use rand::{ distributions::{Distribution, Standard}, rngs::StdRng, thread_rng, Rng, SeedableRng, }; use second_stack::*; use std::{fmt::Debug, marker::PhantomData, mem::MaybeUninit, thread}; use testdrop::TestDrop; /// Randomly tests both uninit_slice and buffer /// Includes tricky cases like recursing during iteration and drop #[test] fn soak() { #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] struct Cfg { threads: usize, inner_loops: usize, outer_loops: usize, recursion: u32, } let cfg = if cfg!(miri) { Cfg { threads: 1, inner_loops: 2, outer_loops: 8, recursion: 4, } } else if cfg!(debug_assertions) { Cfg { threads: 32, inner_loops: 3, outer_loops: 100, recursion: 8, } } else { Cfg { threads: 64, inner_loops: 5, outer_loops: 500, recursion: 12, } }; dbg!(&cfg); let mut handles = Vec::with_capacity(cfg.threads); for _ in 0..cfg.threads { let handle = thread::spawn(move || { for it in 0..cfg.outer_loops { if thread_rng().gen_bool(1.0 / (cfg.threads * cfg.inner_loops) as f64) { dbg!(it); } thread::spawn(move || { let local = Stack::new(); for _ in 0..cfg.inner_loops { recurse(cfg.recursion, &local); } }) .join() .unwrap(); } }); handles.push(handle); } for handle in handles.drain(..) { handle.join().unwrap(); } } fn rng_pair() -> (StdRng, StdRng) { let seed = thread_rng().gen(); (StdRng::from_seed(seed), StdRng::from_seed(seed)) } fn check_value(limit: u32, local: &Stack) where T: PartialEq + Debug, Standard: Distribution, { let mut call_check = CallCheck::new(); #[cfg(not(miri))] const LEN: usize = 65536; #[cfg(miri)] const LEN: usize = 1024; struct Huge { _a: [T; LEN], _b: [(T, T); LEN], _c: [(T, T, T); LEN], _d: [(T, T, T, T); LEN], } // If T is u8, this value would use almost 1/3 of the 2MiB thread stack // When recursing and using other types we virtually guarantee a stackoverflow // if this value was allocated on the thread's stack. Some other types // already use more than the limit with a single allocation. let f = move |_huge: &mut MaybeUninit>| { call_check.ok(); // TODO: Do an overwrite check here. // Even zeroing this out is very expensive. // *_uninit = MaybeUninit::zeroed(); // Unfortunately, it is hard to do a sampling for verification as // well. recurse(limit, local); }; if rand_bool() { uninit(f); } else { local.uninit(f) } } /// Grabs a randomly sized slice, verifies it's len, writes /// random values to it, calls external function, /// and verifies that all of the writes remained intact. fn check_slice(limit: u32, local: &Stack) where T: PartialEq + Debug, Standard: Distribution, { let len = thread_rng().gen_range(0usize..1025); let mut call_check = CallCheck::new(); let f = move |uninit: &mut [MaybeUninit]| { call_check.ok(); let (mut rng_gen, mut rng_check) = rng_pair(); assert_eq!(len, uninit.len()); for i in 0..uninit.len() { let value = rng_gen.gen(); uninit[i] = MaybeUninit::new(value); } recurse(limit, local); let init = unsafe { &*(uninit as *const [MaybeUninit] as *const [T]) }; // Verify that nothing overwrote this array. for i in 0..init.len() { let value = rng_check.gen(); assert_eq!(init[i], value); } }; if rand_bool() { uninit_slice(len, f); } else { local.uninit_slice(len, f) } } fn rand_bool() -> bool { thread_rng().gen() } fn check_rand_method(limit: u32, local: &Stack) where T: Debug + PartialEq, Standard: Distribution, { let switch = thread_rng().gen_range(0u32..3); match switch { 0 => check_slice::(limit, local), 1 => check_iter::(limit, local), 2 => check_value::(limit, local), _ => unreachable!(), } } fn check_rand_type(limit: u32, local: &Stack) { let switch = thread_rng().gen_range(0u32..13); // Pick some types with varying size/alignment requirements match switch { 0 => check_rand_method::(limit, local), 1 => check_rand_method::(limit, local), 2 => check_rand_method::(limit, local), 3 => check_rand_method::<(u8, u8)>(limit, local), 4 => check_rand_method::<(u8, u16)>(limit, local), 5 => check_rand_method::<(u8, u32)>(limit, local), 6 => check_rand_method::<(u16, u8)>(limit, local), 7 => check_rand_method::<(u16, u16)>(limit, local), 8 => check_rand_method::<(u16, u32)>(limit, local), 9 => check_rand_method::<(u32, u8)>(limit, local), 10 => check_rand_method::<(u32, u16)>(limit, local), 11 => check_rand_method::<(u32, u32)>(limit, local), 12 => check_rand_method::<()>(limit, local), _ => unreachable!(), } } fn recurse(mut limit: u32, local: &Stack) { if limit == 0 { return; } limit -= 1; let with_local = |limit: u32, local: &Stack| { if thread_rng().gen() { check_rand_type(limit, local); } if thread_rng().gen() { check_rand_type(limit, local); } }; if thread_rng().gen_range(0..8) == 0 { let new_local = Stack::new(); with_local(limit, &new_local); } else { with_local(limit, local); } } fn check_iter(limit: u32, local: &Stack) where T: Debug + PartialEq, Standard: Distribution, { let (rng_gen, mut rng_check) = rng_pair(); let total = thread_rng().gen_range(0..1025); let td = TestDrop::new(); let iter: RandIterator = RandIterator { total, count: 0, rand: rng_gen, limit, local, drop: &td, _marker: PhantomData, }; let mut check = CallCheck::new(); let f = |items: &mut [DropCheck]| { check.ok(); assert_eq!(items.len(), total); for item in items { assert_eq!(&item.value, &rng_check.gen()); } recurse(limit, local); }; if rand_bool() { buffer(iter, f); } else { local.buffer(iter, f); } assert_eq!(td.num_dropped_items(), td.num_tracked_items()); } struct DropCheck<'a, T> { _item: testdrop::Item<'a>, local: &'a Stack, limit: u32, probability: usize, value: T, } impl Drop for DropCheck<'_, T> { fn drop(&mut self) { if thread_rng().gen_range(0..self.probability) == 0 { recurse(self.limit, self.local); } } } struct RandIterator<'a, T> { total: usize, count: usize, rand: StdRng, limit: u32, drop: &'a TestDrop, local: &'a Stack, _marker: PhantomData<*const T>, } impl<'a, T> Iterator for RandIterator<'a, T> where Standard: Distribution, { type Item = DropCheck<'a, T>; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { if == self.count { return None; } let probability = * 2; if thread_rng().gen_range(0..probability) == 0 { recurse(self.limit, self.local); } self.count += 1; let value = self.rand.gen(); let item = self.drop.new_item().1; return Some(DropCheck { value, _item: item, probability, local: self.local, limit: self.limit, }); } } struct CallCheck { called: bool, } impl CallCheck { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { called: false } } pub fn ok(&mut self) { self.called = true; } } impl Drop for CallCheck { #[track_caller] fn drop(&mut self) { assert!(self.called == true); } }