mod util; use util::*; static INIT: std::sync::Once = std::sync::Once::new(); #[allow(unused_macros)] macro_rules! flush { () => { std::io::Write::flush(&mut std::io::stdout()).unwrap() }; } // cargo test --test load-balanced --features=test,runtime-tokio -- --nocapture // cargo test --test load-balanced --features=test,runtime-async-std -- --nocapture #[cfg(feature = "test")] #[cfg_attr(feature = "runtime-tokio", tokio::test)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "runtime-async-std", async_std::test)] async fn load_balance() -> anyhow::Result<()> { use flume::unbounded; use sea_streamer_redis::{ AutoCommit, AutoStreamReset, RedisConnectOptions, RedisConsumerOptions, RedisStreamer, }; use sea_streamer_runtime::{sleep, spawn_task}; use sea_streamer_types::{ export::futures::stream::StreamExt, Buffer, Consumer, ConsumerMode, ConsumerOptions, Message, Producer, StreamKey, Streamer, Timestamp, }; use std::time::Duration; const TEST: &str = "balanced-1"; INIT.call_once(env_logger::init); test(AutoCommit::Disabled).await?; async fn test(auto_commit: AutoCommit) -> anyhow::Result<()> { println!("AutoCommit = {auto_commit:?} ..."); let options = RedisConnectOptions::default(); let streamer = RedisStreamer::connect( std::env::var("BROKERS_URL") .unwrap_or_else(|_| "redis://localhost".to_owned()) .parse() .unwrap(), options, ) .await?; let now = Timestamp::now_utc(); let stream = StreamKey::new(format!( "{}-{}", TEST, now.unix_timestamp_nanos() / 1_000_000 ))?; let mut producer = streamer .create_producer(stream.clone(), Default::default()) .await?; for i in 0..5 { let message = format!("{i}"); producer.send(message)?; } producer.flush().await?; let mut options = RedisConsumerOptions::new(ConsumerMode::LoadBalanced); options.set_auto_stream_reset(AutoStreamReset::Earliest); options.set_auto_commit(auto_commit); options.set_auto_commit_interval(Duration::from_secs(0)); // set a smaller batch size, otherwise one would take more than it can handle options.set_batch_size(1); let alpha = streamer .create_consumer(&[stream.clone()], options.clone()) .await?; // separate them by 1ms so they must have different consumer ids sleep(Duration::from_millis(1)).await; let beta = streamer .create_consumer(&[stream.clone()], options.clone()) .await?; // we want to test the default group and consumer option, // which the 2 consumers should be in the same group, // but with two different consumer ids. assert!(alpha.group_id().is_some()); assert_eq!(alpha.group_id(), beta.group_id()); assert!(alpha.consumer_id().is_some()); assert!(beta.consumer_id().is_some()); assert_ne!(alpha.consumer_id(), beta.consumer_id()); for i in 5..10 { let message = format!("{i}"); producer.send(message)?; } producer.flush().await?; // multiplex the two streams into one let (sender, messages) = unbounded(); { let sender = sender.clone(); spawn_task(async move { while let Ok(msg) = { if sender.send(("a", msg)).is_err() { break; } // simulate time needed to process a message sleep(Duration::from_millis(1)).await; } }); } { let sender = sender.clone(); spawn_task(async move { let sender = sender.clone(); while let Ok(msg) = { if sender.send(("b", msg)).is_err() { break; } sleep(Duration::from_millis(1)).await; } }); } let messages: Vec<_> = messages.into_stream().take(10).collect().await; let mut numbers = Vec::new(); let (mut a_count, mut b_count) = (0, 0); for (who, msg) in messages { match who { "a" => a_count += 1, "b" => b_count += 1, _ => unreachable!(), } let num = msg.message().as_str().unwrap().parse::().unwrap(); numbers.push(num); log::debug!("[{who}] {num}"); } // they may be received out-of-order numbers.sort(); assert_eq!(numbers, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]); assert_ne!(a_count, 0); assert_ne!(b_count, 0); // example: // [a] 0 // [b] 1 // [a] 2 // [b] 3 // [a] 4 // [b] 5 // [a] 6 // [b] 7 // [a] 8 // [b] 9 println!("End test case."); Ok(()) } Ok(()) } // cargo test --test load-balanced --features=test,runtime-tokio -- --nocapture // cargo test --test load-balanced --features=test,runtime-async-std -- --nocapture #[cfg(feature = "test")] #[cfg_attr(feature = "runtime-tokio", tokio::test)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "runtime-async-std", async_std::test)] async fn failover() -> anyhow::Result<()> { use sea_streamer_redis::{ AutoCommit, AutoStreamReset, RedisConnectOptions, RedisConsumerOptions, RedisStreamer, }; use sea_streamer_types::{ ConsumerGroup, ConsumerMode, ConsumerOptions, Producer, StreamKey, Streamer, Timestamp, }; use std::time::Duration; const TEST: &str = "balanced-2"; INIT.call_once(env_logger::init); test(AutoCommit::Disabled).await?; async fn test(auto_commit: AutoCommit) -> anyhow::Result<()> { println!("AutoCommit = {auto_commit:?} ..."); let options = RedisConnectOptions::default(); let streamer = RedisStreamer::connect( std::env::var("BROKERS_URL") .unwrap_or_else(|_| "redis://localhost".to_owned()) .parse() .unwrap(), options, ) .await?; let now = Timestamp::now_utc(); let stream = StreamKey::new(format!( "{}-{}", TEST, now.unix_timestamp_nanos() / 1_000_000 ))?; let mut producer = streamer .create_producer(stream.clone(), Default::default()) .await?; let mut options = RedisConsumerOptions::new(ConsumerMode::LoadBalanced); options.set_consumer_group(ConsumerGroup::new(; options.set_auto_stream_reset(AutoStreamReset::Earliest); options.set_auto_commit(auto_commit); options.set_auto_commit_interval(Duration::from_secs(0)); options.set_auto_claim_idle(Duration::from_secs(1)); options.set_auto_claim_interval(Some(Duration::from_secs(1))); options.set_batch_size(1); let mut alpha = streamer .create_consumer(&[stream.clone()], options.clone()) .await?; let alpha_id = alpha.consumer_id().unwrap().to_owned(); for i in 0..5 { let message = format!("{i}"); producer.send(message)?; } producer.flush().await?; print!("Stream alpha ..."); flush!(); let seq = consume(&mut alpha, 5).await?; assert_eq!(seq, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]); println!(" ok"); let mut beta = streamer .create_consumer(&[stream.clone()], options.clone()) .await?; assert!(beta.consumer_id().is_some()); assert_ne!(alpha.consumer_id(), beta.consumer_id()); for i in 5..10 { let message = format!("{i}"); producer.send(message)?; } producer.flush().await?; print!("Stream beta ..."); flush!(); let seq = consume_and_ack(&mut beta, 5).await?; assert_eq!(seq, [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]); println!(" ok"); print!("Commit beta ..."); flush!(); beta.commit()?.await?; println!(" ok"); print!("Abort alpha ..."); flush!(); // end alpha without ACKing anything alpha.end().await?; println!(" ok"); print!("Stream claim ..."); flush!(); // there are no new messages, so after XREAD timed out it will try XCLAIM let seq = consume_and_ack(&mut beta, 5).await?; assert_eq!(seq, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]); println!(" ok"); for i in 10..15 { let message = format!("{i}"); producer.send(message)?; } producer.flush().await?; beta.commit()?.await?; options.set_consumer_id(alpha_id); let mut alpha = streamer .create_consumer(&[stream.clone()], options.clone()) .await?; print!("Resume alpha ..."); flush!(); let seq = consume(&mut alpha, 2).await?; // alpha starts streaming from where the group is at assert_eq!(seq, [10, 11]); println!(" ok"); print!("Resume beta ..."); flush!(); let seq = consume(&mut beta, 3).await?; // alpha is idle, so beta steps in assert_eq!(seq, [12, 13, 14]); println!(" ok"); println!("End test case."); Ok(()) } Ok(()) }