use ggez::{event, graphics}; use ggez::{Context, ContextBuilder, GameResult}; use sepax2d::prelude::*; mod dynamic; use dynamic::DrawableShape; struct MainState { shapes: Vec<(Box, bool)>, mouse: (f32, f32), selected: Option } impl MainState { fn new() -> GameResult { let hexagon = Polygon::from_vertices((600.0, 100.0), vec![(0.0, 0.0), (50.0, 50.0), (50.0, 100.0), (0.0, 150.0), (-50.0, 100.0), (-50.0, 50.0)]); let triangle = Polygon::from_vertices((150.0, 150.0), vec![(0.0, 0.0), (100.0, 50.0), (0.0, 50.0)]); let circle = Circle::new((300.0, 100.0), 80.0); let small_circle = Circle::new((700.0, 300.0), 40.0); let rectangle = AABB::new((550.0, 400.0), 100.0, 50.0); let square = AABB::new((100.0, 350.0), 50.0, 50.0); let vertical_capsule = Capsule::new((250.0, 400.0), (0.0, 30.0), 40.0); let rotated_capsule = Capsule::new((400.0, 500.0), (30.0, 20.0), 50.0); let gram = Parallelogram::new((400.0, 300.0), (25.0, 50.0), (25.0, -100.0)); let s = MainState { shapes: vec! [ (Box::new(hexagon), false), (Box::new(triangle), false), (Box::new(circle), false), (Box::new(small_circle), false), (Box::new(rectangle), false), (Box::new(square), false), (Box::new(vertical_capsule), false), (Box::new(rotated_capsule), false), (Box::new(gram), false) ], mouse: (0.0, 0.0), selected: None }; return Ok(s); } } impl event::EventHandler for MainState { fn update(&mut self, _context: &mut Context) -> GameResult { for (_shape, collision) in self.shapes.iter_mut() { *collision = false; } if let Some(i) = self.selected { self.shapes[i].0.set_position(self.mouse); } for i in 0..self.shapes.len() { for j in i+1..self.shapes.len() { if sat_overlap(&self.shapes[i].0, &self.shapes[j].0) { self.shapes[i].1 = true; self.shapes[j].1 = true; } } } return Ok(()); } fn draw(&mut self, context: &mut Context) -> GameResult { graphics::clear(context, [0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1.0].into()); for (shape, collides) in self.shapes.iter() { let mesh = shape.draw(*collides, context)?; let position = shape.position(); graphics::draw(context, &mesh, ([position.0, position.1],))?; } let font = graphics::Font::new(context, "/PolandCanInto.otf")?; let text = graphics::Text::new(graphics::TextFragment { text: "Click and drag to move a shape! \n \n Shapes will change color when they are overlapping.".to_string(), font: Some(font), color: Some(graphics::Color::new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), ..Default::default() }); graphics::draw(context, &text, ([25.0, 25.0],))?; graphics::present(context)?; return Ok(()); } fn mouse_button_down_event(&mut self, _ctx: &mut Context, _button: ggez::input::mouse::MouseButton, x: f32, y: f32) { for (i, (shape, _overlap)) in self.shapes.iter().enumerate() { if contains_point(shape, (x, y)) { self.selected = Some(i); return; } } } fn mouse_button_up_event(&mut self, _ctx: &mut Context, _button: ggez::input::mouse::MouseButton, _x: f32, _y: f32) { self.selected = None; } fn mouse_motion_event(&mut self, _ctx: &mut Context, x: f32, y: f32, _dx: f32, _dy: f32) { self.mouse = (x, y); } } fn main() -> GameResult { let cb = ContextBuilder::new("overlap", "Meowitzher") .add_resource_path("./examples/resources/") .window_setup(ggez::conf::WindowSetup::default().title("Overlap Example!")); let (context, event_loop) =; let state = MainState::new()?; //Ommitted explicit return due to clippy complaining of unreachable code event::run(context, event_loop, state) }