use proc_macro2::TokenStream; use quote::quote; use std::{ env, ffi::OsString, fs::{read_dir, File}, io::{Read, Write}, path::Path, }; fn build_pyth_table(out_dir: &OsString) { let mut tokens = TokenStream::new(); let mut pyth_csv = String::new(); // Note on this data: copy-pasted from here ( // and formatted it into a CSV let mut file = File::open("data/pyth.csv").unwrap(); file.read_to_string(&mut pyth_csv).unwrap(); let rows = pyth_csv.lines().filter_map(|line| { let cols = line.split(',').collect::>(); // Finally found a use for slice matching, ty mr rust if let &[cluster, _, product, addr] = &cols[..] { let product = format!("{}-{}", cluster, product); Some(quote! { #product => Some(#addr) }) } else { None } }); tokens.extend(quote! { pub fn get_pyth_price_address(product: &str) -> Option<&'static str> { match product { #(#rows),*, _ => None } } }); let data_path = Path::new(out_dir).join(""); let mut file = File::create(data_path).unwrap(); file.write_all(tokens.to_string().as_bytes()).unwrap(); } fn main() { let entries = read_dir("data").unwrap().map(|entry| entry.unwrap()); for entry in entries { println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=data/{}", entry.path().display()); } let out_dir = env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); // Write the table in /data/pyth.csv to something Rust-readable. build_pyth_table(&out_dir); }