Rust Sendmail
Rust sending emails via sendmail.
- linux/unix machine
- sendmail compatible software installed (postfix/exim4..)
\* Note these instructions assume a Ubuntu machine
Step One
Install sendmail and configure
Run Commands:
apt-get install sendmail
nano /etc/hosts
Edit: ``` localhost localhost.localdomain HOSTNAME_IF_YOU_HAVE ONE```
Run Commands:
/etc/init.d/networking stop
/etc/init.d/networking start
Run Command:
\* Y to everything
Step Two
Create File
extern crate sendmail;
use sendmail::email;
fn main() {
// Configure email body and header
// From Address
// To Address
// Subject
"Subject - Hello World!",
// Body
"I am the body. Hello Wolrd!
And I accept html.