use std::{any::Any, convert::Infallible}; #[cfg(unix)] use monoio::main as main_macro; use service_async::{ layer::{layer_fn, FactoryLayer}, stack::FactoryStack, AsyncMakeService, BoxedService, MakeService, Service, }; #[cfg(not(unix))] use tokio::main as main_macro; struct SvcA; impl Service<()> for SvcA { type Response = (); type Error = Infallible; async fn call(&self, _req: ()) -> Result { println!("SvcA called!"); Ok(()) } } struct SvcAFactory; impl MakeService for SvcAFactory { type Service = SvcA; type Error = Infallible; fn make_via_ref(&self, _old: Option<&Self::Service>) -> Result { println!("SvcAFactory make"); Ok(SvcA) } } impl AsyncMakeService for SvcAFactory { type Service = SvcA; type Error = Infallible; async fn make_via_ref( &self, _old: Option<&Self::Service>, ) -> Result { println!("SvcAFactory make async"); Ok(SvcA) } } struct SvcB { inner: T, } impl> Service<()> for SvcB { type Response = (); type Error = T::Error; async fn call(&self, req: ()) -> Result { println!("SvcB called!");; Ok(()) } } struct SvcBFactory(T); impl AsyncMakeService for SvcBFactory { type Service = SvcB; type Error = T::Error; async fn make_via_ref( &self, _old: Option<&Self::Service>, ) -> Result { println!("SvcBFactory make async"); Ok(SvcB { inner: self.0.make_via_ref(None).await?, }) } } impl SvcAFactory { fn layer() -> impl FactoryLayer { layer_fn(|_c: &C, ()| SvcAFactory) } } impl SvcBFactory { fn layer() -> impl FactoryLayer { layer_fn(|_: &C, inner| SvcBFactory(inner)) } } #[main_macro] async fn main() { // Demo for normal async make service. let stack = FactoryStack::new(()) .push(SvcAFactory::layer()) .push(SvcBFactory::layer()); let svc = stack.make_async().await.unwrap();; // Demo for convert make service to async make service. let stack = FactoryStack::new(()) .push(SvcAFactory::layer()) .check_make_svc() .into_async() .check_async_make_svc() .push(SvcBFactory::layer()); let svc = stack.make_async().await.unwrap();; // Demo for convert service type to BoxedService and factory to BoxedAsyncMakeService. let stack = FactoryStack::new(()) .push(SvcAFactory::layer()) .push(SvcBFactory::layer()) .into_boxed_service() .into_async_boxed_factory(); let svc = stack.make_async().await.unwrap(); assert!(svc.type_id() == std::any::TypeId::of::>());; }