getProjectRoot()); } public function shouldUseInterpreter() { return true; } public function getDefaultInterpreter() { return "bash"; } public function getInstallInstructions() { return pht('The test/lint/ script is part of '. 'the bitcoin-abc project'); } public function shouldExpectCommandErrors() { return false; } protected function parseGlobalLinterOutput($err, $stdout, $stderr) { $messages = array(); // New dependency added $pattern = '/(?:^(.+):#include <(.+)>)+/m'; if (preg_match_all($pattern, $stdout, $dependencies, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($dependencies as $dependency) { list(, $path, $header) = $dependency; $messages[] = id(new ArcanistLintMessage()) ->setPath($path) ->setGranularity(ArcanistLinter::GRANULARITY_GLOBAL) ->setCode('BOOST_DEPENDENCY') ->setSeverity(ArcanistLintSeverity::SEVERITY_ERROR) ->setName('A new dependency has been introduced') ->setDescription("New dependency to Boost $header has been ". "introduced."); } } // A dependency get removed $pattern = '/^Good job!.+dependency "(.+)" is .+ reintroduced\.$/sm'; if (preg_match_all($pattern, $stdout, $removals, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($removals as $removal) { list($advice, $header) = $removal; $messages[] = id(new ArcanistLintMessage()) ->setGranularity(ArcanistLinter::GRANULARITY_GLOBAL) ->setCode('BOOST_DEPENDENCY') ->setSeverity(ArcanistLintSeverity::SEVERITY_ADVICE) ->setBypassChangedLineFiltering(true) ->setName('Good job! A boost dependency has been removed.') ->setDescription($advice); } } return $messages; } }