// Copyright 2021 Google LLC // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. syntax = "proto3"; package ccc.hosted.marketplace.v2; import "google/api/annotations.proto"; option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/ccc/hosted/marketplace/v2;marketplace"; option java_multiple_files = true; option java_outer_classname = "ResourcesProto"; option java_package = "com.google.ccc.hosted.marketplace.v2"; message CustomerLicense { message Editions { // (Deprecated) string edition_id = 405 [deprecated = true]; // (Deprecated) int32 seat_count = 406 [deprecated = true]; // (Deprecated) int32 assigned_seats = 409 [deprecated = true]; } // The type of API resource. This is always appsmarket#customerLicense. string kind = 1; // The customer's license status. One of: // // - `ACTIVE`: The customer has a valid license. // - `UNLICENSED`: There is no license: either this customer has never // installed your application, or else has deleted it. string state = 2; // The ID of the application corresponding to this license query. string application_id = 3; // (Deprecated) repeated Editions editions = 4 [deprecated = true]; // The ID of the customer license. string id = 101; // The domain name of the customer. string customer_id = 102; } message LicenseNotification { message Deletes { string kind = 1; // (Deprecated) string edition_id = 901 [deprecated = true]; } message Expiries { string kind = 1; // (Deprecated) string edition_id = 701 [deprecated = true]; } message Provisions { string kind = 1; // (Deprecated) string edition_id = 601 [deprecated = true]; // The number of seats that were provisioned. int64 seat_count = 602; } message Reassignments { string kind = 1; // The email address of the reassigned user. string user_id = 801; string type = 802; // (Deprecated) string edition_id = 803 [deprecated = true]; } // The ID of the license notification. string id = 1; // The ID of the application according to this notification. string application_id = 2; // The time the event occurred, measuring in milliseconds since the UNIX // epoch. int64 timestamp = 3; // The domain name of the customer corresponding to this notification. string customer_id = 4; // The type of API resource. This is always appsmarket#licenseNotification. string kind = 5; // The list of provisioning notifications. repeated Provisions provisions = 6; // The list of expiry notifications. repeated Expiries expiries = 7; // The list of reassignment notifications. repeated Reassignments reassignments = 8; // The list of deletion notifications. repeated Deletes deletes = 9; } message LicenseNotificationList { string kind = 1; // The list of notifications. One or more of: // // - `provisions`: A new license of the application has been provisioned. // - `expiries`: A license of the application has expired. // - `deletions`: An application has been deleted from a domain. // - `reassignments`: An administrator has assigned or revoked a seat license // for the application on the provided domain. repeated LicenseNotification notifications = 1007; // The token used to continue querying for notifications after the final // notification in the current result set. string next_page_token = 100602; } message UserLicense { // The type of API resource. This is always appsmarket#userLicense. string kind = 1; // The domain administrator has activated the application for this domain. bool enabled = 2; // The user's licensing status. One of: // // - `ACTIVE`: The user has a valid license and should be permitted to use the // application. // - `UNLICENSED`: The administrator of this user's domain never assigned a // seat for the application to this user. // - `EXPIRED`: The administrator assigned a seat to this user, but the // license is expired. string state = 3; // (Deprecated) string edition_id = 4 [deprecated = true]; // The domain name of the user. string customer_id = 5; // The ID of the application corresponding to the license query. string application_id = 6; // The ID of user license. string id = 101; // The email address of the user. string user_id = 102; }