++++++++++ With --skip_arguments=1 ++++++++++ The following tests will throw an error if skip-argument is not 1 --- Good ones --- fprintf(skipped, "%d", 1); fprintf(skipped, "%a%b%z", 1, "anything", 3); -- Too many arguments --- fprintf(skipped, "%d", 1, 2); => error --- Not enough argument --- fprintf(skipped, "%d"); should throw => error ++++++++++ With --skip_arguments=2 ++++++++++ The following tests will throw an error if skip-argument is not 2 --- Good ones --- snprintf(skip1, skip2, "%d", 1); snprintf(skip1, skip2, "%a%b%z", 1, "anything", 3); -- Too many arguments --- snprintf(skip1, skip2, "%d", 1, 2); => error --- Not enough argument --- snprintf(skip1, skip2, "%d"); should throw => error snprintf(skip1, "%d"); should throw => parse error