use std::{ collections::BTreeMap, ffi::{OsStr, OsString}, fs, io, path::{Path, PathBuf}, process::*, os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd}, sync::OnceLock, time, }; use anyhow::{Context as _, Result}; use histo::Histogram; use indexmap::IndexMap; use regex::bytes::Regex; use tokio::{ fs::File, io::{AsyncRead, AsyncReadExt, AsyncWrite, AsyncWriteExt}, process::{Command}, }; // The tests: #[test] #[ntest::timeout(600000)] fn password_store_git() -> Result<()> { Experiment::new("password-store-git")?.with_null_policy()?.run() } #[test] #[ntest::timeout(600000)] fn debsig_verify_0_30() -> Result<()> { Experiment::new("debsig-verify-0.30")?.run() } // The framework: const EDIT_DISTANCE_CUTOFF: usize = 1000; /// Recording metadata. /// /// Keep in sync with the definition in src/ and make /// only forward-compatible changes if possible. #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)] struct Metadata { package: String, version: String, source: String, creation_time: time::SystemTime, } impl Metadata { fn emit(&self) { eprintln!(" - Package: {}", self.package); eprintln!(" - Version: {}", self.version); eprintln!(" - Source: {}", self.source); eprintln!(" - Created: {}", chrono::DateTime::::from(self.creation_time)); eprintln!(); } } /// Stored distances. /// /// We store the distances per component for every sample. This way, /// we can detect regressions. #[derive(Debug, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)] struct Distances { metadata: Metadata, samples: Vec>>, } fn gpg_chameleon() -> &'static Vec { static GPG_CHAMELEON: OnceLock> = OnceLock::new(); GPG_CHAMELEON.get_or_init(|| vec![ if let Ok(target) = std::env::var("CARGO_TARGET_DIR") { PathBuf::from(target) } else { std::env::current_dir().unwrap() .join("target") } .join("debug/gpg-sq") .display().to_string() ]) } fn gpgv_chameleon() -> &'static Vec { static GPGV_CHAMELEON: OnceLock> = OnceLock::new(); GPGV_CHAMELEON.get_or_init(|| vec![ if let Ok(target) = std::env::var("CARGO_TARGET_DIR") { PathBuf::from(target) } else { std::env::current_dir().unwrap() .join("target") } .join("debug/gpgv-sq") .display().to_string() ]) } const GPG_CHAMELEON_BUILD: &[&str] = &["cargo", "build", "--quiet"]; pub const STDOUT_EDIT_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD: usize = 20; pub const STDERR_EDIT_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD: usize = 20; /// Sets up the test environment. fn setup() { build(); } /// Makes sure that the chameleon is built once. fn build() { use std::sync::Once; static START: Once = Once::new(); START.call_once(|| { let mut prog = GPG_CHAMELEON_BUILD.to_vec(); if cfg!(feature = "crypto-nettle") { prog.push("--no-default-features"); prog.push("--features=crypto-nettle"); } else if cfg!(feature = "crypto-openssl") { prog.push("--no-default-features"); prog.push("--features=crypto-openssl"); } else if cfg!(feature = "crypto-botan") { prog.push("--no-default-features"); prog.push("--features=crypto-botan"); } else if cfg!(feature = "crypto-botan2") { prog.push("--no-default-features"); prog.push("--features=crypto-botan2"); } else if cfg!(feature = "crypto-cng") { prog.push("--no-default-features"); prog.push("--features=crypto-cng"); } eprintln!("Spawning {:?} to build the chameleon...", prog); let mut c = std::process::Command::new(&prog[0]); c.args(prog[1..].iter()); let status = c.status().unwrap(); if ! status.success() { panic!("Building the chameleon failed: {:?}", status); } }); } /// Opens a pipe. fn pipe() -> Result<(tokio::fs::File, tokio::fs::File)> { use interprocess::unnamed_pipe::pipe; use std::os::unix::io::IntoRawFd; let (writer, reader) = pipe()?; unsafe { Ok((tokio::fs::File::from_raw_fd(writer.into_raw_fd()), tokio::fs::File::from_raw_fd(reader.into_raw_fd()))) } } /// Copies data from `source` to `sink0` and `sink1`, returning the /// amount of data copied. async fn copy(mut source: R, mut sink: W) -> Result where R: AsyncRead + Unpin + 'static, W: AsyncWrite + Unpin + 'static, { let mut buf = vec![0; 4096]; let mut total = 0; loop { // When the child process ends, we still try to read from our // stdin and block the join. To prevent that, use a time out // here and when it expires, we try to flush the sink. If the // sink has been closed, this will fail and we break the loop. let amount = buf).await?; if amount == 0 { break; } sink.write_all(&buf[..amount]).await?; total += amount; } Ok(total) } /// A context for GnuPG. /// /// Creates a temporary directory and cleans it up on Drop. pub struct Context<'env> { /// Environment variables set when executing commands. env: &'env BTreeMap, // How to invoke gpg or gpg-sq. // // gpg[0] is the executable and the rest are arguments that are // implicitly passed to it. gpg: Vec, // Like `gpg`, but for gpgv or gpgv-sq. gpgv: Vec, /// The directory containing the recording. recorder_dir: PathBuf, } impl<'env> Context<'env> { /// Returns a context for the chameleon. pub fn new(recorder_dir: PathBuf, env: &'env BTreeMap) -> Result { setup(); Ok(Context { env, gpg: gpg_chameleon().clone(), gpgv: gpgv_chameleon().clone(), recorder_dir, }) } fn gnupghome(&self) -> PathBuf { self.recorder_dir.join("gnupghome") } /// Invokes the Chameleon. pub fn invoke(&self, previous: Option>>) -> Result { let rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap(); rt.block_on(self._invoke(previous)) } async fn _invoke(&self, previous: Option>>) -> Result { let args_path = self.recorder_dir.join("args"); let args: Vec = serde_json::from_reader( fs::File::open(&args_path).with_context( || format!("failed to open {}", args_path.display()))?)?; // See if the user wants gpg or gpgv. let executable = if args[0] == "gpgv" { &self.gpgv } else { &self.gpg }; let mut args = args[1..].to_vec(); // We're going to change directories before execve(2)ing in // the child, so make sure the path is absolute. let exe = fs::canonicalize(&executable[0])?; let mut c = Command::new(&exe); if let Some(unix_now) = fs::read(self.recorder_dir.join("time")).ok() .and_then(|v| String::from_utf8(v).ok()) .and_then(|v| v.parse::().ok()) { c.arg("--x-sequoia-quiet-faked-system-time"); c.arg(format!("{}!", unix_now)); } c.env("LC_ALL", "C"); c.env("TZ", "UTC"); // XXX: maybe track and store the TZ. for (k, v) in self.env.iter() { c.env(k, v); } // Create and populate a working directory. let workdir = tempfile::TempDir::new()?; c.current_dir(workdir.path()); for entry in fs::read_dir(&self.recorder_dir)? { let entry = entry?; if entry.file_name().to_string_lossy().starts_with("input") { fs::copy(entry.path(), workdir.path().join(entry.file_name()))?; } } // Make keyring paths absolue. If they are relative, they are // interpreted as relative to GNUPGHOME. for i in 0..args.len() - 1 { if args[i] == "--keyring" { args[i + 1] = self.recorder_dir.join(&args[i + 1]) .display().to_string(); } } c.args(executable[1..].iter()); c.arg("--homedir").arg(self.gnupghome()); let cc_stdin = File::open(self.recorder_dir.join("stdin")).await?; let cc_stdout = File::create(workdir.path().join("stdout")).await?; let cc_stderr = File::create(workdir.path().join("stderr")).await?; let cc_statusfd = File::create(workdir.path().join("statusfd")).await?; let cc_loggerfd = File::create(workdir.path().join("loggerfd")).await?; let cc_attributefd = File::create(workdir.path().join("attributefd")).await?; let cc_commandfd = File::open(self.recorder_dir.join("commandfd")).await?; // IPC. Stdin, stdout, and stderr we handle using the std // library. c.stdin(Stdio::piped()); c.stdout(Stdio::piped()); c.stderr(Stdio::piped()); // All extra streams like statusfd require special care. // Status-FD. let (statusfd_w, statusfd_r) = pipe()?; let statusfd_w_fd = statusfd_w.as_raw_fd(); let statusfd_r_fd = statusfd_r.as_raw_fd(); let statusfd = { if let Some(i) = args.iter().position(|a| a.as_str() == "--status-fd") { args[i + 1] = statusfd_w_fd.to_string(); } else if let Some(i) = args.iter().position(|a| a.starts_with("--status-fd=")) { args[i] = format!("--status-fd={}", statusfd_w_fd); } copy(statusfd_r, cc_statusfd) }; // Logger-FD. let (loggerfd_w, loggerfd_r) = pipe()?; let loggerfd_w_fd = loggerfd_w.as_raw_fd(); let loggerfd_r_fd = loggerfd_r.as_raw_fd(); let loggerfd = { if let Some(i) = args.iter().position(|a| a.as_str() == "--logger-fd") { args[i + 1] = loggerfd_w_fd.to_string(); } else if let Some(i) = args.iter().position(|a| a.starts_with("--logger-fd=")) { args[i] = format!("--logger-fd={}", loggerfd_w_fd); } copy(loggerfd_r, cc_loggerfd) }; // Attribute-FD. let (attributefd_w, attributefd_r) = pipe()?; let attributefd_w_fd = attributefd_w.as_raw_fd(); let attributefd_r_fd = attributefd_r.as_raw_fd(); let attributefd = { if let Some(i) = args.iter().position(|a| a.as_str() == "--attribute-fd") { args[i + 1] = attributefd_w_fd.to_string(); } else if let Some(i) = args.iter().position(|a| a.starts_with("--attribute-fd=")) { args[i] = format!("--attribute-fd={}", attributefd_w_fd); } copy(attributefd_r, cc_attributefd) }; // Command-FD. let (commandfd_w, commandfd_r) = pipe()?; let commandfd_w_fd = commandfd_w.as_raw_fd(); let commandfd_r_fd = commandfd_r.as_raw_fd(); let commandfd = { if let Some(i) = args.iter().position(|a| a.as_str() == "--command-fd") { args[i + 1] = commandfd_r_fd.to_string(); } else if let Some(i) = args.iter().position(|a| a.starts_with("--command-fd=")) { args[i] = format!("--command-fd={}", commandfd_r_fd); } copy(cc_commandfd, commandfd_w) }; // Be nice and drop our ends of the pipes in the child process. unsafe { c.pre_exec(move || { drop(fs::File::from_raw_fd(statusfd_r_fd)); drop(fs::File::from_raw_fd(loggerfd_r_fd)); drop(fs::File::from_raw_fd(attributefd_r_fd)); drop(fs::File::from_raw_fd(commandfd_w_fd)); Ok(()) }); } // Finish the arguments and start the process. //eprintln!("Spawning {:?} {:?}...", exe, args); args.insert(0, "--no-permission-warning".into()); c.args(args.iter()); let mut child = c.spawn() .with_context(|| format!( "failed to spawn {}", c.as_std().get_program().to_string_lossy()))?; drop(statusfd_w); drop(attributefd_w); drop(loggerfd_w); let child_stdin = child.stdin.take().unwrap(); let stdin = copy(cc_stdin, child_stdin); let child_stdout = child.stdout.take().unwrap(); let stdout = copy(child_stdout, cc_stdout); let child_stderr = child.stderr.take().unwrap(); let stderr = copy(child_stderr, cc_stderr); //eprintln!("waiting for child process..."); let (result, stdin, stdout, stderr, statusfd, loggerfd, attributefd, commandfd) = tokio::join!(child.wait(), stdin, stdout, stderr, statusfd, loggerfd, attributefd, commandfd); let result = result?; fs::write(workdir.path().join("result"), result.to_string())?; stdin?; stdout?; stderr?; statusfd?; loggerfd?; attributefd?; commandfd?; // Collect any output produced in the working directory. Diff::new(self.recorder_dir.clone(), args, workdir, previous) } } /// The difference between invoking the reference GnuPG & the former /// Chameleon and the Chameleon. pub struct Diff { args: Vec, recorder_dir: PathBuf, workdir: tempfile::TempDir, _distances: OnceLock, Vec, Option)>>, /// The previously recorded differences, if any. previous: Option>>, } impl Diff { fn new(recorder_dir: PathBuf, args: Vec, workdir: tempfile::TempDir, previous: Option>>) -> Result { Ok(Diff { recorder_dir, args, workdir, _distances: OnceLock::new(), previous, }) } fn components() -> impl Iterator { [ "stdout", "stderr", "statusfd", "loggerfd", "attributefd", "output", "result", ].iter().cloned() } fn distances(&self) -> &[(&'static str, Vec, Vec, Option)] { self._distances.get_or_init(|| { let recorder_dir = self.recorder_dir.clone(); let workdir = self.workdir.path(); Self::components().map(move |c: &'static str| { let mut oracle = fs::read(recorder_dir.join(c)).unwrap_or_default(); let mut us = fs::read(workdir.join(c)).unwrap_or_default(); if c == "stderr" || c == "loggerfd" { // Normalize GNUPGHOME in the oracle output. let original_gnupghome = String::from_utf8( fs::read(recorder_dir.join("original-gnupghome")).unwrap()).unwrap(); let re = Regex::new(®ex::escape(&original_gnupghome)).unwrap(); oracle = re.replace(&oracle, b"/GNUPGHOME").to_vec(); // Normalize GNUPGHOME in our output. let gnupghome = self.recorder_dir.join("gnupghome") .display().to_string(); let re = Regex::new(®ex::escape(&gnupghome)).unwrap(); us = re.replace(&us, b"/GNUPGHOME").to_vec(); } if c == "stdout" || c == "output" { if plausible_pgp(&oracle) { oracle = inspect_pgp(oracle).unwrap(); us = inspect_pgp(us).unwrap(); } } let distance = editdistancek::edit_distance_bounded( &oracle, &us, EDIT_DISTANCE_CUTOFF); (c, oracle, us, distance) }).collect() }) } fn distance(&self, component: &str) -> (&Vec, &Vec, Option) { self.distances().iter().filter_map(|(c, oracle, us, d)| if c == &component { Some((oracle, us, d.clone())) } else { None }).next().expect("unknown component") } fn result_matches(&self) -> bool { self.distance("result").2 == Some(0) } /// Returns whether this sample regressed with respect to /// previously recorded distances. fn regressed(&self) -> bool { if let Some(p) = &self.previous { self.distances().iter() .map(|(what, _, _, dist)| (dist, p.get(*what).unwrap_or(&Some(0)))) .any(|(dist, prev)| match (dist, prev) { (None, None) => false, (None, Some(_)) => true, (Some(_), None) => false, (Some(a), Some(b)) => a > b, }) } else { false } } fn emit(&self) -> Result<()> { let mut printed_args = false; for (what, oracle, us, d) in self.distances() { if ! printed_args && d != &Some(0) { eprintln!(); eprintln!(" - Invoking the chameleon\n gpg-sq {}\n", self.args .iter() .map(|arg| format!("{:?}", arg)) .collect::>() .join(" ")); printed_args = true; } let previously = match self.previous.as_ref() .map(|components| components.get(*what).unwrap_or(&Some(0))) { Some(Some(d)) => format!("; previously {}", d), Some(None) => format!("; previously > {}", EDIT_DISTANCE_CUTOFF), None => format!(""), }; if let Some(d) = d { if d > &0 { eprintln!("{}: (edit distance {}{})", what, d, previously); budiff(&format!("oracle {}", what), &oracle, &format!("chameleon {}", what), &us, None)?; } } else { eprintln!("{}: (edit distance > {}{})", what, EDIT_DISTANCE_CUTOFF, previously); budiff(&format!("oracle {}", what), &oracle, &format!("chameleon {}", what), &us, None)?; } } if printed_args { eprintln!(); } Ok(()) } } fn plausible_pgp(d: &[u8]) -> bool { d.starts_with(b"-----BEGIN PGP ") || d.get(0).map(|b| b & 0x80 > 0).unwrap_or(false) } fn inspect_pgp(d: Vec) -> Result> { use std::io::Write; let mut child = std::process::Command::new("sq").arg("inspect") .env("SEQUOIA_CRYPTO_POLICY", // Use a null policy. format!("{}/tests/null-policy.toml", env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"))) .stdin(Stdio::piped()) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .stderr(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .context("failed to spawn sq")?; child.stdin.take().unwrap().write_all(&d)?; Ok(child.wait_with_output()?.stdout) } use bzip2::read::BzDecoder; struct Experiment { name: String, metadata: Metadata, #[allow(dead_code)] sample_dir: tempfile::TempDir, diffs: Vec, failures: Vec, old_distances: Option, /// Environment variables set when executing commands. env: BTreeMap, } impl Experiment { fn new(name: &str) -> Result { setup(); let tmp = tempfile::tempdir()?; let tar = fs::File::open(Self::archive_file(name)) .with_context(|| format!("failed to open archive {}", Self::archive_file(name).display()))?; tar::Archive::new(BzDecoder::new(tar)).unpack(tmp.path())?; let metadata: Metadata = serde_json::from_reader( fs::File::open(tmp.path().join("metadata.json")) .context("failed to read metadata.json from archive")?)?; let mut e = Experiment { name: name.into(), metadata, sample_dir: tmp, diffs: vec![], failures: vec![], old_distances: None, env: Default::default(), }; e.load_distances()?; Ok(e) } /// Use the given crypto policy configuration file. fn with_policy>(mut self, policy: P) -> Result { self.env.insert("SEQUOIA_CRYPTO_POLICY".into(), fs::canonicalize(policy)?.into()); Ok(self) } /// Use the null crypto policy. fn with_null_policy(self) -> Result { self.with_policy(format!("{}/tests/null-policy.toml", env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"))) } fn basepath() -> &'static Path { >::as_ref("tests/integration").as_ref() } fn distance_file(&self) -> PathBuf { Self::basepath().join(format!("{}.json", } fn archive_file(name: &str) -> PathBuf { Self::basepath().join(format!("{}.tar.bz2", name)) } fn run(&mut self) -> Result<()> { eprintln!("# Recording {}",; eprintln!(); self.metadata.emit(); let mut n = 0; loop { let base = self.sample_dir.path().join(n.to_string()); if ! base.exists() { break; } let ctx = Context::new(base, &self.env)?; eprintln!("## Testing sample {}", n); let previously = self.old_distances.as_ref().and_then(|d| d.samples.get(n)); let diff = ctx.invoke(; diff.emit()?; if ! diff.result_matches() || diff.regressed() { self.failures.push(n); } self.diffs.push(diff); n += 1; } self.emit()?; self.persist_distances()?; if self.failures.is_empty() { Ok(()) } else { for i in &self.failures { eprintln!("error: sample {} {}", i, if self.diffs[*i].regressed() { "regressed" } else { "returned wrong status code" }); self.diffs[*i].emit()?; } self.emit_failure_summary()?; Err(anyhow::anyhow!("{} samples failed", self.failures.len())) } } fn emit_failure_summary(&self) -> Result<()> { if ! self.failures.is_empty() { eprintln!("\nerror: {}/{} ({:.2}%) samples failed \ (regressed or exit status didn't match).", self.failures.len(), self.diffs.len(), self.failures.len() as f32 / self.diffs.len() as f32 * 100.); eprint!("\nFailures:"); for n in &self.failures { eprint!(" {}", n); } eprintln!(); } Ok(()) } fn load_distances(&mut self) -> Result<()> { if let Ok(f) = fs::File::open(self.distance_file()) { let d: Distances = serde_json::from_reader(f)?; if d.metadata == self.metadata { self.old_distances = Some(d); } else { eprintln!("Note: Metadata changed, discarding old results."); } } Ok(()) } fn persist_distances(&self) -> Result<()> { let d = Distances { metadata: self.metadata.clone(), samples: self.diffs.iter().map( |d| if d.regressed() { // Keep the old distances instead, so that we // don't write out the regressed ones. d.previous.clone().unwrap() } else { d.distances().iter().filter_map( |(component, _, _, distance)| if distance == &Some(0) { None } else { Some((component.to_string(), *distance)) }) .collect() }) .collect(), }; let mut sink = fs::File::create(self.distance_file())?; serde_json::to_writer_pretty(&mut sink, &d)?; Ok(()) } fn emit(&self) -> Result<()> { eprintln!(); eprintln!("# Summary"); eprintln!(); self.metadata.emit(); eprintln!(); struct StreamSummary { histogram: Histogram, worst_index: usize, worst_distance: usize, } let mut streams: IndexMap<&'static str, StreamSummary> = Default::default(); for (i, what, distance) in self.diffs.iter().enumerate() .flat_map(|(i, d)| d.distances().iter().map( move |(what, _, _, distance)| (i, what, distance.unwrap_or(EDIT_DISTANCE_CUTOFF)))) { let summary = streams.entry(what) .or_insert_with(|| StreamSummary { histogram: Histogram::with_buckets(20), worst_index: 0, worst_distance: 0, }); summary.histogram.add(distance.try_into().unwrap()); if summary.worst_distance < distance { summary.worst_distance = distance; summary.worst_index = i; } } for (stream, summary) in streams.iter() { if *stream == "result" { // These histograms are really boring, and we track // failures in self.failures. continue; } if summary.histogram.buckets().skip(1).all(|b| b.count() == 0) { // Skip all zero differences. continue; } eprintln!("{}:\n\n{}", stream, summary.histogram); eprintln!("Worst offender: sample {} with distance {}", summary.worst_index, summary.worst_distance); eprintln!(); } self.emit_failure_summary().unwrap(); Ok(()) } } /// Prints a unified-diff style line-based difference. fn udiff(left_name: &str, left: &str, right_name: &str, right: &str, context: Option) -> io::Result<()> { eprintln!("--- {}", left_name); eprintln!("+++ {}", right_name); let context = context.unwrap_or(3); // Stash the prefix for printing the context when we encounter a // change. let mut prefix = std::collections::VecDeque::with_capacity(context + 1); // Counter to print the context after we encounter a change. let mut suffix = 0; for diff in diff::lines(left, right) { if let diff::Result::Both(l, _) = diff { if suffix > 0 { eprintln!(" {}", l); suffix -= 1; } else { prefix.push_back(l); while prefix.len() > context { prefix.pop_front(); } } } else { if ! prefix.is_empty() { eprintln!("@@"); } // Print any context that we stashed. while let Some(l) = prefix.pop_front() { eprintln!(" {}", l); } match diff { diff::Result::Left(l) => eprintln!("-{}", l), diff::Result::Both(_, _) => unreachable!(), diff::Result::Right(r) => eprintln!("+{}", r), } // Make sure to print context after the change. suffix = context; } } Ok(()) } /// Prints a unified-diff style line-based difference. #[allow(dead_code)] fn budiff(left_name: &str, left: &[u8], right_name: &str, right: &[u8], context: Option) -> io::Result<()> { udiff(left_name, &String::from_utf8_lossy(left), right_name, &String::from_utf8_lossy(right), context) }