# serde-generate [![serde-generate on crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/serde-generate)](https://crates.io/crates/serde-generate) [![Documentation (latest release)](https://docs.rs/serde-generate/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/serde-generate/) [![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-Apache-green.svg)](../LICENSE-APACHE) [![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-green.svg)](../LICENSE-MIT) This crate aims to compile the data formats extracted from Rust by [`serde-reflection`](https://crates.io/crates/serde-reflection) into type definitions and (de)serialization methods for other programming languages. It can be used as a library or as a command-line tool (see `serdegen` below). ### Supported Languages The following programming languages are fully supported as target languages: * C++ 17 * Java 8 * Python 3 (requires numpy >= 1.20.1) * Rust 2018 * Go >= 1.14 * C# (NetCoreApp >= 2.1) * Swift 5.3 * OCaml The following languages are partially supported and still considered under development: * TypeScript 4 (packaged and tested with Deno) [(follow-up issue)](https://github.com/novifinancial/serde-reflection/issues/119) * Dart >= 2 [(follow-up issue)](https://github.com/novifinancial/serde-reflection/issues/120) ### Supported Encodings Type definitions in a target language are meant to be used together with a runtime library that provides (de)serialization in a particular [Serde encoding format](https://serde.rs/#data-formats). This crate provides easy-to-deploy runtime libraries for the following binary formats, in all supported languages: * [Bincode](https://docs.rs/bincode/1.3.1/bincode/) (default configuration only), * [BCS](https://github.com/diem/bcs) (short for Binary Canonical Serialization, the main format used in the [Diem blockchain](https://github.com/diem/diem)). ### Quick Start with Python and Bincode In the following example, we transfer a `Test` value from Rust to Python using [`bincode`](https://docs.rs/bincode/1.3.1/bincode/). ```rust use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use serde_reflection::{Registry, Tracer, TracerConfig}; use std::io::Write; #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] struct Test { a: Vec, b: (u32, u32), } // Obtain the Serde format of `Test`. (In practice, formats are more likely read from a file.) let mut tracer = Tracer::new(TracerConfig::default()); tracer.trace_simple_type::().unwrap(); let registry = tracer.registry().unwrap(); // Create Python class definitions. let mut source = Vec::new(); let config = serde_generate::CodeGeneratorConfig::new("testing".to_string()) .with_encodings(vec![serde_generate::Encoding::Bincode]); let generator = serde_generate::python3::CodeGenerator::new(&config); generator.output(&mut source, ®istry)?; assert!( String::from_utf8_lossy(&source).contains( r#" @dataclass(frozen=True) class Test: a: typing.Sequence[st.uint64] b: typing.Tuple[st.uint32, st.uint32] "#)); // Append some test code to demonstrate Bincode deserialization // using the runtime in `serde_generate/runtime/python/bincode`. writeln!( source, r#" value = Test.bincode_deserialize(bytes({:?})) assert value == Test(a=[4, 6], b=(3, 5)) "#, bincode::serialize(&Test { a: vec![4, 6], b: (3, 5) }).unwrap(), )?; // Execute the Python code. let mut child = std::process::Command::new("python3") .arg("-") .env("PYTHONPATH", std::env::var("PYTHONPATH").unwrap_or_default() + ":runtime/python") .stdin(std::process::Stdio::piped()) .spawn()?; child.stdin.as_mut().unwrap().write_all(&source)?; let output = child.wait_with_output()?; assert!(output.status.success()); ``` ### Binary Tool In addition to a Rust library, this crate provides a binary tool `serdegen` to process Serde formats saved on disk. The tool `serdegen` assumes that a Rust value of type `serde_reflection::Registry` has been serialized into a YAML file. The recommended way to generate such a value is to use the library `serde-reflection` to introspect Rust definitions (see also the example above). For a quick test, one may create a test file like this: ```bash cat >test.yaml < test.py ``` To create a python module `test` and install the bincode runtime in a directory `$DEST`, you may run: ```bash cargo run -p serde-generate-bin -- --language python3 --with-runtimes serde bincode --module-name test --target-source-dir "$DEST" test.yaml ``` See the help message of the tool with `--help` for more options. Note: Outside of this repository, you may install the tool with `cargo install serde-generate-bin` then use `$HOME/.cargo/bin/serdegen`. ## Contributing See the [CONTRIBUTING](../CONTRIBUTING.md) file for how to help out. ## License This project is available under the terms of either the [Apache 2.0 license](../LICENSE-APACHE) or the [MIT license](../LICENSE-MIT).