# Send-Reqwest Reads from stdin and sends for each line a get request. Uses the following parameters for the reqests: - 2 seconds timeout - 2 retries for retryable requests ## Installation Notes ### Requirements - Rust _(edition 2021)_ - Cargo ### Rust We suggest that you install Rust using the 'rustup' tool. Rustup will install the latest version of Rust, Cargo, and the other development tools. Follow the instructions at [Installing Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install). For Mac users, Homebrew is also an option. The Mac Homebrew command is `brew install rustup` and then `rustup-init`. See [Mac Setup](https://sourabhbajaj.com/mac-setup/Rust/) & [Installing Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install) for more details. After installation, you should have `rustc`, `cargo`, & `rustup`. You should also have `~/.cargo/bin` in your PATH environment variable. ## Usage You can run the application through cargo: cargo run ## FAQ ### What are retryable requests? Requests are considered retryable according to the rules implemented in reqwest-retry::Retryable::from_reqwest_response ## Contributing ### How to build the software Cargo is used as the package manager and build system for `send-reqwest`. $ git clone https://github.com/Trust-NICKOL/send-reqwest.git $ cd send-reqwest $ cargo build --release ### How to test the software The unit-tests of this repository can be used to test the functionality of this library. cargo test ### Known issues There are currently no know issues with this tool. ### Getting help Please you the issue tracker of the github repository if you have any problems using the library. ### Getting involved Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate. For more information see [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md). ### License This software is released under the MIT License.