# Send to Kindle
send-to-kindle is a command-line utility and rust library for sending files to your kindle app
or devices by (ab)using the www.amazon.com/sendtokindle web interface.
**For this reason, it should be used with caution. Getting suspended by Amazon's spam
prevention systems is always a possibility. USE send-to-kindle AT YOUR OWN RISK!**
# Command-line tool basic usage
cargo run -- --username --password --directory
--extension epub
The `--directory` flag can be swapped with the `--file` flag to just send a single file. If an
extension is provided, it will ensure that the selected file has the requested extension.
For more info on the command-line utility and flags for corner cases, use the `--help` flag.
# Library usage
Just two functions are provided: One for a list of strings representing the files to be
uploaded (send_files_to_kindle), and one for a path to a file or directory that can be filtered using a string
for the files' extension (send_to_kindle). (epub, azw3, mobi etc).
For more info, click on each function's definition and read the extensive documentation there.