# UpdateContact ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **attributes** | Option<[**serde_json::Value**](.md)> | Pass the set of attributes to be updated. These attributes must be present in your account. To update existing email address of a contact with the new one please pass EMAIL in attribtes. For example, `{ \"EMAIL\":\"newemail@domain.com\", \"FNAME\":\"Ellie\", \"LNAME\":\"Roger\"}`. Keep in mind transactional attributes can be updated the same way as normal attributes. Mobile Number in \"SMS\" field should be passed with proper country code. For example {\"SMS\":\"+91xxxxxxxxxx\"} or {\"SMS\":\"0091xxxxxxxxxx\"} | [optional] **email_blacklisted** | Option<**bool**> | Set/unset this field to blacklist/allow the contact for emails (emailBlacklisted = true) | [optional] **sms_blacklisted** | Option<**bool**> | Set/unset this field to blacklist/allow the contact for SMS (smsBlacklisted = true) | [optional] **list_ids** | Option<**Vec**> | Ids of the lists to add the contact to | [optional] **unlink_list_ids** | Option<**Vec**> | Ids of the lists to remove the contact from | [optional] **smtp_blacklist_sender** | Option<**Vec**> | transactional email forbidden sender for contact. Use only for email Contact | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)