use std::fs; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::process::Command; extern crate toml; extern crate bindgen; use bindgen::Builder; extern crate selfe_config; use selfe_config::build_helpers::*; use selfe_config::compilation::{ build_sel4, resolve_sel4_sources, ResolvedSeL4Source, SeL4BuildMode, SeL4BuildOutcome, }; use selfe_config::model::{self, Arch, SeL4Arch}; extern crate proc_macro2; use proc_macro2::{Ident, Span, TokenStream}; extern crate quote; use quote::quote; extern crate itertools; use itertools::Itertools; const BLACKLIST_ITEMS: &'static [&'static str] = &[ "seL4_CPtr", "seL4_Word", "seL4_Int8", "seL4_Int16", "seL4_Int32", "seL4_Int64", "seL4_Uint8", "seL4_Uint16", "seL4_Uint32", "seL4_Uint64", "seL4_WordBits", ]; const BUILD_INCLUDE_DIRS: &'static [&'static str] = &[ "libsel4/include", "libsel4/autoconf", "kernel/gen_config", "libsel4/gen_config", "libsel4/arch_include/$ARCH$", "libsel4/sel4_arch_include/$SEL4_ARCH$", ]; const KERNEL_INCLUDE_DIRS: &'static [&'static str] = &[ "libsel4/include", "libsel4/arch_include/$ARCH$", "libsel4/sel4_arch_include/$SEL4_ARCH$", "libsel4/mode_include/$PTR_WIDTH$", ]; fn expand_include_dir(d: &str, arch: Arch, sel4_arch: SeL4Arch, ptr_width: usize) -> String { d.replace("$ARCH$", &arch.to_string()) .replace("$SEL4_ARCH$", &sel4_arch.to_string()) .replace("$PTR_WIDTH$", &format!("{}", ptr_width)) } fn rustfmt(p: &Path) { Command::new("rustfmt") .arg(p) .output() .expect("Failed to rustfmt generated code"); } fn gen_bindings( out_dir: &Path, kernel_path: &Path, libsel4_build_path: &Path, arch: model::Arch, sel4_arch: model::SeL4Arch, ptr_width: usize, ) { println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=src/bindgen_wrapper.h"); let mut bindings = Builder::default() .header("src/bindgen_wrapper.h") .use_core() .ctypes_prefix("ctypes"); for i in BLACKLIST_ITEMS { bindings = bindings.blacklist_item(i); } for d in BUILD_INCLUDE_DIRS { bindings = bindings.clang_arg(format!( "-I{}", libsel4_build_path .join(expand_include_dir(d, arch, sel4_arch, ptr_width)) .display() )); } for d in KERNEL_INCLUDE_DIRS { bindings = bindings.clang_arg(format!( "-I{}", kernel_path .join(expand_include_dir(d, arch, sel4_arch, ptr_width)) .display() )); } let bindings = bindings.generate().expect("bindgen didn't work"); bindings .write_to_file(PathBuf::from(out_dir).join("")) .expect("couldn't write bindings"); } #[derive(Debug)] struct BitfieldType { name: String, is_fault: bool, fields: Vec, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct BitfieldField { name: String, width: i64, } fn load_bitfields_toml() -> Vec { println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=codegen/bitfields.toml"); let bitfields_toml_str = std::fs::read_to_string("codegen/bitfields.toml") .expect("Can't read codegen/bitfields.toml"); let bitfields_toml: toml::value::Value = toml::from_str(&bitfields_toml_str).expect("Parsing bitfields.toml"); let top_toml = bitfields_toml .as_table() .expect("Top level of bitfields.toml should be a table"); let bitfield_types_toml = top_toml .get("bitfield_types") .and_then(|v| v.as_array()) .expect("bitfields.toml should have bitfield_types array at the top level"); let mut types = vec![]; for raw_type_toml in bitfield_types_toml { let type_toml = raw_type_toml .as_table() .expect("Each bitfield type should be a table"); let bitfield_type = BitfieldType { name: type_toml .get("name") .and_then(|v| v.as_str()) .map(|s| s.to_owned()) .expect("name"), is_fault: type_toml .get("is_fault") .and_then(|v| v.as_bool()) .expect("is_fault"), fields: type_toml .get("fields") .and_then(|v| v.as_array()) .expect("fields") .iter() .map(|val| { let t = val.as_table().expect("field"); BitfieldField { name: t .get("name") .expect("name") .as_str() .expect("field name must be string") .to_owned(), width: t .get("width") .expect("width") .as_integer() .expect("field width must be integer"), } }) .collect(), }; types.push(bitfield_type); } types } // Aux bitfield types for use with the quote macro #[derive(Clone)] struct FieldAccess { name: Ident, getter: Ident, setter: Ident, field: BitfieldField, } fn gen_for_field(f: &BitfieldField) -> TokenStream { if f.width == 64 { quote! { any::() } } else { let max: u64 = 1 << (f.width - 1); quote! { 0..#max } } } fn gen_bitfield_test(bf: &BitfieldType) -> TokenStream { let name =; let is_fault = bf.is_fault; // let fields = bf.fields.iter().map(|field_name| FieldView { // name: field_name.clone(), // type_name:, // }); let field_names = bf .fields .iter() .map(|f| Ident::new(&, Span::call_site())) .collect::>(); let param_struct_name = Ident::new(&format!("{}Params", name), Span::call_site()); let param_struct_fields = field_names.clone(); let param_struct_code = quote! { #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct #param_struct_name { #(#param_struct_fields: u64),* } }; let constructor = Ident::new( &format!("seL4_{}{}_new", if is_fault { "Fault_" } else { "" }, name), Span::call_site(), ); let constructor_params = field_names.clone(); let record_type = if is_fault { Ident::new("seL4_Fault", Span::call_site()) } else { Ident::new(&format!("seL4_{}_t", name), Span::call_site()) }; let constructor_code = quote! { impl #param_struct_name { fn create(&self) -> #record_type { unsafe { #constructor( #(self.#constructor_params),* ) } } } }; // Tuples only work in proptest up to 12 elements. To work around this, set up // the generators to have sub-generator tuples in groups of 10. let gen_params_fn = Ident::new(&format!("gen_{}_params", name), Span::call_site()); let fields_gen_code_in_tens = bf.fields.iter().map(gen_for_field).chunks(10); let fields_gen_tuples_code = fields_gen_code_in_tens .into_iter() .map(|chunk| quote! {(#(#chunk),*)}); let field_names_1 = field_names.clone(); let field_names_in_tens = field_names.chunks(10); let field_name_tuples_code = field_names_in_tens .into_iter() .map(|chunk| quote! {(#(#chunk),*)}); let gen_params_fn_code = if field_names.len() > 0 { quote! { #[allow(unused_parens)] fn #gen_params_fn() -> impl Strategy { (#(#fields_gen_tuples_code),*) .prop_map( |(#(#field_name_tuples_code),*)| #param_struct_name { #(#field_names_1),* }) } } } else { quote! { fn #gen_params_fn() -> impl Strategy { Just(#param_struct_name {}) } } }; let gen_fn = Ident::new(&format!("gen_{}", name), Span::call_site()); let gen_fn_code = quote! { fn #gen_fn() -> impl Strategy { #gen_params_fn().prop_map(|params| params.create()) } }; let field_access = bf .fields .iter() .map(|f| FieldAccess { name: Ident::new(&, Span::call_site()), field: f.clone(), getter: Ident::new( &format!( "seL4_{}{}_ptr_get_{}", if is_fault { "Fault_" } else { "" }, name,, ), Span::call_site(), ), setter: Ident::new( &format!( "seL4_{}{}_ptr_set_{}", if is_fault { "Fault_" } else { "" }, name, ), Span::call_site(), ), }) .collect::>(); let test_constructor_assertions = field_access.iter().map(|f| { let field_name =; let field_name_str = format!("{}", field_name); let field_getter = f.getter.clone(); quote! { assert_eq!(#field_getter(&mut val), params.#field_name, #field_name_str); } }); let test_constructor_code = quote! { proptest! { #[test] #[allow(unused_variables, unused_mut, unused_unsafe, unused_parens)] fn constructor_fields(params in #gen_params_fn()) { unsafe { let mut val = params.create(); #(#test_constructor_assertions)* } } } }; let test_fault_type_code = if bf.is_fault { let expected_fault_type = Ident::new( &format!("seL4_Fault_tag_seL4_Fault_{}",, Span::call_site(), ); quote! { proptest! { #[test] #[allow(unused_parens)] fn get_fault_type(mut record in #gen_fn()) { unsafe { assert_eq!(seL4_Fault_ptr_get_seL4_FaultType(&mut record), #expected_fault_type as u64); } } } } } else { quote! {} }; let test_get_set_code = field_access.iter().map(|f| { let test_name = Ident::new(&format!("field_{}",, Span::call_site()); let getter = &f.getter; let setter = &f.setter; let gen_code = gen_for_field(&f.field); quote! { proptest! { #[test] #[allow(unused_parens)] fn #test_name(mut record in #gen_fn(), val in #gen_code) { unsafe { #setter(&mut record, val); assert_eq!(#getter(&mut record), val); } } } } }); let debug_impl = if is_fault { quote! {} } else { let record_type_as_literal = proc_macro2::Literal::string(&record_type.to_string()); quote! { #[cfg(test)] impl core::fmt::Debug for #record_type { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter) -> core::fmt::Result { write!(f, #record_type_as_literal) } } } }; let mod_name = Ident::new(&format!("{}Test", name), Span::call_site()); quote::quote! { #[cfg(test)] mod #mod_name { use super::*; use proptest::prelude::*; #debug_impl #param_struct_code #constructor_code #gen_params_fn_code #gen_fn_code #test_constructor_code #test_fault_type_code #(#test_get_set_code)* } } } fn gen_tests(out_dir: &Path) { let bitfield_types = load_bitfields_toml(); let test_mods_code = bitfield_types.iter().map(gen_bitfield_test); let top_level_code = quote! { #[cfg(test)] impl core::fmt::Debug for seL4_Fault { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter) -> core::fmt::Result { write!(f, "seL4_Fault") } } #(#test_mods_code)* }; let out_file = out_dir.join(""); fs::write(&out_file, top_level_code.to_string()).expect("Write"); rustfmt(&out_file); } fn main() { BuildEnv::request_reruns(); let BuildEnv { cargo_cfg_target_pointer_width, out_dir, .. } = BuildEnv::from_env_vars(); println!(""); println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=src/"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=RUSTFLAGS"); gen_tests(&out_dir); let config = load_config_from_env_or_default(); config.print_boolean_feature_flags(); let is_verbose = false; let ResolvedSeL4Source { kernel_dir, tools_dir, util_libs_dir, } = resolve_sel4_sources( &config.sel4_sources, &out_dir.join("sel4_source"), is_verbose, ) .expect("resolve sel4 source"); let build_dir = if let SeL4BuildOutcome::StaticLib { build_dir } = build_sel4( &out_dir, &kernel_dir, &tools_dir, &util_libs_dir, &config, SeL4BuildMode::Lib, ) { build_dir } else { panic!("build_sel4 built us something other than a static library"); }; println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=static=sel4"); println!( "cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}/libsel4", build_dir.display() ); gen_bindings( &out_dir, &kernel_dir, &build_dir, config.context.arch, config.context.sel4_arch, cargo_cfg_target_pointer_width, ); // Build the libc stubs let mut build = cc::Build::new(); build.file("src/nano_libc.c"); if config.sel4_config.get("KernelPrinting") == Some(&selfe_config::model::SingleValue::Boolean(true)) { build.define("KernelPrinting", None); } build.compile("nano_libc"); }