/// A test testing if a connection is setup with not enough latency, ie rtt > 3ish*latency use std::str; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; use bytes::Bytes; use futures::{stream::iter, SinkExt, StreamExt}; use log::{debug, info}; use tokio::time::interval; use srt::{ConnInitMethod, SrtSocketBuilder}; mod lossy_conn; use crate::lossy_conn::LossyConn; #[tokio::test] async fn not_enough_latency() { env_logger::init(); const INIT_SEQ_NUM: u32 = 12314; const PACKETS: u32 = 1_000; // a stream of ascending stringified integers // 1 ms between packets let counting_stream = iter(INIT_SEQ_NUM..INIT_SEQ_NUM + PACKETS) .map(|i| Bytes::from(i.to_string())) .zip(interval(Duration::from_millis(1))) .map(|(b, _)| b); // 4% packet loss, 4 sec latency with 0.2 s variance let (send, recv) = LossyConn::channel(0.04, Duration::from_secs(4), Duration::from_millis(200)); let sender = SrtSocketBuilder::new(ConnInitMethod::Listen).connect_with_sock(send); let recvr = SrtSocketBuilder::new(ConnInitMethod::Connect("".parse().unwrap())) .connect_with_sock(recv); tokio::spawn(async move { let mut sender = sender.await.unwrap(); let mut stream = counting_stream.map(|b| Ok((Instant::now(), b))); sender.send_all(&mut stream).await.unwrap(); sender.close().await.unwrap(); info!("Sender exiting"); }); tokio::spawn(async move { let mut recvr = recvr.await.unwrap(); let mut last_seq_num = INIT_SEQ_NUM - 1; let mut total = 0; while let Some(by) = recvr.next().await { let (ts, by) = by.unwrap(); total += 1; // they don't have to be sequential, but they should be increasing let this_seq_num = str::from_utf8(&by[..]).unwrap().parse().unwrap(); assert!( this_seq_num > last_seq_num, "Sequence numbers aren't increasing" ); if this_seq_num - last_seq_num > 1 { debug!("{} messages dropped", this_seq_num - last_seq_num - 1) } last_seq_num = this_seq_num; // make sure the timings are still decent let diff_ms = ts.elapsed().as_millis(); assert!( diff_ms > 4900 && diff_ms < 6000, "Time difference {}ms not within 4.7 sec and 6 sec", diff_ms, ); } // make sure we got 3/4 of the packets assert!( total > PACKETS * 3 / 4, "total={}, expected={}", total, PACKETS * 3 / 4 ); info!("Reciever exiting"); }); }