package sdf:df; interface df { use sdf:arrow/wasm-io.{ data-frame }; resource table-value { get-data-frame: func() -> data-frame; } } interface lazy { type index = u16; type expressions = list; // list of expr node based on variant operation { filter(expressions) } // content of the each AST variant expr { binary(binary-exp), col(column), lit(lit), } record binary-exp { operator: operator, left: index, right: index } variant operator { plus, minus, lt-eq, eq, gt } record column { name: string } variant lit { %string(string), %f64(f64), %f32(f32), %i64(s64), %i32(s32), %i16(s16), %i8(s8), %u64(u64), %u32(u32), %u16(u16), %u8(u8), %bool(bool), } record sort-options { descending: list, maintain-order: bool, } record column-names { names: list } variant dtype { %string, %f64, %f32, %i64, %i32, %i16, %i8, %u64, %u32, %u16, %u8, %bool } record column-schema { name: string, index: u8, schema: dtype } // presents data frame as resource resource df-value { // find: static func(name: string) -> option; run: func(ops: operation) -> result; select: func(columns: column-names) -> result; sort: func(columns: column-names, options: sort-options) -> result; shape: func() -> tuple; schema: func(columns: column-names) -> result,string>; rows: func() -> result; sql: func(sql: string) -> result; head: func(rows: u64) -> result; name: func() -> string; } resource row-value { end: func() -> bool; next: func() -> bool; index: func() -> s64; skip: func(row: s64) -> bool; value: func(col: u8) -> option; } } world arrow-world { import df; import lazy; }