set dotenv-load := true default: @just --list --justfile {{justfile()}} # Install required tools install-required: @echo "Installing tools" @echo "Installing Rust nightly toolchain" rustup toolchain install nightly cargo install mdbook cargo install cargo-watch --force @echo "Installing nextest" cargo install cargo-nextest @echo "Installing sqlx" cargo install sqlx-cli # Install recommended tools install-recommended: install-required @echo "Installing gitoxide" cargo install gitoxide @echo "Installing onefetch" cargo install onefetch @echo "Installing oranda" cargo install oranda # Build the base devcontainer devcontainer-build: docker build -t auser/sealedinfra-devcontainer -f .devcontainer/docker/Dockerfile.base . # Run the server in dev mode dev: @cargo watch -w src/server -w Cargo.toml -x "run server start" # Run migrations migrate-up: @sqlx migrate run # Rollback the last migration migrate-down: @sqlx migrate revert # Reset the database migrate-reset: @sqlx database reset -y # Build the docs docs: @oranda build # Serve the docs docs-dev: @oranda dev # Run the tests test: @cargo test # Run the tests with coverage test-coverage: @cargo coverage