use chrono::offset::TimeZone; use chrono::{Duration, Utc}; use segmap::SegmentMap; fn main() { let people = ["Alice", "Bob", "Carol"]; let mut roster = SegmentMap::new(); // Set up initial roster. let start_of_roster = Utc.ymd(2019, 1, 7); let mut week_start = start_of_roster; for _ in 0..3 { for person in people { let next_week = week_start + Duration::weeks(1); roster.insert(week_start..next_week, person); week_start = next_week; } } // Bob is covering Alice's second shift (the fourth shift overall). let fourth_shift_start = start_of_roster + Duration::weeks(3); let fourth_shift_end = fourth_shift_start + Duration::weeks(1); roster.insert(fourth_shift_start..fourth_shift_end, "Bob"); // Print out the roster, and observe that // the fourth and fifth shifts have been coalesced // into one range. for (range, &person) in roster.iter() { let start = *range.start_value().unwrap(); let duration = *range.end_value().unwrap() - start; println!("{} ({}): {}", start, duration, person); } }