# Septoria

A create for interacting with the [lemon.markets](https://www.lemon.markets/) API. ## For developers The project won't compile without sufficient documentation. This Repository follows the [conventional commit](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/) convention for commits. Make sure that you follows there conventions when you make a commit. Every PR that does not follow the conventional commit convention, and which does not compile doe to missing docs will be denied. ### Setting up your local development environment First, clone the project: ```bash git clone https://github.com/Uzaaft/Septoria ``` Go to the project directory ```bash cd septoria ``` And set up pre-commits if you'd like. Follow the official pre-commit docs for a guide. ### Tests To run the test, make sure you have a `.env` file with the following variables defined: ``` LEMON_MARKET_TRADING_API_KEY= ``` I recommend that you use [nextest](https://nexte.st/) to run the tests.