# HIGH-SPEED SECS MESSAGE SERVICES (HSMS) Copyright © 2024 Nathaniel Hardesty, Licensed under the [MIT License](../license.md) This software is created by a third-party and not endorsed or supported by SEMI. The codebase will be updated to reflect more up-to-date SEMI standards if/when they can be acquired for this purpose. [![crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/semi_e37.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/semi_e37) [![crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/dv/semi_e37/0.2.0.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/semi_e37/0.2.0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Based on:** - **[SEMI E37]-1109** - **[SEMI E37].1-0702** [HSMS] is a protocol designed to facilitate the reliable transmission of messages between semiconductor equipment over TCP/IP. Most commonly, exchanged messages are encoded with the [SECS-II] ([SEMI E5]) protocol. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For ease of programming and extension, the functionality of the protocol has been divided into a few subsets: - [Primitive Services] - Manages the TCP/IP connection and the sending of messages with proper headers. - [Generic Services] - Manages the sending of messages of particular types and at particular times as allowed by the protocol. - Single Selected Session Services - Manages the restriction of the protocol to scenarios involving a single host/equipment pair in communication. - Not yet implemented. [HSMS]: https://docs.rs/semi_e37/0.2./semi_e37/index.html [Primitive Services]: https://docs.rs/semi_e37/0.2.0/semi_e37/primitive/index.html [Generic Services]: https://docs.rs/semi_e37/0.2.0/semi_e37/generic/index.html [SECS-II]: ../semi_e5/readme.md [SEMI E5]: https://store-us.semi.org/products/e00500-semi-e5-specification-for-semi-equipment-communications-standard-2-message-content-secs-ii [SEMI E37]: https://store-us.semi.org/products/e03700-semi-e37-high-speed-secs-message-services-hsms-generic-services