# Rust Telegram Search Bot This Rust kit allows you to create a Telegram bot that can search through the Search API and open other websites. **Currently, search is only supported through the Google Search API.** ## Prerequisites Before you start, make sure you have the following: - Rust installed on your system - A Telegram Bot API token and a Google Cloud Platform project with the necessary credentials for the Google Search API ## Getting Started 1. Install the crate: ```sh cargo install search-bot ``` 2. Setup `.env` file from `.env.example` file in your [`workdir`]: ```ini GOOGLE_SEARCH_API_KEY=[secret-string] GOOGLE_SEARCH_APP_ID=[special-string] TELOXIDE_TOKEN=[secret-string] ALLOWED_USERS=id1,id2 # To get your id, start the bot and run command /getid ``` 3. Navigate to your `workdir`: ```sh cd /path/to/my/workdir ``` 4. Run bot: ___ ```sh search-bot ``` To watch more logs set the system env variable `RUST_LOG=info` ___ ## Usage `To search`: enter any text to the bot. `To open any site`: enter to the bot a site URL starting with `http://` or `https://` Happy hacking!