mod common; use common::Environment; fn create_environment() -> anyhow::Result<(Environment, String)> { Environment::scooby_gang_bootstrap() } #[test] #[allow(unused)] fn git_refs() -> anyhow::Result<()> { // The commits: // // commit-2-1 commit-3-1 // | good | good // commit-2-0 commit-3-0 // bad \ / good // commit-2 // | good // commit-1 // | good // commit-0 let (e, commit_0) = create_environment()?; let p = e.git_state(); e.git(&["branch", "commit-0"])?; let commit_1 = e.git_commit(&[("a", Some(b"1"))], "1", Some(&e.willow)).unwrap(); e.git(&["branch", "commit-1"])?; assert!(e.sq_git(&["log", "--trust-root", &commit_0]).is_ok()); let commit_2 = e.git_commit(&[("a", Some(b"2"))], "2", Some(&e.willow)).unwrap(); e.git(&["branch", "commit-2"])?; assert!(e.sq_git(&["log", "--trust-root", &commit_0]).is_ok()); // The bad commit. let commit_2_0 = e.git_commit(&[("a", Some(b"2-0"))], "2-0", Some(&e.xander)).unwrap(); e.git(&["branch", "commit-2-0"])?; assert!(e.sq_git(&["log", "--trust-root", &commit_0]).is_err()); let commit_2_1 = e.git_commit(&[("a", Some(b"2-1"))], "2-1", Some(&e.willow)).unwrap(); e.git(&["branch", "commit-2-1"])?; assert!(e.sq_git(&["log", "--trust-root", &commit_0]).is_err()); // Move back to commit-2. e.git(&["checkout", "commit-2"])?; e.git(&["clean", "-fdx"])?; assert!(e.sq_git(&["log", "--trust-root", &commit_0]).is_ok()); let commit_3_0 = e.git_commit(&[("a", Some(b"3-0"))], "3-0", Some(&e.willow)).unwrap(); e.git(&["branch", "commit-3-0"])?; assert!(e.sq_git(&["log", "--trust-root", &commit_0]).is_ok()); let commit_3_1 = e.git_commit(&[("a", Some(b"3-1"))], "3-1", Some(&e.willow)).unwrap(); e.git(&["branch", "commit-3-1"])?; assert!(e.sq_git(&["log", "--trust-root", &commit_0]).is_ok()); // Debugging. let (stdout, _stderr) = e.git( &["log", "--pretty=oneline", "--graph", "commit-2-1", "commit-3-1"]) .unwrap(); eprintln!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&stdout)); assert!(e.git(&["tag", "v1", "commit-1"]).is_ok()); assert!(e.git(&["tag", "v2", "commit-2"]).is_ok()); assert!(e.git(&["tag", "v2.1", "commit-2-1"]).is_ok()); let paths = &[ // Trust root / commit to check / ok / ok with trust root's parent. (&commit_1[..], "commit-1", &commit_2[..], "commit-2", true, true), (&commit_1[..], "commit-1", &commit_3_1[..], "commit-3-0", true, true), (&commit_1[..], "commit-1", &commit_3_1[..], "commit-3-1", true, true), (&commit_1[..], "commit-1", &commit_2_1[..], "commit-2-1", false, false), (&commit_2_0[..], "commit-2-0", &commit_2_1[..], "commit-2-1", true, false), // Use tags instead of branches. (&commit_1[..], "v1", &commit_2[..], "v2", true, true), (&commit_1[..], "v1", &commit_2_1[..], "v2.1", false, false), ]; for (trust_root_hash, trust_root, commit_hash, commit, good, p_good) in paths.iter() { eprintln!("Testing: {} ({}) .. {} ({}) ({}, {})", trust_root_hash, trust_root, commit_hash, commit, good, p_good); // Commit id. assert_eq!( e.sq_git(&["log", "--trust-root", trust_root_hash, commit_hash]) .is_ok(), *good); // Short commit id. assert_eq!( e.sq_git(&["log", "--trust-root", &trust_root_hash[0..7], &commit_hash[..]]) .is_ok(), *good); // Using branches. assert_eq!( e.sq_git(&["log", "--trust-root", trust_root, commit]) .is_ok(), *good); // Trust root's parent. assert_eq!( e.sq_git(&["log", "--trust-root", &format!("{}^", trust_root_hash), commit_hash]) .is_ok(), *p_good); // Trust root's parent, with branches assert_eq!( e.sq_git(&["log", "--trust-root", &format!("{}^", trust_root), commit]) .is_ok(), *p_good); // Make sure we can use the configuration file to set a trust // root. assert!(e.git(&["config", "", trust_root_hash]).is_ok()); assert_eq!( e.sq_git(&["log", commit_hash]) .is_ok(), *good); assert!(e.git(&["config", "", trust_root]).is_ok()); assert_eq!( e.sq_git(&["log", commit_hash]) .is_ok(), *good); } Ok(()) }