# AWS variable "region" { description = "The AWS region to deploy in" type = string } variable "instance_type" { description = "EC2 instance type" type = string } variable "cidr_blocks" { description = "List of CIDR blocks for security group" type = list(string) } variable "vpc_id" { description = "The VPC ID where the instance will be deployed" type = string } variable "subnet_id" { description = "The Subnet ID where the instance will be deployed" type = string } # variable "ami_id" { # description = "AMI ID to use for the EC2 instance" # type = string # } variable "security_group_name" { description = "Name of the security group" type = string } variable "instance_name" { description = "The name tag for the EC2 instance" type = string } variable "key_name" { description = "The name of the PEM key to use for the instance" type = string } variable "ingress_rules" { description = "List of ingress rules" type = list(object({ from_port = number to_port = number protocol = string cidr_blocks = list(string) })) } variable "egress_rules" { description = "List of egress rules" type = list(object({ from_port = number to_port = number protocol = string cidr_blocks = list(string) })) } variable "role_name" { description = "instance role for ssm login" type = string } # Kubernetes variable "k8s_host" { type = string default = "" } variable "k8s_cluster_name" { type = string default = "sealedinfra" } variable "k8s_client_certificate" { type = string } variable "k8s_client_key" { type = string } variable "k8s_cluster_ca_certificate" { type = string } variable "k8s_version" { type = string default = "1.30.0" }