# Bit Structure ## Default Parameters: Retrieving a value: ```sh sequence-generator-rust --node-id 505 ``` Result in decimal: ```text 0: 731536357192630777 ``` Result converted into binary (60 signifficant bits): ```text 101000100110111100000111000011100110110000000000000111111001 ``` Result in binary zero-padded to 64 bits: ```text 0000101000100110111100000111000011100110110000000000000111111001 ``` Right-most 9 bits in binary representing the node-id: ```text 111111001 ``` In decimal representation, 505, which we assigned over command line for the host/worker ID. The following 11 bits, right-to-left, represent the sequence number: ```text 00000000000 ``` We are analyzing the element 0 of the generated sequence, which is represented by 0 in both binary/decimal. The left-most 44 bits represent a custom epoch in tenths of millisecond since 2020-01-01T00:00:00Z ```text 00001010001001101111000001110000111001101100 ``` In decimal: ```text 697647435372 ``` In seconds: ```text 69764743.5372 ``` Converting into date with GNU coreutils `date` utility: ```sh TZ=UTC date -d "2020-01-02 + 69764743.5372 seconds" --rfc-3339=s ``` Results into: ```text 2022-03-19 11:05:43+00:00 ```