# sdshout ("systemd shout") sdshout is a simple service which generates desktop notifications on Linux systems when systemd services fail. It's useful for knowing when system updates, automated backups or other critical jobs aren't working. ![sample notification](screenshot.png) sdshout is intended to run a user systemd service. It connects to the system D-Bus to detect failed services. ## Installation ### Nix On flake enabled Nix systems, sdshout can be run or installed from `github:mjs/sdshout`. For example, to just give it a try: ``` nix run github:mjs/sdshout ``` Integration as a NixOS flake input is also possible. ### Cargo If you have Rust toolchain available, sdshout can be installed with: ``` cargo install sdshout ``` ### Service Installation 1. Copy the [sample service file](sdshout.service) to `~/.config/systemd/user` 2. Edit the file and modify the `ExecStart` line to suit 3. `systemctl --user daemon-reload` 4. `systemctl --user enable --now sdshout.service` ## Roadmap See issues labeled with [Enhancement](https://github.com/mjs/sdshout/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Aenhancement) on GitHub.