use std::{collections::BTreeMap, str::FromStr}; use ipld_core::cid::Cid; use serde::Serialize; use serde_bytes::{ByteBuf, Bytes}; use serde_ipld_dagjson::to_vec; #[test] fn test_string() { let value = "foobar".to_string(); let json = to_vec(&value).unwrap(); assert_eq!(json, br#""foobar""#); } #[test] fn test_list() { let value = vec![1, 2, 3]; let json = to_vec(&value).unwrap(); assert_eq!(json, b"[1,2,3]"); } #[test] fn test_object() { let mut object = BTreeMap::new(); object.insert("a".to_string(), "A".to_string()); object.insert("b".to_string(), "B".to_string()); object.insert("c".to_string(), "C".to_string()); object.insert("d".to_string(), "D".to_string()); object.insert("e".to_string(), "E".to_string()); let json = to_vec(&object).unwrap(); assert_eq!(json, br#"{"a":"A","b":"B","c":"C","d":"D","e":"E"}"#); } #[test] fn test_float() { let json = to_vec(&12.3f64).unwrap(); assert_eq!(json, b"12.3"); } #[test] fn test_f32() { let json = to_vec(&4000.5f32).unwrap(); assert_eq!(json, b"4000.5"); } #[test] fn test_infinity() { let json = to_vec(&::std::f64::INFINITY); assert!(json.is_err(), "Only finite numbers are supported."); } #[test] fn test_neg_infinity() { let json = to_vec(&::std::f64::NEG_INFINITY); assert!(json.is_err(), "Only finite numbers are supported."); } #[test] fn test_nan() { let json = to_vec(&::std::f32::NAN); assert!(json.is_err(), "Only finite numbers are supported."); } #[test] fn test_integer() { // u8 { let json = to_vec(&24).unwrap(); assert_eq!(json, b"24"); } // i8 { let json = to_vec(&-5).unwrap(); assert_eq!(json, b"-5"); } // i16 { let json = to_vec(&-300).unwrap(); assert_eq!(json, b"-300"); } // i32 { let json = to_vec(&-23567997).unwrap(); assert_eq!(json, b"-23567997"); } // u64 { let json = to_vec(&::std::u64::MAX).unwrap(); assert_eq!(json, b"18446744073709551615"); } // u128 within u64 range { let json = to_vec(&(u64::MAX as u128)).unwrap(); assert_eq!(json, b"18446744073709551615"); } // u128 out of u64 range { let json = to_vec(&(u64::MAX as u128 + 1)).unwrap(); assert_eq!(json, b"18446744073709551616"); } // i128 within u64 range { let json = to_vec(&(u64::MAX as i128)).unwrap(); assert_eq!(json, b"18446744073709551615"); } // i128 within -u64 range { let json = to_vec(&(-(u64::MAX as i128))).unwrap(); assert_eq!(json, b"-18446744073709551615"); } // max 64-bit value with a negative sign { let json = to_vec(&(-(u64::MAX as i128 + 1))).unwrap(); assert_eq!(json, b"-18446744073709551616"); } // i128 out of -u64 range { let json = to_vec(&i128::MIN).unwrap(); assert_eq!(json, b"-170141183460469231731687303715884105728"); } } #[test] fn test_ip_addr() { use std::net::Ipv4Addr; let addr = Ipv4Addr::new(8, 8, 8, 8); let json = to_vec(&addr).unwrap(); assert_eq!(json, br#""""#); } #[test] fn test_cid() { let cid = Cid::from_str("bafkreibme22gw2h7y2h7tg2fhqotaqjucnbc24deqo72b6mkl2egezxhvy").unwrap(); let json = to_vec(&cid).unwrap(); assert_eq!( json, br#"{"/":"bafkreibme22gw2h7y2h7tg2fhqotaqjucnbc24deqo72b6mkl2egezxhvy"}"# ); } #[test] fn test_nested_cid() { #[derive(Serialize)] struct Nested { some: Cid, } let cid = Cid::from_str("bafkreibme22gw2h7y2h7tg2fhqotaqjucnbc24deqo72b6mkl2egezxhvy").unwrap(); let nested = Nested { some: cid }; let json = to_vec(&nested).unwrap(); assert_eq!( json, br#"{"some":{"/":"bafkreibme22gw2h7y2h7tg2fhqotaqjucnbc24deqo72b6mkl2egezxhvy"}}"# ); } #[test] fn test_bytes() { let bytes = Bytes::new(b"vmx"); let json = to_vec(&bytes).unwrap(); assert_eq!(json, br#"{"/":{"bytes":"dm14"}}"#); } #[test] fn test_nested_bytes() { #[derive(Serialize)] struct Nested { some: ByteBuf, } let bytes = ByteBuf::from(b"vmx"); let nested = Nested { some: bytes }; let json = to_vec(&nested).unwrap(); assert_eq!(json, br#"{"some":{"/":{"bytes":"dm14"}}}"#); }