A quick-start guide for working with `seize`. # Introduction Seize tries to stay out of your way as much as possible. It works with raw pointers directly instead of creating safe wrapper types that end up being a hassle to work with in practice. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to get started. We'll be writing a stack that implements concurrent `push` and `pop` operations. The details of how the stack works are not directly relevant, the guide will instead focus on how Seize works generally. # Collectors Seize avoids the use of global state and encourages creating a designated _collector_ per data structure. Collectors allow you to allocate, protect, and retire objects. ```rust,ignore use seize::Collector; struct Stack { collector: Collector, // ... } impl Stack { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { collector: Collector::new(), } } } ``` # Allocating Objects Seize requires storing some metadata about the global epoch for each object that is allocated. Because of this, objects in a concurrent data structure that may be reclaimed must embed the `Link` type or use the `Linked` wrapper provided for convenience. See [DST Support](#dst-support) for more details. You can create a `Link` with the `link` method, or allocate and link a value with the `link_boxed` helper: ```rust use seize::{reclaim, Collector, Linked}; use std::mem::ManuallyDrop; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicPtr, Ordering}; pub struct Stack { head: AtomicPtr>>, // <=== collector: Collector, } struct Node { next: *mut Linked>, // <=== value: ManuallyDrop, } impl Stack { pub fn push(&self, value: T) { let node = self.collector.link_boxed(Node { // <=== next: std::ptr::null_mut(), value: ManuallyDrop::new(value), }); // ... } } ``` # Starting Operations Before starting an operation that involves loading objects that may eventually be reclaimed, you must mark the thread as _active_ by calling the `enter` method. ```rust,ignore impl Stack { pub fn push(&self, value: T) { // ... let guard = self.collector.enter(); // <=== // ... } } ``` # Protecting Pointers `enter` returns a guard that allows you to safely load atomic pointers. Guards are the core of safe memory reclamation. Any valid pointer loaded through a guard using the `protect` method is guaranteed to stay valid until the guard is dropped, or is retired by the current thread. Importantly, if another thread retires an object that you protected, the collector knows not to reclaim the object until your guard is dropped. ```rust,ignore impl Stack { pub fn push(&self, value: T) { // ... let guard = self.collector.enter(); loop { let head = guard.protect(&self.head, Ordering::Acquire); // <=== unsafe { (*node).next = head; } if self .head .compare_exchange(head, node, Ordering::Release, Ordering::Relaxed) .is_ok() { break; } } // drop(guard); } } ``` Note that the lifetime of a guarded pointer is logically tied to that of the guard -- when the guard is dropped the pointer is invalidated -- but a raw pointer is returned for convenience. Data structures that return shared references to values should ensure that the lifetime of the reference is tied to the lifetime of a guard. # Retiring Objects Objects that have been removed from a data structure can be safely _retired_ through the collector. It will be _reclaimed_, or freed, when no threads holds a reference to it: ```rust,ignore impl Stack { pub fn pop(&self) -> Option { let guard = self.collector.enter(); // <=== mark the thread as active loop { let head = guard.protect(&self.head, Ordering::Acquire); // <=== safely load the head if head.is_null() { return None; } let next = unsafe { (*head).next }; if self .head .compare_exchange(head, next, Ordering::Release, Ordering::Relaxed) .is_ok() { unsafe { let data = ptr::read(&(*head).value); self.collector.retire(head, reclaim::boxed::>>); // <=== retire return Some(ManuallyDrop::into_inner(data)); } } } } } ``` There are a couple important things to note about retiring an object: ### Retired objects must be logically removed An object can only be retired if it is _no longer accessible_ to any thread that comes after. In the above code example this was ensured by swapping out the node before retiring it. Threads that loaded a value _before_ it was retired are safe, but threads that come after are not. Note that concurrent stacks typically suffer from the [ABA problem]. Using `retire` after popping a node ensures that the node is only freed _after_ all active threads that could have loaded it exit, avoiding any potential ABA. ### Retired objects cannot be accessed by the current thread Unlike in schemes like EBR, a guard does not protect objects retired by the current thread. If no other thread holds a reference to an object it may be reclaimed _immediately_. This makes the following code unsound: ```rust,ignore let ptr = guard.protect(&node, Ordering::Acquire); collector.retire(ptr, |_| {}); println!("{}", (*ptr).value); // <===== unsound! ``` Retirement can be delayed until the guard is dropped by calling `defer_retire` on the guard, instead of on the collector directly: ```rust,ignore let ptr = guard.protect(&node, Ordering::Acquire); guard.defer_retire(ptr, |_| {}); println!("{}", (*ptr).value); // <===== ok! drop(guard); // <===== ptr is invalidated ``` ### Custom Reclaimers You probably noticed that `retire` takes a function as a second parameter. This function is known as a _reclaimer_, and is run when the collector decides it is safe to free the retired object. Typically you will pass in a function from the [`seize::reclaim`](https://docs.rs/seize/latest/seize/reclaim/index.html) module. For example, values allocated with `Box` can use `reclaim::boxed`: ```rust,ignore use seize::reclaim; impl Stack { pub fn pop(&self) -> Option { // ... self.collector.retire(head, reclaim::boxed::>); // <=== // ... } } ``` The type annotation there is important. It is **unsound** to pass a reclaimer of a different type than the object being retired. If you need to run custom reclamation code, you can write a custom reclaimer. Functions passed to `retire` are called with a type-erased `Link` pointer. This is because retired values lose any type information during the reclamation process. To extract the underlying value from a link, you can call the `cast` method: ```rust,ignore collector.retire(value, |link: *mut Link| unsafe { // safety: the value retired was of type *mut Linked let ptr: *mut Linked = Link::cast(link); // safety: the value was allocated with `link_boxed` let value = Box::from_raw(ptr); println!("dropping {}", value); drop(value); }); ``` ## DST Support Most reclamation use cases can work with `Linked` and avoid working with links directly. However, advanced use cases such as dynamically sized types may requie more control over type layout. To support this, seize allows embedding a `Link` directly in your type. See the [`AsLink`](https://docs.rs/seize/latest/seize/trait.AsLink.html) trait for more details. [ABA problem]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ABA_problem