use std::{ cell::{OnceCell, RefCell}, collections::BTreeMap, fmt, fs, io::{self, Read, Write}, path::{Path, PathBuf}, process::*, str::FromStr, time::{Duration, SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH}, }; use anyhow::Result; use regex::bytes::Regex; use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize}; use serde_with::serde_as; use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp; /// Produces the fully qualified function name. macro_rules! function { () => {{ fn f() {} fn type_name_of(_: T) -> &'static str { std::any::type_name::() } let name = type_name_of(f); &name[ - 3] }} } macro_rules! make_experiment { ($($i: expr),*) => {{ Experiment::new(function!(), vec![$($i.to_string()),*]) }} } mod gpg { mod decrypt; mod encrypt; mod export; mod export_ssh_key; mod generate_key; mod import; mod list_keys; mod list_packets; mod migrate; mod print_mds; mod quick; mod sign; mod status_fd; mod trust_models; mod verify; mod version; } use std::sync::OnceLock; fn gpg() -> &'static Vec { static GPG: OnceLock> = OnceLock::new(); GPG.get_or_init(|| vec![std::env::var("REAL_GPG_BIN") .unwrap_or_else(|_| "/usr/bin/gpg".into())]) } fn gpgv() -> &'static Vec { static GPGV: OnceLock> = OnceLock::new(); GPGV.get_or_init(|| vec![std::env::var("REAL_GPGV_BIN") .unwrap_or_else(|_| "/usr/bin/gpgv".into())]) } fn gpg_chameleon() -> &'static Vec { static GPG_CHAMELEON: OnceLock> = OnceLock::new(); GPG_CHAMELEON.get_or_init(|| vec![ if let Ok(target) = std::env::var("CARGO_TARGET_DIR") { PathBuf::from(target) } else { std::env::current_dir().unwrap() .join("target") } .join("debug/gpg-sq") .display().to_string() ]) } fn gpgv_chameleon() -> &'static Vec { static GPGV_CHAMELEON: OnceLock> = OnceLock::new(); GPGV_CHAMELEON.get_or_init(|| vec![ if let Ok(target) = std::env::var("CARGO_TARGET_DIR") { PathBuf::from(target) } else { std::env::current_dir().unwrap() .join("target") } .join("debug/gpgv-sq") .display().to_string() ]) } const GPG_CHAMELEON_BUILD: &[&str] = &["cargo", "build", "--quiet"]; pub const STDOUT_EDIT_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD: usize = 20; pub const STDERR_EDIT_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD: usize = 20; /// Sets up the test environment. fn setup() { build(); } /// Makes sure that we're talking to the right oracle. fn check_gpg_oracle() { use std::sync::Once; static START: Once = Once::new(); START.call_once(|| { let o = Command::new(&gpg()[0]) .arg("--version").output().unwrap(); if String::from_utf8_lossy(&o.stdout[..o.stdout.len().min(256)]) .contains("equoia") { panic!("The oracle {:?} is Sequoia-based, please provide the \ stock gpg in REAL_GPG_BIN", gpg()[0]); } let o = Command::new(&gpgv()[0]) .arg("--version").output().unwrap(); if String::from_utf8_lossy(&o.stdout[..o.stdout.len().min(256)]) .contains("equoia") { panic!("The oracle {:?} is Sequoia-based, please provide the \ stock gpg in REAL_GPGV_BIN", gpgv()[0]); } }); } /// Makes sure that the chameleon is built once. fn build() { use std::sync::Once; static START: Once = Once::new(); START.call_once(|| { let mut prog = GPG_CHAMELEON_BUILD.to_vec(); if cfg!(feature = "crypto-nettle") { prog.push("--no-default-features"); prog.push("--features=crypto-nettle"); } else if cfg!(feature = "crypto-openssl") { prog.push("--no-default-features"); prog.push("--features=crypto-openssl"); } else if cfg!(feature = "crypto-botan") { prog.push("--no-default-features"); prog.push("--features=crypto-botan"); } else if cfg!(feature = "crypto-botan2") { prog.push("--no-default-features"); prog.push("--features=crypto-botan2"); } else if cfg!(feature = "crypto-cng") { prog.push("--no-default-features"); prog.push("--features=crypto-cng"); } eprintln!(" - Building the chameleon:"); eprintln!(" {:?}", prog); let mut c = std::process::Command::new(&prog[0]); c.args(prog[1..].iter()); let status = c.status().unwrap(); if ! status.success() { panic!("Building the chameleon failed: {:?}", status); } }); } /// A context for GnuPG. /// /// Creates a temporary directory and cleans it up on Drop. pub struct Context { // How to invoke gpg or gpg-sq. // // gpg[0] is the executable and the rest are arguments that are // implicitly passed to it. gpg: Vec, // Like `gpg`, but for gpgv or gpgv-sq. gpgv: Vec, /// What is passed to --homedir. home: tempfile::TempDir, } impl Context { const GPG_AGENT_CONF: &'static str = "allow-loopback-pinentry\n\ "; /// Returns a context for the reference GnuPG implementation. pub fn gnupg() -> Result { Context::new(gpg().clone(), gpgv().clone()) } /// Returns a context for the chameleon. pub fn chameleon() -> Result { setup(); Context::new(gpg_chameleon().clone(), gpgv_chameleon().clone()) } /// Returns a custom context for the given GnuPG-like executable. pub fn new(gpg: Vec, gpgv: Vec) -> Result { let ctx = Context { gpg, gpgv, home: tempfile::tempdir()?, };"gpg-agent.conf", Self::GPG_AGENT_CONF)?; Ok(ctx) } /// Stores the given data in the home directory, and returns the /// absolute path to that file. /// /// Useful for building up invocations. pub fn store(&self, name: &str, data: impl AsRef<[u8]>) -> Result { let path = self.home.path().join(name); fs::write(&path, data)?; Ok(path.to_str().unwrap().into()) } /// Invokes the GnuPG implementation with the given arguments. /// /// The inputs are stored in the working directory prior to /// invoking the command. /// /// The output of the invocation (stdout and stderr) as well as /// any files created under the current directory are returned in /// an instance of `Output`. pub fn invoke(&self, args: &[&str], inputs: &[(String, Vec)]) -> Result { // See if the user wants gpg or gpgv. let (executable, args) = if args[0] == "gpgv" { (&self.gpgv, &args[1..]) } else if args[0] == "gpg" { (&self.gpg, &args[1..]) } else { // Implicitly select gpg. (&self.gpg, &args[..]) }; // A unique working directory for this invocation. let workdir = tempfile::TempDir::new()?; for (n, c) in inputs { fs::write(workdir.path().join(n), c)?; } // We're going to change directories before execve(2)ing in // the child, so make sure the path is absolute. let exe = fs::canonicalize(&executable[0])?; let mut c = Command::new(&exe); c.env("LC_ALL", "C"); c.env("TZ", "Africa/Nairobi"); // EAT, no DST. c.env("SEQUOIA_CRYPTO_POLICY", // Use a null policy. format!("{}/tests/null-policy.toml", env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"))); c.current_dir(workdir.path()); for arg in &executable[1..] { c.arg(arg); } c.arg("--homedir").arg(self.home.path()); // IPC. Stdin, stdout, and stderr we handle using the std // library. c.stdin(Stdio::piped()); c.stdout(Stdio::piped()); c.stderr(Stdio::piped()); use interprocess::unnamed_pipe::pipe; use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd; let (writer, mut reader) = pipe()?; c.arg(format!("--status-fd={}", writer.as_raw_fd())); // Be nice and close one end of the pipe in the child process. #[cfg(target_family = "unix")] { use std::os::unix::io::FromRawFd; use std::os::unix::process::CommandExt; let reader_fd = reader.as_raw_fd(); unsafe { c.pre_exec(move || { drop(fs::File::from_raw_fd(reader_fd)); Ok(()) }); } } // Finish the arguments and start the process. for arg in args { c.arg(arg); } eprintln!(" {:?} {}", exe.file_name().unwrap(), c.get_args().map(|s| format!("{:?}", s)).collect::>().join(" ")); let mut child = c.spawn()?; // Now handle the status-fd pipe. drop(writer); let status_fd_reader = std::thread::spawn(move || { let mut v = Vec::new(); reader.read_to_end(&mut v).map(|_| v) }); // Handle stdin. drop(child.stdin.take()); // Collect outputs, synchronize. let out = child.wait_with_output()?; let statusfd = status_fd_reader.join().unwrap()?; // Collect any output produced in the working directory. let mut files = BTreeMap::default(); for entry in fs::read_dir(&workdir)? { let path = entry?.path(); files.insert(path.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap().into(), fs::read(&path)?); } Ok(Output { args: args.into_iter().map(ToString::to_string).collect(), inputs: inputs.to_vec(), stdout: out.stdout, stderr: out.stderr, statusfd, status: out.status.to_string(), files, }) } /// Kills the gpg-agent. pub fn kill_agent(&self) -> Result<()> { Command::new("gpgconf").arg("--homedir").arg(self.home.path()) .arg("--kill").arg("gpg-agent") .spawn()?.wait()?; Ok(()) } } /// A dummy type so that we can serialize a Vec as an /// STFU8-encoded string. /// /// By encoding `Vec` using STFU8, we make the output files human /// readable instead of an opaque array of integers `[100,101,94, /// ... ]`. This is great for examining what exactly the output was /// without using any special tools. struct Stfu8Bytes { } impl serde_with::SerializeAs> for Stfu8Bytes { fn serialize_as(bytes: &Vec, serializer: S) -> Result where S: serde::Serializer, { serializer.serialize_str(&stfu8::encode_u8(bytes)) } } impl<'de> serde_with::DeserializeAs<'de, Vec> for Stfu8Bytes { fn deserialize_as(deserializer: D) -> Result, D::Error> where D: serde::Deserializer<'de>, { // `SeqIter` is inspired by serde_with's version, which is // under the Apache-2.0 or MIT license. // // struct SeqIter<'de, A, T> { access: A, marker: std::marker::PhantomData<(&'de (), T)>, } impl<'de, A, T> SeqIter<'de, A, T> { fn new(access: A) -> Self where A: serde::de::SeqAccess<'de>, { Self { access, marker: std::marker::PhantomData, } } } impl<'de, A, T> Iterator for SeqIter<'de, A, T> where A: serde::de::SeqAccess<'de>, T: Deserialize<'de>, { type Item = Result; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { self.access.next_element().transpose() } fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option) { match self.access.size_hint() { Some(size) => (size, Some(size)), None => (0, None), } } } struct Stfu8BytesVisitor; impl<'de> serde::de::Visitor<'de> for Stfu8BytesVisitor { type Value = Vec; fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { formatter.write_str("a [u8] or a String") } fn visit_bytes(self, bytes: &[u8]) -> Result { Ok(bytes.to_vec()) } fn visit_byte_buf(self, v: Vec) -> Result { Ok(v) } fn visit_str(self, s: &str) -> Result where E: serde::de::Error { Ok(stfu8::decode_u8(s).map_err(serde::de::Error::custom)?) } fn visit_string(self, s: String) -> Result where E: serde::de::Error { Ok(stfu8::decode_u8(&s).map_err(serde::de::Error::custom)?) } fn visit_seq(self, seq: A) -> Result where A: serde::de::SeqAccess<'de>, { SeqIter::new(seq).collect() } } deserializer.deserialize_any(Stfu8BytesVisitor) } } /// The output of an invocation of some command. /// /// This is returned by `Context::invoke`. #[serde_as] #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct Output { /// The command that was run as well as the arguments. /// /// This is the unnormalized command. That is, args[0] is not /// mapped to the actual implementation that is used. args: Vec, #[serde(default)] #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Vec::is_empty")] inputs: Vec<(String, Vec)>, /// The captured stderr and stdout. #[serde_as(as = "Stfu8Bytes")] stderr: Vec, #[serde_as(as = "Stfu8Bytes")] stdout: Vec, #[serde(default)] #[serde_as(as = "Stfu8Bytes")] statusfd: Vec, /// The status code, e.g., "exit status: 0". status: String, /// Any files that are produced by the invocation under the /// working directory. #[serde_as(as = "BTreeMap<_, Stfu8Bytes>")] files: BTreeMap>, } impl fmt::Display for Output { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "stdout:\n{}\n\nstderr:\n{}\n\nstatus: {}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&self.stdout), String::from_utf8_lossy(&self.stderr), self.status) } } impl Output { /// Returns whether the invocation was successful. fn success(&self) -> bool { self.status == "exit status: 0" } /// Canonicalizes the paths in the output. /// /// This replaces `homedir` with `"/HOMEDIR"` and `experiment` /// with `"/EXPERIMENT"` in stdout and stderr, and normalizes the /// underline decorating `homedir` in key listings in stdout. fn canonicalize(mut self, homedir: &Path, experiment: &Path) -> Self { const DASHES: &str = "\n------------------------------------------------------------"; let d = regex::bytes::Regex::new( &DASHES[..DASHES.len().min(homedir.to_str().unwrap().len() + 1)]) .unwrap(); let h = regex::bytes::Regex::new(homedir.to_str().unwrap()).unwrap(); let e = regex::bytes::Regex::new(experiment.to_str().unwrap()).unwrap(); self.stdout = e.replace_all( &h.replace_all( &d.replace_all(&self.stdout, &b"\n--------"[..]), &b"/HOMEDIR"[..]), &b"/EXPERIMENT"[..]) .into(); self.stderr = e.replace_all(&h.replace_all(&self.stderr, &b"/HOMEDIR"[..]), &b"/EXPERIMENT"[..]) .into(); // Normalize key listing headers. let keylisting = Regex::new("/HOMEDIR/pubring.cert.d\\n\ -----------------------").unwrap(); self.stdout = keylisting.replace(&self.stdout, &b"/HOMEDIR/pubring.kbx\n\ ---------------------"[..]).into(); // According to doc/DETAILS, "This [KEYEXPIRED] status line is // not very useful because it will also be emitted for expired // subkeys even if this subkey is not used." And indeed, // GnuPG emits this left, right, and center whenever it // encounters an expired key, without any context, without // being useful for anyone. Drop it, as we don't emit it. let keyexpired = Regex::new(r"\[GNUPG:\] KEYEXPIRED [^\n]*\n").unwrap(); self.statusfd = keyexpired.replace_all(&self.statusfd, &b""[..]).into(); self } /// Returns the edit distance of run's stdout with the given one. pub fn stdout_edit_distance(&self, to: &Self) -> usize { editdistancek::edit_distance(&self.stdout, &to.stdout) } /// Returns the edit distance of run's stderr with the given one. pub fn stderr_edit_distance(&self, to: &Self) -> usize { editdistancek::edit_distance(&self.stderr, &to.stderr) } /// Returns the edit distance of run's status-fd with the given one. pub fn statusfd_edit_distance(&self, to: &Self) -> usize { editdistancek::edit_distance(&self.statusfd, &to.statusfd) } /// Invokes a callback with the working directory. pub fn with_working_dir(&self, fun: &mut F) -> Result where F: FnMut(&BTreeMap>) -> Result, { fun(&self.files) } } #[serde_as] #[derive(Debug, Default, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct ArtifactStore { /// The oracle's output. outputs: Vec, /// Our previous invocations' output. former_us_outputs: Option>, /// The files created by the invocation below the working /// directory. #[serde_as(as = "BTreeMap<_, Stfu8Bytes>")] artifacts: BTreeMap>, /// Difference to the Chameleon's stderr and stdout at the time /// this output was recorded. #[serde(default)] dynamic_upper_bounds: Vec>, } impl ArtifactStore { fn load(path: &Path) -> Result { let mut f = match fs::File::open(&path) { Ok(f) => f, Err(err) => { eprintln!("Opening artifact store {:?}: {}", path, err); return Err(err.into()); } }; match serde_json::from_reader(&mut f) { Ok(r) => Ok(r), Err(err) => { eprintln!("Reading artifact store {:?}: {}", path, err); Err(err.into()) } } } fn store(&self, path: &Path) -> Result<()> { fs::create_dir_all(path.parent().unwrap())?; let mut f = fs::File::create(path)?; serde_json::to_writer_pretty(&mut f, self)?; Ok(()) } } /// A bisimulation framework. /// /// Runs the reference GnuPG and the Chameleon in tandem, observing /// the differences. pub struct Experiment { wd: tempfile::TempDir, /// A record of what actions were performed (storing a file, /// invoking a command) and their order. log: std::cell::RefCell>, /// We store the output of GnuPG so that we don't build-depend on /// it. artifacts: ArtifactStore, artifacts_store: PathBuf, oracle: Context, us: Context, /// Canonicalization rules. canonicalizations: Vec, } impl Drop for Experiment { fn drop(&mut self) { let _ =; } } /// An experiment consists of a number of actions, which are executed /// in order. enum Action { /// Signals the start of a new section in the test. Section(String), /// Store a file in the working directory. Store(PathBuf), /// Invoke a command. Invoke(Vec, Vec<(String, Vec)>), /// Kills the gpg-agent. KillAgent, } impl Experiment { /// Creates a new experiment with empty state directories. pub fn new(function: &str, parameters: Vec) -> Result { let mut path: PathBuf = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")) .join("tests") .join(function // Added by ntest. .strip_suffix("::ntest_callback").unwrap_or(function) // Drop the extra "gpg::". [5..] // Turn it into a relative path. .replace("::", &std::path::MAIN_SEPARATOR.to_string())); for parameter in parameters { path.push(parameter); } let artifacts_store = path.with_extension("json"); // Load the stored artifacts, if any. let artifacts = ArtifactStore::load(&artifacts_store).unwrap_or_default(); let mut e = Experiment { wd: tempfile::tempdir()?, log: Default::default(), artifacts, artifacts_store, oracle: Context::gnupg()?, us: Context::chameleon()?, canonicalizations: Default::default(), }; // Create the keyring stores. Reduces the noise in the // upcoming experiments. e.invoke(&["--list-keys"])?.assert_success(); Ok(e) } /// Signal the start of a new section in the test. pub fn section>(&mut self, section: S) { let section = section.as_ref(); eprintln!(); eprintln!("# {}", section); self.log.borrow_mut().push(Action::Section(section.into())); } /// Creates or loads an artifact for the experiment. pub fn artifact(&mut self, name: &str, mut create: C, mut store: S, load: L) -> Result where C: FnMut() -> Result, S: FnMut(&T, &mut Vec) -> Result<()>, L: FnMut(&Vec) -> Result, { self.artifacts.artifacts.get(name) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("Not found, need to create it")) .and_then(load) .or_else(|_| { let a = create()?; let mut b = Vec::new(); store(&a, &mut b)?; self.artifacts.artifacts.insert(name.into(), b); Ok(a) }) } /// Returns the reference time of this experiment. pub fn now() -> SystemTime { UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::new(1671553073, 0) } /// Invokes the given gpg or gpgv command on both implementations. /// /// If args[0] is neither gpg nor gpgv, gpg is assumed. pub fn invoke(&mut self, args: &[&str]) -> Result { self.invoke_with_inputs(args, &[]) } /// Invokes the given gpg or gpgv command on both implementations /// with the given inputs put into the working directory. /// /// If args[0] is neither gpg nor gpgv, gpg is assumed. pub fn invoke_with_inputs(&mut self, args: &[&str], inputs: &[(&str, &[u8])]) -> Result { // Owned inputs. let inputs: Vec<_> = inputs.iter().map(|(n, c)| (n.to_string(), c.to_vec())).collect(); // Get the number of commands invoked in this experiment. We // use this to enumerate the stored artifacts. let n = self.log.borrow().iter() .filter(|a| if let Action::Invoke(..) = a { true } else { false }) .count(); // Implicitly add --faked-system-time. let faked_system_time = vec![ format!("--faked-system-time={}!", Self::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH)?.as_secs()), ]; let args: Vec<&str> = if args[0] == "gpgv" { args.iter().cloned().collect() } else if args[0] == "gpg" { std::iter::once("gpg") .chain(faked_system_time.iter().map(|s| s.as_str())) .chain(args.iter().skip(1).cloned()) .collect() } else { faked_system_time.iter().map(|s| s.as_str()) .chain(args.iter().cloned()) .collect() }; self.log.borrow_mut().push( Action::Invoke(args.iter().map(ToString::to_string).collect(), inputs.clone())); // See if we have a stored artifact and whether it matches our // arguments. let normalized_args: Vec = args.iter().map(|a| { // Normalize the experiment's working directory. format!("{:?}", a) .replace(&self.wd.path().display().to_string(), "/EXPERIMENT") }) .collect(); let what = if args[0] == "gpgv" { "gpgv" } else { "gpg" }; eprintln!(); eprintln!("## Invoking {:?} {}", what, normalized_args.join(" ")); eprintln!(); // First, invoke the Chameleon. eprintln!(" - Invoking the chameleon:"); let mut us =, &inputs)? .canonicalize(, self.wd.path()); self.canonicalizations.iter().for_each(|c| c.apply(&mut us)); us.args = normalized_args.clone(); #[derive(PartialEq, Eq)] enum TestFixtures { /// Use, but don't create on demand. Use, /// Use, and create on demand if missing or arguments /// changed. Create, /// Unconditionally recreate. Recreate, } use TestFixtures::*; let fixtures = std::env::var("GPG_SQ_TEST_FIXTURES").ok() .map(|s| match s.as_str() { "create" => Create, "recreate" => Recreate, _ => Use, }).unwrap_or(Use); let former_us = if let Some(o) = self.artifacts .former_us_outputs.as_ref() .and_then(|o| o.get(n)) .filter(|v| v.args == normalized_args) .filter(|v| v.inputs == inputs) .filter(|_| fixtures != Recreate) { Some(o.clone()) } else { // Save the current output for the next run. eprintln!(" - No previous output from the chameleon"); if self.artifacts.former_us_outputs.is_none() { self.artifacts.former_us_outputs = Some(Vec::new()); } let o = self.artifacts.former_us_outputs.as_mut().expect("have it"); o.truncate(n); o.push(us.clone()); None }; // Then, invoke GnuPG if we don't have a cached artifact. let oracle = if let Some(o) = self.artifacts.outputs.get(n) .filter(|v| v.args == normalized_args) .filter(|v| v.inputs == inputs) .filter(|_| fixtures != Recreate) { eprintln!(" - Not invoking the oracle: using cached results"); o.clone() } else { // Cache miss or the arguments changed. if fixtures == Use { return Err(anyhow::anyhow!( "error: Text fixtures missing or outdated, set \ GPG_SQ_TEST_FIXTURES=create to (re)create.")); } check_gpg_oracle(); eprintln!(" - Invoking the oracle:"); let mut output =, &inputs)? .canonicalize(, self.wd.path()); self.canonicalizations.iter().for_each(|c| c.apply(&mut output)); output.args = normalized_args; self.artifacts.outputs.truncate(n); self.artifacts.outputs.push(output.clone()); self.artifacts.dynamic_upper_bounds.truncate(n); self.artifacts.dynamic_upper_bounds.push(vec![ output.stdout_edit_distance(&us), output.stderr_edit_distance(&us), output.statusfd_edit_distance(&us), ]); output }; Ok(Diff { experiment: RefCell::new(&mut *self), args: args.iter().map(ToString::to_string).collect(), oracle, former_us, us, index: n, cached_stdout_edit_distance: Default::default(), cached_stderr_edit_distance: Default::default(), cached_statusfd_edit_distance: Default::default(), }) } /// Kills the gpg-agent. pub fn kill_agent(&self) -> Result<()> { self.log.borrow_mut().push(Action::KillAgent); eprintln!(); eprintln!("## Killing the gpg-agent"); eprintln!();;; Ok(()) } /// Stores the given data in the state directory, returning a path /// to that file. /// /// Useful for building up invocations. pub fn store(&self, name: &str, data: impl AsRef<[u8]>) -> Result { let path = self.wd.path().join(name); self.log.borrow_mut().push(Action::Store(path.clone())); fs::write(&path, data)?; Ok(path.to_str().unwrap().into()) } /// Writes a reproducer to `sink`. pub fn reproducer(&self, mut sink: &mut dyn io::Write) -> Result<()> { writeln!(&mut sink, "export GNUPGHOME=$(mktemp -d)")?; writeln!(&mut sink, "echo -e {:?} > $GNUPGHOME/gpg-agent.conf", Context::GPG_AGENT_CONF)?; writeln!(&mut sink, "mkdir -p {}", self.wd.path().display())?; for a in self.log.borrow().iter() { writeln!(&mut sink)?; use openpgp::armor::*; match a { Action::Section(s) => { writeln!(&mut sink, "# {}", s)?; }, Action::Invoke(args, inputs) => { for (n, c) in inputs { writeln!(&mut sink, "gpg --dearmor >{} < { writeln!(&mut sink, "gpg --dearmor >{} < { writeln!(&mut sink, "gpgconf --kill gpg-agent")?; } } } writeln!(&mut sink)?; writeln!(&mut sink, "# end of reproducer")?; Ok(()) } } /// Canonicalizations that are applied to all the (future) outputs of /// an experiment. struct Canonicalization { re: Regex, substitute: Vec, } impl Canonicalization { /// Applies the canonicalization rule to the given output. fn apply(&self, o: &mut Output) { o.stdout =, &self.substitute).into(); o.stderr =, &self.substitute).into(); o.statusfd =, &self.substitute).into(); } } /// The difference between invoking the reference GnuPG & the former /// Chameleon and the Chameleon. pub struct Diff<'a> { experiment: RefCell<&'a mut Experiment>, args: Vec, oracle: Output, us: Output, former_us: Option, index: usize, /// The cached edit distance between our stdout and the oracle's. cached_stdout_edit_distance: OnceCell, /// The cached edit distance between our stderr and the oracle's. cached_stderr_edit_distance: OnceCell, /// The cached edit distance between our status-fd and the oracle's. cached_statusfd_edit_distance: OnceCell, } impl Diff<'_> { /// Returns the edit distance between our stdout and the oracle's. pub fn stdout_edit_distance(&self) -> usize { self.cached_stdout_edit_distance.get_or_init( || .clone() } /// Returns the edit distance between our stderr and the oracle's. pub fn stderr_edit_distance(&self) -> usize { self.cached_stderr_edit_distance.get_or_init( || .clone() } /// Returns the edit distance between our status-fd and the oracle's. pub fn statusfd_edit_distance(&self) -> usize { self.cached_statusfd_edit_distance.get_or_init( || .clone() } /// Canonicalizes the outputs with the given function. pub fn canonicalize_with(mut self, mut fun: F) -> Result where F: FnMut(&mut Output) -> Result<()>, { fun(&mut; fun(&mut; if let Some(former_us) = self.former_us.as_mut() { fun(former_us)?; } let mut diff = Diff { experiment: self.experiment, args: self.args, oracle:, us:, former_us: self.former_us, index: self.index, cached_stdout_edit_distance: Default::default(), cached_stderr_edit_distance: Default::default(), cached_statusfd_edit_distance: Default::default(), }; // Do a little dance to only compute the edit distances if // necessary. if diff.experiment.borrow() .artifacts.dynamic_upper_bounds.get(self.index).is_some() { // Compute them now while we don't have self mutably // borrowed. let bounds = vec![ diff.stdout_edit_distance(), diff.stderr_edit_distance(), diff.statusfd_edit_distance(), ]; if let Some(b) = diff.experiment.get_mut() .artifacts.dynamic_upper_bounds.get_mut(diff.index) { *b = bounds; } } Ok(diff) } /// Canonicalizes the first fingerprints in the outputs. pub fn canonicalize_fingerprints(mut self, n: usize) -> Result { let find_fp = Regex::new(r"[0-9A-F]{40}")?; let mut canonicalizations = std::mem::take(&mut self.experiment.get_mut().canonicalizations); let mut diff = self.canonicalize_with(|o| { if let Some(fp) = find_fp.find(&o.stdout) .or_else(|| find_fp.find(&o.stderr)) .or_else(|| find_fp.find(&o.statusfd)) { let fingerprint = String::from_utf8_lossy(fp.as_bytes()).to_string(); let keyid = String::from_utf8_lossy(&fp.as_bytes()[24..]).to_string(); let c = Canonicalization { re: Regex::new(&fingerprint)?, substitute: format!("[FINGERPRINT-{}]", n).into(), }; c.apply(o); canonicalizations.push(c); if let Ok(fp) = openpgp::Fingerprint::from_str(&fingerprint) { let c = Canonicalization { re: Regex::new(&fp.to_spaced_hex())?, substitute: format!("[FINGERPRINT-{}]", n).into(), }; c.apply(o); canonicalizations.push(c); } let c = Canonicalization { re: Regex::new(&keyid)?, substitute: format!("[KEYID-{}]", n).into(), }; c.apply(o); canonicalizations.push(c); } Ok(()) })?; diff.experiment.get_mut().canonicalizations = canonicalizations; Ok(Diff { experiment: diff.experiment, args: diff.args, oracle:, us:, former_us: diff.former_us, index: diff.index, cached_stdout_edit_distance: Default::default(), cached_stderr_edit_distance: Default::default(), cached_statusfd_edit_distance: Default::default(), }) } /// Ignore former us. /// /// On some tests, comparing with the output from ourselves (and /// leaving no slack while doing that!) is counterproductive. /// /// Notably, some outputs include lists of supported algorithms, /// and different cryptographic backends or library versions /// support different sets of algorithms. Or, they include /// versions of crates or libraries. pub fn ignore_former_us(mut self) -> Self { self.former_us = None; self } /// Asserts that both implementations returned success. /// /// Panics otherwise. pub fn assert_success(&self) { let pass = &&; if ! pass { eprintln!("error: Invocation not successful.\n\n{}", self); panic!(); } self.assert_dynamic_upper_bounds(); self.assert_unchanged_output(); } /// Asserts that both implementations returned failure. /// /// Panics otherwise. pub fn assert_failure(&self) { let pass = ! && !; if ! pass { eprintln!("error: Invocation did not fail.\n\n{}", self); panic!(); } self.assert_dynamic_upper_bounds(); self.assert_unchanged_output(); } /// Asserts that the current output is the same as the recorded /// output. pub fn assert_unchanged_output(&self) { let mut pass = true; if let Some(former_us) = self.former_us.as_ref() { eprintln!(" - Asserting output matches output from last run."); if former_us.stdout != { let former_delta =; if former_delta > self.stdout_edit_distance() { eprintln!(" - Stdout changed, \ but we improved from {} to {}.", former_delta,; if let Some(b) = self.experiment.borrow_mut() .artifacts.former_us_outputs.as_mut() .and_then(|o| o.get_mut(self.index)) { b.stdout =; } } else { pass = false; eprintln!("error: Stdout changed from last run."); } } if former_us.stderr != { let former_delta =; if former_delta > self.stderr_edit_distance() { eprintln!(" - Stderr changed, \ but we improved from {} to {}.", former_delta,; if let Some(b) = self.experiment.borrow_mut() .artifacts.former_us_outputs.as_mut() .and_then(|o| o.get_mut(self.index)) { b.stderr =; } } else { pass = false; eprintln!(" - Stderr changed from last run."); } } if former_us.statusfd != { let former_delta =; if former_delta > self.statusfd_edit_distance() { eprintln!(" - Statusfd changed, \ but we improved from {} to {}.", former_delta,; if let Some(b) = self.experiment.borrow_mut() .artifacts.former_us_outputs.as_mut() .and_then(|o| o.get_mut(self.index)) { b.statusfd =; } } else { pass = false; eprintln!("error: Status-fd changed from last run."); } } if former_us.status != { if == "exit status: 0" { eprintln!(" - Exit status changed, \ but we improved from {:?} to {:?}.", former_us.status,; } else { pass = false; eprintln!("error: Exit status changed from last run."); } } } else { eprintln!(" - Can't compare output to last run: \ no output for last run is recorded"); } if ! pass { eprintln!("\n{}", self); panic!(); } } /// Asserts that both implementations wrote the same output up to /// a limit recorded when the artifact was recorded. /// /// Assert that the edit distance between the implementations /// output on stdout (stderr) does not exceed the recorded limits. /// Panics otherwise. pub fn assert_dynamic_upper_bounds(&self) { // We need to do a little dance to avoid borrowing // self.experiment twice, once here and once in _assert_limits // when producing a reproducer. let mut new_limits = None; if let Some(limits) = self.experiment.borrow() .artifacts.dynamic_upper_bounds.get(self.index).clone() { let out_limit = limits.get(0).cloned().unwrap_or_default(); let err_limit = limits.get(1).cloned().unwrap_or_default(); let statusfd_limit = limits.get(2).cloned().unwrap_or_default(); eprintln!(" - Asserting recorded limits of {}, {}, {}.", out_limit, err_limit, statusfd_limit); new_limits = Some( self._assert_limits(false, out_limit, err_limit, statusfd_limit) ); } if let Some(l) = new_limits { *self.experiment.borrow_mut() .artifacts.dynamic_upper_bounds.get_mut(self.index).unwrap() = l; } } /// Asserts that both implementations wrote the same output up to /// a limit. /// /// Assert that the edit distance between the implementations /// output on stdout (stderr) does not exceed the given /// `out_limit` (`err_limit`). Panics otherwise. pub fn assert_equal_up_to(&self, out_limit: usize, err_limit: usize) { self.assert_limits(out_limit, err_limit, 0) } pub fn assert_limits(&self, out_limit: usize, err_limit: usize, statusfd_limit: usize) { eprintln!(" - Asserting static limits of {}, {}, {}.", out_limit, err_limit, statusfd_limit); self._assert_limits(true, out_limit, err_limit, statusfd_limit); } fn _assert_limits(&self, static_limits: bool, out_limit: usize, err_limit: usize, statusfd_limit: usize) -> Vec { let mut limits = Vec::new(); let mut pass = true; let d = self.stdout_edit_distance(); limits.push(d); if d > out_limit { pass = false; eprintln!("error: Stdout edit distance {} exceeds limit of {}.", d, out_limit); } if static_limits && out_limit > 20 && d < out_limit / 2 { pass = false; eprintln!("error: Stdout edit distance {} smaller than half of limit {}.", d, out_limit); } let d = self.stderr_edit_distance(); limits.push(d); if d > err_limit { pass = false; eprintln!("error: Stderr edit distance {} exceeds limit of {}.", d, err_limit); } if static_limits && err_limit > 20 && d < err_limit / 2 { pass = false; eprintln!("error: Stderr edit distance {} smaller than half of limit {}.", d, err_limit); } let d = self.statusfd_edit_distance(); limits.push(d); if d > statusfd_limit { pass = false; eprintln!("error: Statusfd_limit edit distance {} exceeds limit of {}.", d, statusfd_limit); } if static_limits && statusfd_limit > 20 && d < statusfd_limit / 2 { pass = false; eprintln!("error: Statusfd_limit edit distance {} smaller than half of limit {}.", d, statusfd_limit); } if ! pass { eprintln!("\n{}", self); panic!(); } limits } /// Invokes a callback with the working directory. pub fn with_working_dir(&self, mut fun: F) -> Result> where F: FnMut(&BTreeMap>) -> Result, { Ok(vec![ fun)?, fun)?]) } } impl fmt::Display for Diff<'_> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { writeln!(f, "args:\n {}\n", self.args .iter() .map(|arg| format!("{:?}", arg)) .collect::>() .join(" "))?; if + > 0 { writeln!(f, "stdout: (edit distance {})", self.stdout_edit_distance())?; udiff(f, "oracle stdout", &String::from_utf8_lossy(&, "chameleon stdout", &String::from_utf8_lossy(&; } if let Some(former_us) = self.former_us.as_ref() { if former_us.stdout.len() + > 0 { writeln!(f, "stdout: (edit distance {})", former_us.stdout_edit_distance(&; udiff(f, "former gpg-chameleon stdout", &String::from_utf8_lossy(&former_us.stdout), "gpg-chameleon stdout", &String::from_utf8_lossy(&; } else { writeln!(f, "Can't compare to previous run: output not recorded")?; } } else { writeln!(f, "Can't compare to previous run: output not recorded")?; } if + > 0 { writeln!(f, "stderr: (edit distance {})", self.stderr_edit_distance())?; udiff(f, "oracle stderr", &String::from_utf8_lossy(&, "chameleon stderr", &String::from_utf8_lossy(&; } if let Some(former_us) = self.former_us.as_ref() { if former_us.stderr.len() + > 0 { writeln!(f, "stderr: (edit distance {})", former_us.stderr_edit_distance(&; udiff(f, "former chameleon stderr", &String::from_utf8_lossy(&former_us.stderr), "chameleon stderr", &String::from_utf8_lossy(&; } else { writeln!(f, "Can't compare to previous run: output not recorded")?; } } if + > 0 { writeln!(f, "statusfd: (edit distance {})", self.statusfd_edit_distance())?; udiff(f, "oracle statusfd", &String::from_utf8_lossy(&, "chameleon statusfd", &String::from_utf8_lossy(&; } if let Some(former_us) = self.former_us.as_ref() { if former_us.statusfd.len() + > 0 { writeln!(f, "statusfd: (edit distance {})", former_us.statusfd_edit_distance(&; udiff(f, "former chameleon statusfd", &String::from_utf8_lossy(&former_us.statusfd), "chameleon statusfd", &String::from_utf8_lossy(&; } else { writeln!(f, "Can't compare to previous run: output not recorded")?; } } writeln!(f, "exit status:")?; udiff(f, "oracle status", &, "chameleon status", &; if let Some(former_us) = self.former_us.as_ref() { udiff(f, "former gpg-sq", &former_us.status.to_string(), "gpg-sq", &; } else { writeln!(f, "Can't compare to previous run: output not recorded")?; } if std::env::var("GPG_SQ_TEST_REPRODUCER").is_ok() { let mut r = Vec::new(); self.experiment.borrow().reproducer(&mut r).unwrap(); writeln!(f, "reproducer:\n")?; writeln!(f, "{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&r))?; } Ok(()) } } /// Prints a unified-diff style line-based difference. fn udiff(f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>, left_name: &str, left: &str, right_name: &str, right: &str) -> fmt::Result { writeln!(f, "--- {}", left_name)?; writeln!(f, "+++ {}", right_name)?; for diff in diff::lines(left, right) { match diff { diff::Result::Left(l) => writeln!(f, "-{}", l)?, diff::Result::Both(l, _) => writeln!(f, " {}", l)?, diff::Result::Right(r) => writeln!(f, "+{}", r)?, } } Ok(()) }