## v1.0.0 (2018-09-16) #### Bug Fixes * remove superflous to_string() ([d16a236b](d16a236b)) * Use hyper_native_tls for GitHub interaction ([a3a30a84](a3a30a84)) * we can only push if the gh_token is present ([7d8f1ee3](7d8f1ee3)) * Updated hubcaps needs client directly ([99c9048f](99c9048f)) * indentation and error message ([bbc040eb](bbc040eb)) * Does not fail when project has no remote ([14edbaa3](14edbaa3)) * write repo_name to repository_name instead of user ([b8235b26](b8235b26)) * use compatible cd flag ([dc69ac67](dc69ac67)) * make CDPATH assignement to empty explicit ([384541e0](384541e0)) * restore script intention ([20160882](20160882)) * warnings by shellcheck && cd problem ([9e12edd3](9e12edd3)) * Avoid non-POSIX readlink parameter ([a3f0c9e6](a3f0c9e6), closes [#103](103)) * Reorder commands to first commit, then package ([63b88e0b](63b88e0b)) * Make help output consistent ([773e9a42](773e9a42)) * Switch to using --write=yes|no ([11f69f21](11f69f21)) * Only wait for other builds in release mode ([19d2212f](19d2212f)) * Handle more remote urls, like ssh ([80c26341](80c26341)) * Use release clog version ([397af709](397af709)) * Wait a short time before creating the release ([801d6ad3](801d6ad3)) * Do not set fixed master branch ([92bfab66](92bfab66)) * Create commit and tag against chosen branch ([187d1d3f](187d1d3f)) * Push correct reference ([d10b09f4](d10b09f4)) * Use uppercased env variable ([3ab01ed1](3ab01ed1)) * Rename it properly to CARGO_TOKEN ([b969dbc6](b969dbc6)) * Handle Result returned from revwalk ([01fd0271](01fd0271)) * Canonicalize path to absolute path ([5a5318fc](5a5318fc)) * Remove printed debug line ([677fedf3](677fedf3)) * Add Cargo.lock if not ignored ([aa3205be](aa3205be)) * Do not take AUTHOR into account for Git information ([14ad9f03](14ad9f03)) * Properly fetch committer name and email and show helpful error message ([08ea0927](08ea0927)) * Better error when repository path was not found ([7d12b177](7d12b177)) * Commit the changelog file ([51675fce](51675fce)) * Place changelog in repository's folder ([db018f7c](db018f7c), closes [#33](33)) * Remove typo ([d1a126d4](d1a126d4)) * Only commit Cargo.toml ([f39477ba](f39477ba)) * Exit with error code on failure ([6b49489a](6b49489a)) * Check that we're in a git repo ([e7dad211](e7dad211)) * Fail on broken Cargo.toml ([6d984514](6d984514)) * **main:** Handle result of write_new_version ([494b7bb1](494b7bb1)) * **toml_file:** Pass path to toml_file ([f7f1c3f6](f7f1c3f6)) #### Breaking Changes * Switch to using --write=yes|no ([11f69f21](11f69f21)) * dry-run by default. Overwrite by passing -w ([3789d066](3789d066)) #### Features * Fix release behavior ([fc96ed12](fc96ed12)) * Replace docopt with clap ([3e0fc684](3e0fc684)) * print message if everything's fine ([acec3cd7](acec3cd7)) * Check if CARGO_TOKEN is defined or not ([8e248bb4](8e248bb4)) * validating git remote ([358154c7](358154c7)) * Hook preflight check into main function ([c0456fcc](c0456fcc)) * Disable release mode if write mode is disabled ([b58812cf](b58812cf)) * Allow write mode to be disabled, even on CI ([08c2f9f9](08c2f9f9)) * adapt user message after push ([6b4ec6c4](6b4ec6c4)) * use callback username to fetch ssh key ([3ccc742e](3ccc742e)) * fetch ssh key based on email ([332390ed](332390ed)) * Check if remote is GitHub url ([3f911b58](3f911b58)) * provide additional information for the end user ([bbcff343](bbcff343)) * performs push and github release only if there's a remote ([c5e9aa0e](c5e9aa0e)) * add logger::warn method ([6eaa6bb6](6eaa6bb6)) * handle the case if project doesn't have origin remote ([bc5224aa](bc5224aa)) * Include and enable env_logger ([916f4963](916f4963)) * In CI mode wait for other builds to finish ([6355cc46](6355cc46)) * Implement branch detection and abort early ([934535e0](934535e0)) * Use Hubcaps' own std error implementation ([c3b555a8](c3b555a8)) * Print nice final message ([22d3f887](22d3f887)) * Introduce special release-mode for releases on GitHub and crates.io ([8c7a699f](8c7a699f)) * Fetch tokens ([bb9a00eb](bb9a00eb)) * Extract user and repository name from remote URL ([9666341f](9666341f)) * Method to publish to crates.io ([9601344b](9601344b)) * Create proper release on GitHub ([67b48690](67b48690)) * Push new commit & tag to remote repository ([47ae6dbd](47ae6dbd)) * Handle IoError ([d075f30a](d075f30a)) * Make sure error messages are shown by flushing ([b8806d98](b8806d98)) * Package crate before committing ([2aae1836](2aae1836)) * Update lockfile before committing ([2b1ba605](2b1ba605)) * Disable dry-run by setting CI environment variable ([fe68adef](fe68adef)) * dry-run by default. Overwrite by passing -w ([3789d066](3789d066)) * Print generated changelog to stdout in dry-run mode ([f6575055](f6575055)) * Check dry-run flag and act accordingly ([e35d2e29](e35d2e29)) * Show semantic-rs' version ([bb01b553](bb01b553)) * Write git tag with changelog included ([acbef4f5](acbef4f5)) * Create git tag after successful commit ([c43212dd](c43212dd)) * add git2-commit dependency ([f6e39b68](f6e39b68)) * **commit:** * write new version in commit message ([21c11855](21c11855)) * Commit updated Cargo.toml and Cargo.lock ([15682f32](15682f32)) * **main:** Allow the user to pass a custom path to a repository ([ce2dd516](ce2dd516))