use cast::u64; use codemap::CodeMap; use codemap_diagnostic::{ColorConfig, Diagnostic, Emitter, Level, SpanLabel, SpanStyle}; use educe::*; use indexmap::{indexmap, IndexMap}; use serde::{de::IgnoredAny, Deserialize}; use serde_taml::de::from_taml_str; use std::io::stdout; use taml::diagnostics::{DiagnosticLabel, DiagnosticLabelPriority, DiagnosticType}; #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] type tamlDiagnostic = taml::diagnostics::Diagnostic; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Deserialize)] struct NoFields {} #[test] fn unknown_field_none_accepted() { let text = "key: \"value\"\n"; let mut diagnostics = vec![]; from_taml_str::(text, &mut diagnostics, &[]).unwrap_err(); assert_eq!( diagnostics.as_slice(), &[tamlDiagnostic { type_: DiagnosticType::UnknownField, labels: vec![ DiagnosticLabel::new( "Unknown field `key`.", 0..3, DiagnosticLabelPriority::Primary ), DiagnosticLabel::new( "Hint: This struct does not accept any fields.", 0..0, DiagnosticLabelPriority::Auxiliary, ) ] }] ); report(text, diagnostics) } #[test] fn unknown_fields_none_accepted() { let text = "key: \"value\"\n\ another: \"value\"\n"; let mut diagnostics = vec![]; from_taml_str::(text, &mut diagnostics, &[]).unwrap_err(); assert_eq!( diagnostics.as_slice(), &[ tamlDiagnostic { type_: DiagnosticType::UnknownField, labels: vec![ DiagnosticLabel::new( "Unknown field `key`.", 0..3, DiagnosticLabelPriority::Primary ), DiagnosticLabel::new( "Hint: This struct does not accept any fields.", 0..0, DiagnosticLabelPriority::Auxiliary, ), ] }, tamlDiagnostic { type_: DiagnosticType::UnknownField, labels: vec![ DiagnosticLabel::new( "Unknown field `another`.", 13..20, DiagnosticLabelPriority::Primary ), DiagnosticLabel::new( "Hint: This struct does not accept any fields.", 0..0, DiagnosticLabelPriority::Auxiliary, ), ] } ] ); report(text, diagnostics) } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Deserialize)] struct ThreeFields { #[serde(default)] field_1: i8, #[serde(default)] field_2: String, #[serde(default)] field_3: f32, } #[test] fn expected_other_fields() { let text = "key: \"value\"\n"; let mut diagnostics = vec![]; from_taml_str::(text, &mut diagnostics, &[]).unwrap_err(); assert_eq!( diagnostics.as_slice(), &[tamlDiagnostic { type_: DiagnosticType::UnknownField, labels: vec![ DiagnosticLabel::new( "Unknown field `key`.", 0..3, DiagnosticLabelPriority::Primary ), DiagnosticLabel::new( "Hint: The following additional fields are accepted here: `field_1`, `field_2`, `field_3`.", 0..0, DiagnosticLabelPriority::Auxiliary, ) ] }] ); report(text, diagnostics) } #[test] fn expected_additional_fields() { let text = r#"field_2: "" key: "value" "#; let mut diagnostics = vec![]; from_taml_str::(text, &mut diagnostics, &[]).unwrap_err(); assert_eq!( diagnostics.as_slice(), &[tamlDiagnostic { type_: DiagnosticType::UnknownField, labels: vec![ DiagnosticLabel::new( "Unknown field `key`.", 12..15, DiagnosticLabelPriority::Primary ), DiagnosticLabel::new( "Hint: The following additional fields are accepted here: `field_1`, `field_3`.", 0..0, DiagnosticLabelPriority::Auxiliary, ) ] }] ); report(text, diagnostics) } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Deserialize)] struct TypedFields { i8: Option, string: Option, f32: Option, f64: Option, } #[test] fn expect_i8() { let text = "i8: \"value\"\n"; let mut diagnostics = vec![]; from_taml_str::(text, &mut diagnostics, &[]).unwrap_err(); assert_eq!( diagnostics.as_slice(), &[tamlDiagnostic { type_: DiagnosticType::InvalidType, labels: vec![DiagnosticLabel::new( "Expected integer.", 4..11, DiagnosticLabelPriority::Primary, )] }] ); report(text, diagnostics) } #[test] fn expect_string() { let text = "string: 0\n"; let mut diagnostics = vec![]; from_taml_str::(text, &mut diagnostics, &[]).unwrap_err(); assert_eq!( diagnostics.as_slice(), &[tamlDiagnostic { type_: DiagnosticType::InvalidType, labels: vec![DiagnosticLabel::new( r#"Expected string (`"…"`)."#, 8..9, DiagnosticLabelPriority::Primary, )] }] ); report(text, diagnostics) } #[test] fn expect_f32() { let text = "f32: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)\n"; let mut diagnostics = vec![]; from_taml_str::(text, &mut diagnostics, &[]).unwrap_err(); assert_eq!( diagnostics.as_slice(), &[tamlDiagnostic { type_: DiagnosticType::InvalidType, labels: vec![DiagnosticLabel::new( "Expected decimal.", 5..20, DiagnosticLabelPriority::Primary, )] }] ); report(text, diagnostics) } #[test] fn decimal_hint_1() { let text = "f32: 1\n"; let mut diagnostics = vec![]; from_taml_str::(text, &mut diagnostics, &[]).unwrap_err(); assert_eq!( diagnostics.as_slice(), &[tamlDiagnostic { type_: DiagnosticType::InvalidType, labels: vec![ DiagnosticLabel::new("Expected decimal.", 5..6, DiagnosticLabelPriority::Primary), DiagnosticLabel::new("Hint: Try `1.0`.", 5..6, DiagnosticLabelPriority::Auxiliary), ] }] ); report(text, diagnostics) } #[test] fn decimal_hint_2() { let text = "f64: 2\n"; let mut diagnostics = vec![]; from_taml_str::(text, &mut diagnostics, &[]).unwrap_err(); assert_eq!( diagnostics.as_slice(), &[tamlDiagnostic { type_: DiagnosticType::InvalidType, labels: vec![ DiagnosticLabel::new("Expected decimal.", 5..6, DiagnosticLabelPriority::Primary), DiagnosticLabel::new("Hint: Try `2.0`.", 5..6, DiagnosticLabelPriority::Auxiliary), ] }] ); report(text, diagnostics) } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq)] struct ExtraFields { known: String, #[serde(rename = "taml::extra_fields")] extra_fields: IndexMap, } #[test] fn extra_fields() { let text = "known: \"It is known.\"\n\ unknown: \"It is unknowable.\"\n"; let mut diagnostics = vec![]; assert_eq!( from_taml_str::(text, &mut diagnostics, &[]) .map_err(|err| eprintln!("{}; diagnostics: {:#?}", err, diagnostics)) .unwrap(), ExtraFields { known: "It is known.".to_string(), extra_fields: indexmap! { "unknown".to_string() => "It is unknowable.".to_string() }, }, ); assert_eq!(diagnostics.as_slice(), &[]); report(text, diagnostics); } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Educe)] #[educe(PartialEq)] struct IgnoredExtraFields { known: String, #[educe(PartialEq(ignore))] #[serde(rename = "taml::extra_fields")] extra_fields: IgnoredAny, } #[test] fn ignored_extra_fields() { let text = "known: \"It is known.\"\n\ unknown: \"It is unknowable.\"\n"; let mut diagnostics = vec![]; assert_eq!( from_taml_str::(text, &mut diagnostics, &[]).unwrap(), IgnoredExtraFields { known: "It is known.".to_string(), extra_fields: IgnoredAny, }, "diagnostics: {:?}", diagnostics ); assert_eq!(diagnostics.as_slice(), &[]); report(text, diagnostics); } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq)] struct MissingFields { missing_field: i8, } #[test] #[allow(clippy::reversed_empty_ranges)] fn missing_fields() { let text = "\n"; let mut diagnostics = vec![]; from_taml_str::(text, &mut diagnostics, &[]).unwrap_err(); assert_eq!( diagnostics.as_slice(), &[tamlDiagnostic { type_: DiagnosticType::MissingField, labels: vec![ DiagnosticLabel::new( "Missing field `missing_field`.", 0..0, DiagnosticLabelPriority::Primary, ), DiagnosticLabel::new( "Invalid type: Unexpected Option value, expected i8.", None, DiagnosticLabelPriority::Auxiliary, ) ] }] ); report(text, diagnostics); } fn report(text: &str, diagnostics: Vec) { let mut codemap = CodeMap::new(); let file_span = codemap.add_file("TAML".to_string(), text.to_string()).span; let diagnostics: Vec<_> = diagnostics .into_iter() .map(|diagnostic| Diagnostic { code: Some(diagnostic.code()), level: match diagnostic.level() { taml::diagnostics::DiagnosticLevel::Warning => Level::Warning, taml::diagnostics::DiagnosticLevel::Error => Level::Error, }, message: diagnostic.message().to_string(), spans: diagnostic .labels .into_iter() .map(|label| SpanLabel { label:|c| c.to_string()), style: match label.priority { taml::diagnostics::DiagnosticLabelPriority::Primary => SpanStyle::Primary, taml::diagnostics::DiagnosticLabelPriority::Auxiliary => { SpanStyle::Secondary } }, span: match label.span { Some(span) => file_span.subspan(u64(span.start), u64(span.end)), None => file_span.subspan(file_span.len(), file_span.len()), }, }) .collect(), }) .collect(); if !diagnostics.is_empty() { // Not great, but seems to help a bit with output weirdness. let stdout = stdout(); let _stdout_lock = stdout.lock(); Emitter::stderr(ColorConfig::Auto, Some(&codemap)).emit(&diagnostics) } }