* ~semvercli~ ** Overview: Command line utility for setting, bumping, and reading Rust pacakge versions. This is an extremely thin layer over the [[https://crates.io/crates/semver][semver crate]] and meant to just serve as a command line glue for tools such as [[https://crates.io/crates/cargo-make][cargo-make]]. ** Installation: Via ~cargo~: #+BEGIN_SRC :sh cargo install semvercli #+END_SRC From source: #+BEGIN_SRC :sh git clone git@github.com:kzvezdarov/semvercli cargo install -C semvercli/Cargo.toml #+END_SRC ** Usage: The command's interface is split into a ~read~ and ~bump~ subcommands: #+BEGIN_SRC :sh semvercli 0.0.1 USAGE: semvercli [OPTIONS] FLAGS: -h, --help Prints help information -V, --version Prints version information OPTIONS: --manifest-path Path to Cargo.toml [default: Cargo.toml] SUBCOMMANDS: bump Bump or set a specific version component. help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) read Read and print a specific version component. #+END_SRC Bump has the following interface: #+BEGIN_SRC :sh semvercli-bump Bump or set a specific version component. USAGE: semvercli bump [OPTIONS] <--version |--major|--minor|--patch|--pre
|--build >

    -h, --help     Prints help information
        --major    Bump the MAJOR version.
        --minor    Bump the MINOR version.
        --patch    Bump the PATCH version.

        --build         Set the BUILD metadata.
            Set the PRE-RELEASE version.
        --version     Set the full VERSION

Note that ~semvercli bump~ will only take one flag or option at a time (i.e. it can only mutate the value of one
component per invocation).

It is used as such:
#+BEGIN_SRC :sh 
semvercli bump --version 0.0.1
semvercli bump --major
semvercli bump --minor
semvercli bump --patch
semvercli bump --pre rc.1
semvercli bump --build dev.amd64.linux

Read has the following interface:
Read and print a specific version component.

    semvercli read <--version|--major|--minor|--patch|--pre|--build>

        --build      Print the BUILD version of this package.
    -h, --help       Prints help information
        --major      Print the MAJOR version of this package.
        --minor      Print the MINOR version of this package.
        --patch      Print the PATCH version of this package.
        --pre        Print the PRE-RELEASE version of this package.
        --version    Print the VERSION set in the given manifest.
Note that ~semvercli read~ will only take one flag or option at a time(i.e. it can only read the value of one
component per invocation).

It is used as such:
semvercli read --major
semvercli read --minor
semvercli read --patch
semvercli read --pre
semvercli read --build
semvercli read --version