32, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000] .into_iter() .map(|n| (n, 0u128, 0u128)) .collect::>(); let mut scylla = Scylla::new("datacenter1", 8, Default::default()); scylla.insert_node(node); scylla.insert_keyspace(KeyspaceConfig { name: "scylla_example".into(), data_centers: maplit::hashmap! { "datacenter1".to_string() => DatacenterConfig {replication_factor: 1} }, }); let runtime = Runtime::new(None, scylla).await.expect("Runtime failed to start!"); for (n, _, t) in timings.iter_mut() { match run_benchmark_scylla_rs(*n).await { Ok(time) => { *t = time; info!("Successfully ran scylladb benchmark for {} queries", *n * 2); } Err(e) => error!("{}", e), } } drop_keyspace(None).await.expect("Failed to drop keyspace"); runtime.handle().shutdown().await; runtime .block_on() .await .expect("Runtime failed to shutdown gracefully!"); let session = Arc::new(SessionBuilder::new().known_node_addr(node).build().await.unwrap()); for (n, t, _) in timings.iter_mut() { match run_benchmark_scylla(&session, *n).await { Ok(time) => { *t = time; info!("Successfully ran scylla-rust-driver benchmark for {} queries", *n * 2); } Err(e) => error!("{}", e), } } drop_keyspace(Some(node)).await.expect("Failed to drop keyspace"); info!("Timings:"); info!("{:8} | {:^25} | {:^25} |", "", "scylla", "scylla-rs"); info!("{:8} | {:-<25} | {:-<25} |", "", "", ""); info!( "{:8} | {:12} {:12} | {:12} {:12} | {:>10}", "queries", "total (ms)", "average (ns)", "total (ms)", "average (ns)", "disparity" ); info!( "{:-<8} | {:-<12} {:-<12} | {:-<12} {:-<12} | {:-<8}", "", "", "", "", "", "" ); for (n, t1, t2) in timings.iter() { let n = n * 2; let (t1, t2) = (*t1 as i128, *t2 as i128); let diff = 100. * (t1 - t2) as f32 / f32::min(t1 as f32, t2 as f32); let (avg1, avg2) = (t1 / n as i128, t2 / n as i128); info!( "{:<8} | {:<12} {:<12.4} | {:<12} {:<12.4} | {:>10}", n, t1 / 1000000, avg1, t2 / 1000000, avg2, format!("{:+.1}%", diff) ); } } async fn run_benchmark_scylla_rs(n: i32) -> anyhow::Result { warn!("Initializing database"); let keyspace = MyKeyspace::new(); let replication = "{'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'datacenter1': 1}" .parse::() .unwrap(); for s in parse_statements!( "CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS #0 WITH replication = #1 AND durable_writes = true; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #0.test; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS #0.test ( key text PRIMARY KEY, data blob )",, replication, ) { s.execute() .consistency(Consistency::All) .build()? .get_local() .await .map_err(|e| anyhow::anyhow!("Could not verify if execution completed: {}", e))?; } keyspace.prepare_insert::().get_local().await?; keyspace.prepare_select::().get_local().await?; let start = SystemTime::now(); let (sender, mut inbox) = unbounded_channel(); for i in 0..n { let handle = sender.clone(); let keyspace = keyspace.clone(); tokio::task::spawn(async move { handle.send( keyspace .insert_prepared(&format!("Key {}", i), &i) .build()? .get_local() .await, )?; Result::<_, anyhow::Error>::Ok(()) }); } drop(sender); let mut count = 0; while let Some(res) = inbox.recv().await { count += 1; if let Err(e) = res { error!("Insert error: {}", e); } } if count != n { anyhow::bail!("Did not receive all insert confirmations!"); } let (sender, mut inbox) = unbounded_channel::<(_, Result, _>)>(); for i in 0..n { let handle = sender.clone(); let keyspace = keyspace.clone(); tokio::task::spawn(async move { handle.send(( i, keyspace .select::(&format!("Key {}", i), &()) .build()? .get_local() .await, ))?; Result::<_, anyhow::Error>::Ok(()) }); } drop(sender); let mut count = 0; while let Some((i, res)) = inbox.recv().await { count += 1; match res { Ok(o) => { if let Some(v) = o { if v != i { anyhow::bail!("Got wrong value for key {}: {}", i, v); } } else { error!("No rows found for i = {}!", i) } } Err(e) => error!("Select error: {}", e), } } if count != n { anyhow::bail!("Did not receive all values!"); } let time = start.elapsed().unwrap().as_nanos(); info!("Finished benchmark. Total time: {} ms", time / 1000000); Ok(time) } async fn run_benchmark_scylla(session: &Arc, n: i32) -> anyhow::Result { warn!("Initializing database"); let mut query = Query::new( "CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS scylla_example WITH replication = {'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'datacenter1': 1} AND durable_writes = true" .to_string(), ); query.set_consistency(scylla::frame::types::Consistency::All); session .query(query, ()) .await .map_err(|e| anyhow::anyhow!("Could not verify if keyspace was created: {}", e))?; let mut query = Query::new("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS scylla_example.test".to_string()); query.set_consistency(scylla::frame::types::Consistency::All); session .query(query, ()) .await .map_err(|e| anyhow::anyhow!("Could not verify if table was dropped: {}", e))?; let mut query = Query::new( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS scylla_example.test ( key text PRIMARY KEY, data blob, )" .to_string(), ); query.set_consistency(scylla::frame::types::Consistency::All); session .query(query, ()) .await .map_err(|e| anyhow::anyhow!("Could not verify if table was created: {}", e))?; let prepared_insert = Arc::new( session .prepare("INSERT INTO scylla_example.test (key, data) VALUES (?, ?)") .await?, ); let mut query = Query::new("SELECT data FROM scylla_example.test WHERE key = ?".to_string()); query.set_consistency(scylla::frame::types::Consistency::One); let prepared_select = Arc::new(session.prepare(query).await?); let start = SystemTime::now(); let (sender, mut inbox) = unbounded_channel(); for i in 0..n { let handle = sender.clone(); let session = session.clone(); let prepared_insert = prepared_insert.clone(); tokio::task::spawn(async move { handle.send(session.execute(&prepared_insert, (&format!("Key {}", i), &i)).await)?; Result::<_, anyhow::Error>::Ok(()) }); } drop(sender); let mut count = 0; while let Some(res) = inbox.recv().await { count += 1; if let Err(e) = res { error!("Insert error: {}", e); } } if count != n { anyhow::bail!("Did not receive all insert confirmations!"); } let (sender, mut inbox) = tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel(); for i in 0..n { let handle = sender.clone(); let session = session.clone(); let prepared_select = prepared_select.clone(); tokio::task::spawn(async move { handle.send((i, session.execute(&prepared_select, (&format!("Key {}", i),)).await)) }); } drop(sender); let mut count = 0; while let Some((i, res)) = inbox.recv().await { count += 1; match res { Ok(r) => { if let Some(v) = r.rows.and_then(|r| r.into_iter().next()) { let v = i32::from_be_bytes( v.into_typed::<(Vec,)>()? .0 .try_into() .map_err(|_| anyhow::anyhow!("Could not decode blob!"))?, ); if v != i { anyhow::bail!("Got wrong value for key {}: {}", i, v); } } else { error!("No rows found for i = {}!", i) } } Err(e) => { error!("{}", e); } } } if count != n { anyhow::bail!("Did not receive all values!"); } let time = start.elapsed().unwrap().as_nanos(); info!("Finished benchmark. Total time: {} ms", time / 1000000); Ok(time) } async fn drop_keyspace(node: Option) -> anyhow::Result<()> { if let Some(node) = node { let mut scylla = Scylla::default(); scylla.insert_node(node); let runtime = Runtime::new(None, scylla).await.expect("Runtime failed to start!"); parse_statement!("DROP KEYSPACE scylla_example") .execute() .consistency(Consistency::All) .build()? .get_local() .await .map_err(|e| anyhow::anyhow!("Could not verify if keyspace was dropped: {}", e))?; runtime.handle().shutdown().await; runtime.block_on().await?; } else { parse_statement!("DROP KEYSPACE scylla_example") .execute() .consistency(Consistency::All) .build()? .get_local() .await .map_err(|e| anyhow::anyhow!("Could not verify if keyspace was dropped: {}", e))?; } Ok(()) } #[derive(Default, Clone, Debug)] pub struct MyKeyspace { pub name: String, } impl MyKeyspace { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { name: "scylla_example".into(), } } } impl ToString for MyKeyspace { fn to_string(&self) -> String { } } impl Insert for MyKeyspace { type QueryOrPrepared = PreparedStatement; fn statement(&self) -> InsertStatement { parse_statement!("INSERT INTO #.test (key, data) VALUES (?, ?)", } fn bind_values(builder: T, key: &String, value: &i32) -> T { builder.value(key).value(value) } } impl Select for MyKeyspace { type QueryOrPrepared = PreparedStatement; fn statement(&self) -> SelectStatement { parse_statement!("SELECT data FROM #.test WHERE key = ?", } fn bind_values(builder: T, key: &String, _variables: &()) -> T { builder.value(key) } }