#!/bin/bash # ## License # # Copyright (c) 2020 Jesse Weaver. # # This file is part of secretgarden. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. ## Setup # Fail on errors or uninitialized variables, set -eu # and propagate up errors in pipes and command substitutions. set -o pipefail script_dir="$(cd $(dirname $BASH_SOURCE[0]); echo $PWD)" source $script_dir/functions.sh ## Shared functions if [[ -t 1 || -n ${FORCE_COLOR:-} ]]; then function _wrap_if_tty() { echo "$1$3$2" } else function _wrap_if_tty() { echo "$3" } fi function error_text() { _wrap_if_tty $'\e[31m' $'\e[0m' "$@" } function success_text() { _wrap_if_tty $'\e[32m' $'\e[0m' "$@" } function skip_text() { _wrap_if_tty $'\e[33m' $'\e[0m' "$@" } function _assert_failed() { echo "assertion failed: $1" echo "backtrace:" for i in $(seq 1 $(( ${#FUNCNAME[*]} - 1 ))); do echo " ${FUNCNAME[$i]}:${BASH_LINENO[$(( i - 1 ))]}" done exit 1 } function assert_equal() { if [[ "$1" != "$2" ]]; then _assert_failed "(received == expected) '$1' == '$2'" fi } function assert_sg_equal() { local value="$1"; shift assert_equal "$($SECRETGARDEN "$@")" "$value" } function assert_not_equal() { if [[ "$1" == "$2" ]]; then _assert_failed "(received != expected) '$1' != '$2'" fi } function assert_match() { if ! [[ "$1" =~ $2 ]]; then _assert_failed "(received =~ /pattern/) '$1' =~ /$2/" fi } function assert_no_match() { if [[ "$1" =~ $2 ]]; then _assert_failed "(received !~ /pattern/) '$1' !~ /$2/" fi } function assert_sg_match() { local value="$1"; shift assert_match "$($SECRETGARDEN "$@")" "$value" } function assert_sg() { $SECRETGARDEN "$@" || _assert_failed "secretgarden succeeds with flags '$@'" } function assert_sg_fails_matching() { local pattern="$1"; shift error_text="$(! $SECRETGARDEN "$@" 2>&1)" || _assert_failed "secretgarden fails with flags '$1'" echo $error_text assert_match "$error_text" "$pattern" } function config() { touch secretgarden.toml if grep "$1" secretgarden.toml; then sed -i -e '/'$1'/{s/.*/'$1'='$2'/}' secretgarden.toml else echo "$1=$2" >> secretgarden.toml fi } ## Tests function test_setting_opaque() { assert_sg set-opaque opaque1 opaqueval assert_sg_equal "opaqueval" opaque opaque1 } function test_setting_multiple_opaques_does_not_collide() { assert_sg set-opaque opaque1 opaqueval1 assert_sg set-opaque opaque2 opaqueval2 assert_sg_equal "opaqueval1" opaque opaque1 assert_sg_equal "opaqueval2" opaque opaque2 } function test_setting_opaque_from_base64() { assert_sg set-opaque opaque1 --base64 YmFzZTY0dGVzdA== assert_sg_equal "base64test" opaque opaque1 echo 'YmFzZTY0c3RkaW4=' | assert_sg set-opaque opaque2 --base64 assert_sg_equal "base64stdin" opaque opaque2 } function test_setting_opaque_from_base64_fails_with_concise_error() { echo '!' | assert_sg_fails_matching " '^Error: .* base64' " set-opaque opaque1 --base64 } function test_getting_opaque_as_base64() { assert_sg set-opaque opaque1 base64test assert_sg_equal "YmFzZTY0dGVzdA==" opaque opaque1 --base64 echo 'base64stdin' | assert_sg set-opaque opaque2 assert_sg_equal "YmFzZTY0c3RkaW4=" opaque opaque2 --base64 } function test_opaque_cannot_be_generated() { assert_sg_fails_matching "Cannot generate" opaque opaque1 } function test_password_generation_options() { config password.password1.length 12 assert_sg_match '^.{12}$' password password1 config password.password2.length 32 assert_sg_match '^.{32}$' password password2 } function test_password_persists() { config password.password1.length 12 password="$($SECRETGARDEN password password1)" assert_match "$password" '^.{12}$' assert_sg_equal "$password" password password1 } function test_password_converges() { config password.password1.length 12 password="$($SECRETGARDEN password password1)" assert_sg_equal "$password" password password1 config password.password1.length 13 password_converged="$($SECRETGARDEN password password1)" assert_match "$password_converged" '^.{13}$' assert_not_equal "$password_converged" "$password" } function test_password_generation_can_be_disabled() { assert_sg_fails_matching "does not exist" password password1 --generate=never assert_sg password password1 assert_sg password password1 --generate=never } function test_password_convergence_can_be_disabled() { config password.password1.length 12 assert_sg password password1 > password1 assert_sg_equal "$(cat password1)" password password1 config password.password1.length 13 assert_sg_equal "$(cat password1)" password password1 --generate=once } function test_ssh_key_separate_generation() { private_key="$($SECRETGARDEN ssh-key key1)" public_key="$($SECRETGARDEN ssh-key key1 --public)" if ! derived_public_key="$(ssh-keygen -y -f <(echo "$private_key"))"; then exit 1 fi assert_equal "$(ssh-keygen -y -f <(echo "$private_key"))" "$public_key" } function test_ssh_keys_can_be_generated_with_any_type() { # This could be a loop, but SSH key type IDs have a lot of subtle variation... config ssh-key.key-rsa.type "'rsa'" assert_match "$($SECRETGARDEN ssh-key key-rsa --public)" "^[^ ]*rsa[^ ]* " config ssh-key.key-dsa.type "'dsa'" assert_match "$($SECRETGARDEN ssh-key key-dsa --public)" "^[^ ]*dss[^ ]* " config ssh-key.key-ecdsa.type "'ecdsa'" assert_match "$($SECRETGARDEN ssh-key key-ecdsa --public)" "^[^ ]*ecdsa[^ ]* " config ssh-key.key-ed25519.type "'rsa'" assert_match "$($SECRETGARDEN ssh-key key-ed-25519 --public)" "^[^ ]*ed25519[^ ]* " } function _assert_ssh_key_bits() { assert_match "$(ssh-keygen -lf <(echo "$1"))" "^$2 " } function test_ssh_keys_can_be_generated_with_custom_bits() { config ssh-key.key-rsa.type "'rsa'" config ssh-key.key-rsa.bits 4096 config ssh-key.key-ecdsa.type "'ecdsa'" config ssh-key.key-ecdsa.bits 521 _assert_ssh_key_bits "$($SECRETGARDEN ssh-key key-rsa --public)" 4096 _assert_ssh_key_bits "$($SECRETGARDEN ssh-key key-ecdsa --public)" 521 } function test_ssh_key_types_with_fixed_lengths_reject_custom_bits() { config ssh-key.key-ed25519.type "'ed-25519'" assert_sg ssh-key key-ed25519 config ssh-key.key-ed25519-256.type "'ed-25519'" config ssh-key.key-ed25519-256.bits 256 assert_sg_fails_matching "cannot be specified" ssh-key key-ed25519-256 config ssh-key.key-dsa.type "'dsa'" assert_sg ssh-key key-dsa config ssh-key.key-dsa-2048.type "'dsa'" config ssh-key.key-dsa-2048.bits 2048 assert_sg_fails_matching "only have 1024 bits" ssh-key key-dsa-2048 } function test_values_not_stored_in_plaintext() { assert_sg set-opaque opaque1 opaqueval ! grep opaqueval secret* } function test_encrypted_container_different_each_time() { assert_sg set-opaque opaque1 opaqueval first_sha256sum="$(sha256sum secretgarden.dat | cut -d ' ' -f 1)" rm secretgarden.dat assert_sg set-opaque opaque1 opaqueval second_sha256sum="$(sha256sum secretgarden.dat | cut -d ' ' -f 1)" assert_not_equal "$first_sha256sum" "$second_sha256sum" } function test_values_cannot_be_decrypted_with_different_ssh_key() { assert_sg set-opaque opaque1 opaqueval assert_sg_equal "opaqueval" opaque opaque1 spawn_ssh_agent ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -N '' -f $PWD/id2 ssh-add $PWD/id2 assert_sg_fails_matching "$(ssh-keygen -l -f $PWD/orig-id | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | sed -e 's,+,\\+,g')" opaque opaque1 } function test_values_can_be_decrypted_regardless_of_ssh_key_order() { assert_sg set-opaque opaque1 opaqueval assert_sg_equal "opaqueval" opaque opaque1 spawn_ssh_agent ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -N '' -f $PWD/id2 ssh-add $PWD/id2 ssh-add $PWD/orig-id assert_sg opaque opaque1 } function test_values_can_be_decrypted_with_each_ssh_key_type() { for key_type in rsa ed25519; do spawn_ssh_agent ssh-keygen -t $key_type -N '' -f $PWD/id-$key_type ssh-add $PWD/id-$key_type assert_sg set-opaque opaque1 opaqueval assert_sg_equal "opaqueval" opaque opaque1 rm secretgarden.dat done } function test_encryption_fails_if_only_ssh_key_types_with_randomized_signatures_are_available() { for key_type in dsa ecdsa; do spawn_ssh_agent ssh-keygen -t $key_type -N '' -f $PWD/id-$key_type ssh-add $PWD/id-$key_type rm -f secretgarden.dat assert_sg_fails_matching "No valid keys" set-opaque opaque1 opaqueval done } function test_encryption_selects_ssh_key_types_with_deterministic_signatures() { for key_type in dsa ecdsa; do spawn_ssh_agent ssh-keygen -t $key_type -N '' -f $PWD/id-$key_type ssh-add $PWD/id-$key_type ssh-add $PWD/orig-id assert_sg set-opaque opaque1 opaqueval assert_sg opaque opaque1 ssh-add -d $PWD/orig-id.pub assert_sg_fails_matching "fingerprint" opaque opaque1 done } function test_x509_generates_valid_certificates() { assert_sg x509 cert1 > cert.pem openssl x509 -noout < cert.pem || _assert_failed "x509 result was valid" } function test_x509_generates_valid_private_keys() { assert_sg x509 cert1 > cert.pem openssl pkey -noout -check < cert.pem || _assert_failed "RSA result was valid" } function test_x509_subject_and_issuer_default_to_secret_name() { assert_sg x509 cert1 > cert.pem assert_match "$(openssl x509 -noout -subject < cert.pem)" "subject=CN *= *cert1" assert_match "$(openssl x509 -noout -issuer < cert.pem)" "issuer=CN *= *cert1" } function test_x509_not_before_and_not_before_default_to_a_year_apart() { assert_sg x509 cert1 > cert.pem today="$(LC_ALL=C TZ=UTC date +"%b %e.*%Y.*")" one_year="$(LC_ALL=C TZ=UTC date +"%b %e.*%Y.*" -d "365 days")" assert_match "$(LC_ALL=C openssl x509 -noout -dates < cert.pem)" "notBefore=$today"$'\n'"notAfter=$one_year" } function test_x509_can_adjust_duration() { config x509.cert1.duration-days 52 assert_sg x509 cert1 > cert.pem today="$(LC_ALL=C TZ=UTC date +"%b %e.*%Y.*")" fifty_two_days="$(LC_ALL=C TZ=UTC date +"%b %e.*%Y.*" -d "52 days")" assert_match "$(LC_ALL=C openssl x509 -noout -dates < cert.pem)" "notBefore=$today"$'\n'"notAfter=$fifty_two_days" } function test_x509_regenerates_when_expired() { config x509.cert1.duration-days 1 assert_sg x509 cert1 > cert1a.pem SECRETGARDEN="faketime -f +2s $SECRETGARDEN" assert_sg x509 cert1 > cert1b.pem diff cert1a.pem cert1b.pem > /dev/null || _assert_failed "unexpired certificate should not regenerate" config x509.cert2.duration-days 0 assert_sg x509 cert2 > cert2a.pem SECRETGARDEN="faketime -f +2s $SECRETGARDEN" assert_sg x509 cert2 > cert2b.pem diff cert2a.pem cert2b.pem > /dev/null && _assert_failed "expired certificate should regenerate" } function test_x509_outputs_certificate_and_private_key_by_default() { assert_sg x509 cert1 > cert.pem assert_match "$(cat cert.pem)" "BEGIN CERTIFICATE" assert_match "$(cat cert.pem)" "BEGIN PRIVATE KEY" } function test_x509_can_output_certificate_only() { assert_sg x509 --certificate cert1 > cert.pem openssl x509 -noout < cert.pem || _assert_failed "x509 result was valid" assert_no_match "$(cat cert.pem)" "BEGIN PRIVATE KEY" } function test_x509_can_output_private_key_only() { assert_sg x509 --private-key cert1 > cert.pem assert_no_match "$(cat cert.pem)" "BEGIN CERTIFICATE" assert_match "$(cat cert.pem)" "BEGIN PRIVATE KEY" openssl pkey -noout -check < cert.pem || _assert_failed "RSA result was valid" } function test_x509_outputs_both_when_asked_for_certificate_and_private_key() { assert_sg x509 --certificate --private-key cert1 > cert.pem openssl x509 -noout < cert.pem || _assert_failed "x509 result was valid" openssl rsa -noout -check < cert.pem || _assert_failed "RSA result was valid" } function test_x509_can_output_public_key_only() { assert_sg x509 --public-key cert1 > cert.pem assert_no_match "$(cat cert.pem)" "BEGIN CERTIFICATE" assert_match "$(cat cert.pem)" "BEGIN PUBLIC KEY" openssl pkey -pubin -noout < cert.pem || _assert_failed "RSA public result was valid" } function test_x509_has_no_sans_by_default() { assert_sg x509 cert1 > cert.pem assert_match "$(openssl x509 -noout -ext subjectAltName < cert.pem 2>&1)" "No extensions" } function test_x509_can_have_dns_sans() { config x509.cert1.dns-sans '["host.domain.example"]' assert_sg x509 cert1 > cert.pem assert_match "$(openssl x509 -noout -ext subjectAltName < cert.pem)" "DNS:host.domain.example" config x509.cert2.dns-sans '["host.domain.example", "host.example.domain"]' assert_sg x509 cert2 > cert.pem assert_match "$(openssl x509 -noout -ext subjectAltName < cert.pem)" "DNS:host.domain.example, DNS:host.example.domain" } function test_x509_can_have_ip_sans() { config x509.cert1.ip-sans '[""]' assert_sg x509 cert1 > cert.pem assert_match "$(openssl x509 -noout -ext subjectAltName < cert.pem)" "IP Address:" config x509.cert2.ip-sans '["", "ffee::1"]' assert_sg x509 cert2 > cert.pem assert_match "$(openssl x509 -noout -ext subjectAltName < cert.pem)" "IP Address:, IP Address:FFEE:0:0:0:0:0:0:1" } function test_x509_can_have_mixed_sans() { config x509.cert2.dns-sans '["host.domain.example", "host.example.domain"]' config x509.cert2.ip-sans '["", "ffee::1"]' assert_sg x509 cert2 > cert.pem assert_match "$(openssl x509 -noout -ext subjectAltName < cert.pem)" "DNS:host.domain.example, DNS:host.example.domain, IP Address:, IP Address:FFEE:0:0:0:0:0:0:1" } function test_x509_common_name_can_be_changed() { config x509.cert1.common-name "'Common name'" assert_sg x509 cert1 > cert.pem assert_match "$(openssl x509 -noout -subject < cert.pem)" "subject=CN *= *Common name" assert_match "$(openssl x509 -noout -issuer < cert.pem)" "issuer=CN *= *Common name" } function test_x509_subject_can_be_changed() { config x509.cert1.subject "'CN=Sample Cert, OU=R&D, O=Company Ltd., L=Dublin 4, ST=Dublin, C=IE'" assert_sg x509 cert1 > cert.pem assert_match "$(openssl x509 -noout -subject < cert.pem)" "subject=CN *= *Sample Cert, OU *= *R&D, O *= *Company Ltd., L *= *Dublin 4, ST *= *Dublin, C *= *IE" assert_match "$(openssl x509 -noout -issuer < cert.pem)" "issuer=CN *= *Sample Cert, OU *= *R&D, O *= *Company Ltd., L *= *Dublin 4, ST *= *Dublin, C *= *IE" } function test_x509_is_not_a_ca_by_default() { assert_sg x509 cert1 > cert.pem assert_match "$(openssl x509 -noout -ext basicConstraints < cert.pem 2>&1)" "No extensions" } function test_x509_can_be_a_ca() { config x509.ca.is-ca true assert_sg x509 ca > cert.pem assert_match "$(openssl x509 -noout -ext basicConstraints < cert.pem)" "critical CA:TRUE" } function test_x509_can_create_a_certificate_signed_by_a_ca() { config x509.ca.is-ca true assert_sg x509 ca --certificate > ca.pem config x509.child.ca "'ca'" assert_sg x509 child --certificate > child.pem assert_match "$(openssl verify -CAfile ca.pem child.pem)" "OK" assert_match "$(openssl x509 -noout -issuer < child.pem)" "issuer=CN *= *ca" } function test_x509_only_uses_cas_that_are_cas() { assert_sg x509 ca config x509.child.ca "'ca'" assert_sg_fails_matching "CA" x509 child } function test_x509_fails_when_ca_expired() { config x509.ca.duration-days 0 config x509.ca.is-ca true assert_sg x509 ca > ca1a.pem config x509.child.ca "'ca'" SECRETGARDEN="faketime -f +2s $SECRETGARDEN" assert_sg_fails_matching "expired" x509 child } function test_x509_issuer_correct_for_ca_with_custom_subject() { config x509.ca.is-ca true config x509.ca.subject "'CN=Sample Cert, OU=R&D, O=Company Ltd., L=Dublin 4, ST=Dublin, C=IE'" assert_sg x509 ca > ca.pem config x509.child.ca "'ca'" assert_sg x509 child > child.pem assert_match "$(openssl x509 -noout -subject < child.pem)" "subject=CN *= *child" assert_match "$(openssl x509 -noout -issuer < child.pem)" "issuer=CN *= *Sample Cert, OU *= *R&D, O *= *Company Ltd., L *= *Dublin 4, ST *= *Dublin, C *= *IE" } function test_x509_rejects_unknown_config() { config x509.cert1.duration_days 52 assert_sg_fails_matching "duration_days" x509 cert1 } function test_output_compatible_with_previous_versions() { IFS=$'\n' for version_archive in $(ls -1 "$script_dir/assets/versions/"); do tar xf $version_archive pushd $(basename ${version_archive%%.tar.*}) ssh-add -D ssh-add id for output in $(cd outputs; ls); do diff -u outputs/"$output" <(eval "$SECRETGARDEN $output") || exit 1 done popd done } function test_ansible_plugin_can_be_installed { export HOME=$PWD/home assert_sg install-ansible-plugin python3 -m py_compile $HOME/.ansible/plugins/lookup/secretgarden.py || exit 1 } ## Test running loop function get_test_functions() { awk '/^function test_/ { print $2 }' "${TEST_FILE}" | sed -e 's/()//' } function run_test_function() { local test_function="$1" if [[ -z ${INSIDE_RUN_ALL_TESTS:-} ]]; then echo "Cannot run tests directly; use FOCUS=..." exit 1 fi test_name="$(sed -e 's/^test_//;s/_/ /g' <<<"$test_function")" if ! [[ "$test_name" =~ $FOCUS_FILTER ]]; then echo "$(skip_text '[SKIP]') $test_name" return 0 fi if result=$( cd "$(TMPDIR=$TEST_DIR mktemp -d -t $test_function.XXXXXXXX)" spawn_ssh_agent trap _kill_ssh_agents EXIT ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -N '' -f $PWD/orig-id > /dev/null ssh-add -q $PWD/orig-id > /dev/null exec 2>&1 $test_function _kill_ssh_agents cd $TEST_DIR ); then echo "$(success_text '[OK]') $test_name" if [[ ${TEST_VERBOSITY:-} -ge 1 ]]; then echo "$result" | sed -e 's/^/ /' fi return 0 else echo "$(error_text '[FAILED]') $test_name" if [[ ${TEST_VERBOSITY:-} -ge 0 ]]; then echo "$result" | sed -e 's/^/ /' fi return 1 fi } function run_all_tests() { # Save off the location of secretgarden. SECRETGARDEN="$(cd $(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}); echo $PWD/secretgarden)" # Create a temporary directory to run tests in that we'll delete later. export TEST_FILE="$(realpath ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})" export TEST_DIR="$(mktemp -d -t secretgarden-tests.XXXXXXXX)" export RUST_BACKTRACE=1 export RUST_LIB_BACKTRACE=1 if [[ -n ${RUST_NIGHTLY:-} ]]; then rustup run nightly cargo build ${CARGO_FLAGS:---release} rustup run nightly cargo test --quiet ${CARGO_FLAGS:---release} else cargo build ${CARGO_FLAGS:---release} cargo test --quiet ${CARGO_FLAGS:---release} fi export SECRETGARDEN=$PWD/target/release/secretgarden cd $TEST_DIR trap "rm -rf $TEST_DIR" EXIT # If any test functions are named FOCUS, default to focusing those. if get_test_functions | grep FOCUS; then : ${FOCUS:=FOCUS} fi export FOCUS_FILTER=${FOCUS:-'^.*$'} if [[ -t 1 ]]; then export FORCE_COLOR=1 fi ## Test running loop awk '/^function test_/ { print $2 }' "${TEST_FILE}" | \ sed -e 's/()//' | \ INSIDE_RUN_ALL_TESTS=1 xargs -L1 -P $(nproc --ignore=1) $script_dir/run.sh } if [[ $# == 1 ]]; then if ! run_test_function "$1"; then exit 1; fi else run_all_tests fi