use std::borrow::Cow; use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::{env, io, process, str}; use walkdir::WalkDir; static HEADER: &str = r#" #include #include "#; static HEADER_DOCS_RS: &str = r#" #include "src/libsensors-3.6.0/sensors.h" #include "src/libsensors-3.6.0/error.h" "#; fn main() { let target = env::var("TARGET").expect("sensors-sys: Environment variable 'TARGET' was not defined"); if !target.contains("-linux-") || target.ends_with("-kernel") { return; // Nothing to build for this architecture. } let out_dir = env::var_os("OUT_DIR") .map(PathBuf::from) .expect("sensors-sys: Environment variable 'OUT_DIR' was not defined"); println!("cargo:root={}", path_to_str(&out_dir)); let sysroot = target_env_var_os("SYSROOT", &target).map(PathBuf::from); let explicit_static = get_static_linking(&target); let compiler_search_paths = get_compiler_search_paths(&target, sysroot.as_deref()); let docs_only_mode = Some(OsStr::new("1")) == env::var_os("DOCS_RS").as_deref(); if docs_only_mode { println!( "cargo:warning=sensors-sys: Documentation-only mode. Generated crate might be UNUSABLE." ); } let include_path = find_and_output_include_dir(&compiler_search_paths.include_paths, docs_only_mode); find_and_output_lib_dir( &compiler_search_paths.link_paths, &target, explicit_static, docs_only_mode, ); generate_bindings( &target, sysroot.as_deref(), &out_dir, &include_path, if docs_only_mode { HEADER_DOCS_RS } else { HEADER }, ) } fn path_to_str(path: &Path) -> &str { path.to_str().expect("sensors-sys: Path is not valid UTF-8") } #[cfg(feature = "static")] fn get_static_linking(target: &str) -> Option { target_env_var_os("LMSENSORS_STATIC", target) .map(|v| v == "1" || v == "true") .or_else(|| Some(true)) } #[cfg(not(feature = "static"))] fn get_static_linking(target: &str) -> Option { target_env_var_os("LMSENSORS_STATIC", target).map(|v| v == "1" || v == "true") } fn get_compiler_search_paths(target: &str, sysroot: Option<&Path>) -> CompilerSearchPaths { let explicit_path = target_env_var_os("LMSENSORS_PATH", target).map(PathBuf::from); let mut include_dir = target_env_var_os("LMSENSORS_INCLUDE_DIR", target).map(PathBuf::from); let mut link_dir = target_env_var_os("LMSENSORS_LIB_DIR", target).map(PathBuf::from); for &name in &["CC", "CFLAGS"] { target_env_var_os(name, target); } if let Some(explicit_path) = explicit_path { if include_dir.is_none() { include_dir = Some(explicit_path.join("include")); } if link_dir.is_none() { link_dir = Some(explicit_path.join("lib")); } } CompilerSearchPaths::new(sysroot, include_dir, link_dir) } #[derive(Debug)] struct CompilerSearchPaths { include_paths: Vec, link_paths: Vec, } impl CompilerSearchPaths { fn new( sysroot: Option<&Path>, include_dir: Option, link_dir: Option, ) -> Self { env::set_var("LANG", "C"); let include_paths = Self::get_compiler_include_paths(sysroot, include_dir) .expect("sensors-sys: Failed to discover default compiler search paths"); let link_paths = Self::get_compiler_link_paths(sysroot, link_dir) .expect("sensors-sys: Failed to discover default linker search paths"); CompilerSearchPaths { include_paths, link_paths, } } fn get_compiler_include_paths( sysroot: Option<&Path>, include_dir: Option, ) -> io::Result> { let mut compiler_builder = cc::Build::new(); if let Some(sysroot) = { let sysroot = sysroot.expect("SYSROOT is not encoded in UTF-8"); compiler_builder.flag(format!("--sysroot={sysroot}")); } if let Some(include_dir) = include_dir.as_deref() { compiler_builder.include(include_dir); } let child = compiler_builder .flag("-E") .flag("-v") .flag("-x") .flag("c") .get_compiler() .to_command() .arg("-") // stdin .stdin(process::Stdio::null()) .stdout(process::Stdio::null()) .stderr(process::Stdio::piped()) .env("LANG", "C") .spawn()?; let output = child.wait_with_output()?; if !output.status.success() { return Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, "Compiler failed to print search directories", )); } let mut paths = Vec::with_capacity(8); if let Some(include_dir) = include_dir { paths.push(include_dir); } paths.extend( output .stderr .split(|&b| b == b'\n') .skip_while(|&line| line != b"#include <...> search starts here:") .take_while(|&line| line != b"End of search list.") .filter_map(|bytes| str::from_utf8(bytes).ok()) .map(str::trim) .filter_map(|s| dunce::canonicalize(s).ok()), ); paths.dedup(); Ok(paths) } fn get_compiler_link_paths( sysroot: Option<&Path>, link_dir: Option, ) -> io::Result> { let mut compiler_builder = cc::Build::new(); if let Some(sysroot) = { let sysroot = sysroot.expect("SYSROOT is not encoded in UTF-8"); compiler_builder.flag(format!("--sysroot={sysroot}")); } if let Some(link_dir) = link_dir.as_deref() { compiler_builder.flag("-L").flag(path_to_str(link_dir)); } let child = compiler_builder .flag("-v") .flag("-print-search-dirs") .get_compiler() .to_command() .stdout(process::Stdio::piped()) .stderr(process::Stdio::null()) .env("LANG", "C") .spawn()?; let output = child.wait_with_output()?; if !output.status.success() { return Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, "Compiler failed to print search directories", )); } let line = output .stdout .split(|&b| b == b'\n') .find_map(|line| line.strip_prefix(b"libraries:")) .and_then(|bytes| str::from_utf8(bytes).ok()) .map(str::trim) .map(|line| line.trim_start_matches('=')) .ok_or_else(|| { io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, "Compiler search directories format is unrecognized", ) })?; let mut paths = Vec::with_capacity(8); if let Some(link_dir) = link_dir { paths.push(link_dir); } if let Some(lib_paths) = env::var_os("LIBRARY_PATH") { paths.extend(env::split_paths(&lib_paths).filter_map(|s| dunce::canonicalize(s).ok())); } paths.extend(env::split_paths(line).filter_map(|s| dunce::canonicalize(s).ok())); paths.dedup(); Ok(paths) } } fn target_env_var_os(name: &str, target: &str) -> Option { rerun_if_env_changed(name, target); let target_underscores = target.replace('-', "_"); env::var_os(format!("{name}_{target}")) .or_else(|| env::var_os(format!("{name}_{target_underscores}"))) .or_else(|| env::var_os(format!("TARGET_{name}"))) .or_else(|| env::var_os(name)) } fn rerun_if_env_changed(name: &str, target: &str) { let target_underscores = target.replace('-', "_"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed={name}_{target}"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed={name}_{target_underscores}"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=TARGET_{name}"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed={name}"); } fn rerun_if_dir_changed(dir: &Path, must_exist: bool) { for file in WalkDir::new(dir).follow_links(false).same_file_system(true) { if let Ok(file) = file { println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", file.path().display()); } else if must_exist { panic!( "sensors-sys: Failed to list directory contents: {}", dir.display() ); } } } fn find_and_output_include_dir(include_paths: &[PathBuf], docs_only_mode: bool) -> PathBuf { let include_path = find_file_in_dirs("sensors/sensors.h", include_paths); let include_path = if docs_only_mode { include_path.unwrap_or_else(|_| PathBuf::from("/inexistent")) } else { include_path.expect("sensors-sys: Failed to find 'sensors/sensors.h'. Please make sure the C header files of libsensors are installed and accessible") }; rerun_if_dir_changed(&include_path.join("sensors"), !docs_only_mode); println!("cargo:include={}", path_to_str(&include_path)); include_path } fn output_lib_dir(dir: &Path, file: &Path, static_lib: bool) { println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", file.display()); println!("cargo:lib={}", path_to_str(dir)); println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", path_to_str(dir)); println!( "cargo:rustc-link-lib={}=sensors", if static_lib { "static" } else { "dylib" } ); } fn find_and_output_lib_dir( link_paths: &[PathBuf], target: &str, explicit_static: Option, docs_only_mode: bool, ) { let lib_configs = match explicit_static { Some(false) => vec![false], Some(true) => vec![true], None => { if target.contains("-musl") { vec![true, false] } else { vec![false, true] } } }; for &static_lib in &lib_configs { let file_name = format!("libsensors{}", if static_lib { ".a" } else { ".so" }); if let Ok(lib_path) = find_file_in_dirs(&file_name, link_paths) { output_lib_dir(&lib_path, &lib_path.join(&file_name), static_lib); return; } if let Some(link_path) = link_paths.first() { let triplet = target.replace("-unknown-", "-").replace("-none-", "-"); for &lib_dir in &[link_path, &link_path.join(target), &link_path.join(triplet)] { let lib_path = lib_dir.join(&file_name); if let Ok(md) = lib_path.metadata() { if md.is_file() { output_lib_dir(lib_dir, &lib_path, static_lib); return; } } } } } if docs_only_mode { output_lib_dir( Path::new("/inexistent"), Path::new("/inexistent"), lib_configs[0], ); } } // See: fn translate_rustc_target_to_clang(rustc_target: &str) -> Cow { if let Some(suffix) = rustc_target.strip_prefix("riscv32") { let suffix = suffix.trim_start_matches(|c| c != '-'); Cow::Owned(format!("riscv32{suffix}")) } else if let Some(suffix) = rustc_target.strip_prefix("riscv64") { let suffix = suffix.trim_start_matches(|c| c != '-'); Cow::Owned(format!("riscv64{suffix}")) } else if let Some(suffix) = rustc_target.strip_prefix("aarch64-apple-") { Cow::Owned(format!("arm64-apple-{suffix}")) } else if let Some(prefix) = rustc_target.strip_suffix("-espidf") { Cow::Owned(format!("{prefix}-elf")) } else { Cow::Borrowed(rustc_target) } } fn generate_bindings( target: &str, sysroot: Option<&Path>, out_dir: &Path, include_path: &Path, header: &str, ) { let clang_target = translate_rustc_target_to_clang(target); let mut builder = bindgen::Builder::default() .parse_callbacks(Box::new(bindgen::CargoCallbacks::new())) .default_enum_style(bindgen::EnumVariation::ModuleConsts) .default_macro_constant_type(bindgen::MacroTypeVariation::Signed) .size_t_is_usize(true) .derive_debug(true) .derive_copy(true) .derive_eq(true) .derive_ord(true) .impl_debug(true) .clang_arg(format!("--target={clang_target}")) .clang_args(&["-I", path_to_str(include_path)]); if let Some(sysroot) = { let sysroot = sysroot.expect("SYSROOT is not encoded in UTF-8"); builder = builder.clang_arg(format!("--sysroot={sysroot}")); } // Make the `FILE` type opaque, so bindgen does not pull other types from the // standard library. // Then block `FILE`, so bindgen does not emit it. // Then define `FILE` explicitly so that it can only be used behind a pointer. builder = builder.opaque_type("^FILE$"); builder = builder.blocklist_type("^FILE$"); builder = builder.raw_line("pub type FILE = ::std::ffi::c_void;"); // Expose documented types. builder = builder.allowlist_type("^sensors_.+$"); // Expose documented variables. for name in ["^sensors_.+$", "^libsensors_.+$", "^SENSORS_.+$"] { builder = builder.allowlist_var(name); } // Expose documented functions. builder = builder.allowlist_function("^sensors_.+$"); // Include all LM Sensors headers. builder = builder.header_contents("sensors-sys.h", header); let bindings = builder.generate().expect( "sensors-sys: Failed to generate Rust bindings for 'sensors/sensors.h' and other headers", ); bindings .write_to_file(out_dir.join("")) .expect("sensors-sys: Failed to write ''") } fn find_file_in_dirs(path_suffix: &str, dirs: &[PathBuf]) -> io::Result { for dir in dirs { if let Ok(md) = dir.join(path_suffix).metadata() { if md.file_type().is_file() { return Ok(dir.clone()); } } } Err(io::ErrorKind::NotFound.into()) }