[![Python CLI checks](https://github.com/seguid/seguid-tests/actions/workflows/check-cli-python.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/seguid/seguid-tests/actions/workflows/check-cli-python.yml) [![R CLI checks](https://github.com/seguid/seguid-tests/actions/workflows/check-cli-r.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/seguid/seguid-tests/actions/workflows/check-cli-r.yml) # seguid-tests: Test Suite for SEGUID Implementations This repository provides as set of unit tests for validating current and to-be-release SEGUID implementations. Currently, it provides tests via the command-line interface (CLI). As long as the implementation complies with the offical SEGUID v2 CLI, these tests should cover all SEGUID v2 requirements. ## Testing a command-line interface To test the command-line interface of a specific implementation, use format: ```sh $ make check-cli CLI_CALL="cmd " ``` where `"cmd "` is the command with options use to call the SEGUID CLI. For example, the CLI of the Python **seguid** package is called using the format: ```sh $ python -m seguid ... ``` Thus, to test this interface, call: ```sh $ make check-cli CLI_CALL="python -m seguid" ``` A pre-defined short version of this is: ```sh $ make check-cli/seguid-python ``` Similarly, for the CLI of the R **seguid** package, use: ```sh $ make check-cli CLI_CALL="Rscript -e seguid::seguid --args" ``` or short: ```sh $ make check-cli/seguid-r ``` ## Requirements The CLI checks are implemented in Bash and Bats (Bash Automated Testing System): * Bash * [bats-core] [bats-core]: https://bats-core.readthedocs.io/en/stable/