use std::io; use serde::Serialize; use test_case::case; use serde_json_canonicalizer::to_vec; fn value_to_string(value: V) -> io::Result { let buffer = to_vec(&value)?; String::from_utf8(buffer).map_err(|_| unreachable!()) } fn value_to_string_no_err(value: V) -> String { value_to_string(value).unwrap() } // This test is running on a generated file, the generator is copied from the reference implementation // // To run the test, generate the input file (~3.7Gb) by executing the generation script // in `resources/generated-numbers` by the command `node numgen.js` (requires nodejs to be installed) // This is a long test and should be executed via // `cargo test --tests generated_numbers -- --nocapture --include-ignored` #[ignore] #[test] fn generated_numbers() { use std::io::{stdout, BufRead, BufReader, Write}; let file = std::fs::File::open("tests/resources/generated-numbers/es6testfile100m.txt").unwrap(); let reader = BufReader::new(file); let one_percent = 1000000usize; let mut threshold = one_percent - 1; let mut percent = 0; let mut stdout = stdout().lock(); let mut buffer: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(32); for (idx, line) in reader.lines().enumerate() { let line = line.unwrap(); let parts = line.split(',').collect::>(); assert_eq!(2, parts.len()); let input = f64::from_bits(u64::from_str_radix(parts[0], 16).unwrap()); let output = to_vec(&input).unwrap(); assert_eq!( parts[1].as_bytes(), &output, "Testing input {} parsed into {}", parts[0], input ); buffer.clear(); if idx == threshold { threshold += one_percent; percent += 1; if percent % 10 == 0 { writeln!(stdout, "{percent}%").ok(); } else { write!(stdout, ".").ok(); } stdout.flush().ok(); } } writeln!(stdout).ok(); } #[case(0x0000000000000000 => "0" ; "Zero")] #[case(0x8000000000000000 => "0" ; "Minus zero")] #[case(0x0000000000000001 => "5e-324" ; "Min pos number")] #[case(0x8000000000000001 => "-5e-324" ; "Min neg number")] #[case(0x7fefffffffffffff => "1.7976931348623157e+308" ; "Max pos number")] #[case(0xffefffffffffffff => "-1.7976931348623157e+308" ; "Max neg number")] #[case(0x4340000000000000 => "9007199254740992" ; "Max pos int")] #[case(0xc340000000000000 => "-9007199254740992" ; "Max neg int")] #[case(0x4430000000000000 => "295147905179352830000" ; "~2**68")] #[case(0x44b52d02c7e14af5 => "9.999999999999997e+22" ; "example 1")] #[case(0x44b52d02c7e14af6 => "1e+23" ; "example 2")] #[case(0x44b52d02c7e14af7 => "1.0000000000000001e+23" ; "example 3")] #[case(0x444b1ae4d6e2ef4e => "999999999999999700000" ; "example 4")] #[case(0x444b1ae4d6e2ef4f => "999999999999999900000" ; "example 5")] #[case(0x444b1ae4d6e2ef50 => "1e+21" ; "example 6")] #[case(0x3eb0c6f7a0b5ed8c => "9.999999999999997e-7" ; "example 7")] #[case(0x3eb0c6f7a0b5ed8d => "0.000001" ; "example 8")] #[case(0x41b3de4355555553 => "333333333.3333332" ; "example 9")] #[case(0x41b3de4355555554 => "333333333.33333325" ; "example 10")] #[case(0x41b3de4355555555 => "333333333.3333333" ; "example 11")] #[case(0x41b3de4355555556 => "333333333.3333334" ; "example 12")] #[case(0x41b3de4355555557 => "333333333.33333343" ; "example 13")] #[case(0xbecbf647612f3696 => "-0.0000033333333333333333" ; "example 14")] #[case(0x43143ff3c1cb0959 => "1424953923781206.2" ; "round to even")] fn jcs_rfc_appendix_b(bits: u64) -> String { let number: f64 = f64::from_bits(bits); value_to_string_no_err(number) } #[case(f64::NAN ; "NaN")] #[case(f64::INFINITY ; "Infinity")] #[case(f64::NEG_INFINITY ; "-Infinity")] fn infinite_numbers(number: f64) { assert!(to_vec(&number).is_err()); assert!(value_to_string(number).is_err()); } #[case(u8::MAX as f64 => "255" ; "u8::MAX exact")] #[case(i8::MAX as f64 => "127" ; "i8::MAX exact")] #[case(i8::MIN as f64 => "-128" ; "i8::MIN exact")] #[case(u16::MAX as f64 => "65535" ; "u16::MAX exact")] #[case(i16::MAX as f64 => "32767" ; "i16::MAX exact")] #[case(i16::MIN as f64 => "-32768" ; "i16::MIN exact")] #[case(u32::MAX as f64 => "4294967295" ; "u32::MAX exact")] #[case(i32::MAX as f64 => "2147483647" ; "i32::MAX exact")] #[case(i32::MIN as f64 => "-2147483648" ; "i32::MIN exact")] // The RFC states that "For maximum compliance with the ECMAScript "JSON" // object, values that are to be interpreted as true integers SHOULD be in // the range -9007199254740991 to 9007199254740991. However, how numbers are // used in applications does not affect the JCS algorithm." // We check that our implementation matches with what v8 JSON.stringify does // as the most widely used javascript engine. #[case(u64::MAX as f64 => "18446744073709552000" ; "u64::MAX exact (v8 compat)")] #[case(i64::MAX as f64 => "9223372036854776000" ; "i64::MAX exact (v8 compat)")] #[case(i64::MIN as f64 => "-9223372036854776000" ; "i64::MIN exact (v8 compat)")] #[case(184467440737095520000u128 as f64 => "184467440737095500000" ; "v8 compat rounding 1")] #[case(1844674407370955200000u128 as f64 => "1.8446744073709552e+21" ; "v8 compat rounding 2")] #[case(184467440737095520000000u128 as f64 => "1.844674407370955e+23" ; "v8 compat rounding 3")] fn integers(number: f64) -> String { value_to_string_no_err(number) } #[case(u8::MAX => "255" ; "u8::MAX exact")] fn integers_u8(number: u8) -> String { value_to_string_no_err(number) } #[case(i8::MAX => "127" ; "i8::MAX exact")] #[case(i8::MIN => "-128" ; "i8::MIN exact")] fn integers_i8(number: i8) -> String { value_to_string_no_err(number) } #[case(u16::MAX => "65535" ; "u16::MAX exact")] fn integers_u16(number: u16) -> String { value_to_string_no_err(number) } #[case(i16::MAX => "32767" ; "i16::MAX exact")] #[case(i16::MIN => "-32768" ; "i16::MIN exact")] fn integers_i16(number: i16) -> String { value_to_string_no_err(number) } #[case(u32::MAX => "4294967295" ; "u32::MAX exact")] fn integers_u32(number: u32) -> String { value_to_string_no_err(number) } #[case(i32::MAX => "2147483647" ; "i32::MAX exact")] #[case(i32::MIN => "-2147483648" ; "i32::MIN exact")] fn integers_i32(number: i32) -> String { value_to_string_no_err(number) } // The RFC states that "For maximum compliance with the ECMAScript "JSON" // object, values that are to be interpreted as true integers SHOULD be in // the range -9007199254740991 to 9007199254740991. However, how numbers are // used in applications does not affect the JCS algorithm." // We check that our implementation matches with what v8 JSON.stringify does // as the most widely used javascript engine. #[case(u64::MAX => "18446744073709552000" ; "u64::MAX exact (v8 compat)")] fn integers_u64(number: u64) -> String { value_to_string_no_err(number) } #[case(i64::MAX => "9223372036854776000" ; "i64::MAX exact (v8 compat)")] #[case(i64::MIN => "-9223372036854776000" ; "i64::MIN exact (v8 compat)")] fn integers_i64(number: i64) -> String { value_to_string_no_err(number) } #[case(184467440737095520000u128 => "184467440737095500000" ; "v8 compat 1")] #[case(1844674407370955200000u128 => "1.8446744073709552e+21" ; "v8 compat 2")] #[case(184467440737095520000000u128 => "1.844674407370955e+23" ; "v8 compat 3")] fn integers_u128(number: u128) -> String { value_to_string_no_err(number) } #[case(-184467440737095520000i128 => "-184467440737095500000" ; "v8 compat 1")] #[case(-1844674407370955200000i128 => "-1.8446744073709552e+21" ; "v8 compat 2")] #[case(-184467440737095520000000i128 => "-1.844674407370955e+23" ; "v8 compat 3")] fn integers_i128(number: i128) -> String { value_to_string_no_err(number) } #[case(0.0f64 => "0" ; "zero")] #[case(-0.0f64 => "0" ; "minus zero")] fn zeroes(number: f64) -> String { value_to_string_no_err(number) }