use std::{ convert::Infallible, sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering}, }; use service_async::{ layer::{layer_fn, FactoryLayer}, stack::FactoryStack, AsyncMakeService, BoxedMakeService, BoxedService, MakeService, Param, Service, }; #[cfg(unix)] use monoio::main as main_macro; #[cfg(not(unix))] use tokio::main as main_macro; // ===== Svc*(impl Service) and Svc*Factory(impl NewService) ===== struct SvcA { pass_flag: bool, not_pass_flag: bool, } impl Service<()> for SvcA { type Response = (); type Error = Infallible; async fn call(&self, _req: ()) -> Result { println!( "SvcA called! pass_flag = {}, not_pass_flag = {}", self.pass_flag, self.not_pass_flag ); Ok(()) } } struct SvcAFactory { init_flag: InitFlag, } struct InitFlag(bool); impl MakeService for SvcAFactory { type Service = SvcA; type Error = Infallible; fn make_via_ref(&self, old: Option<&Self::Service>) -> Result { Ok(match old { Some(r) => SvcA { pass_flag: r.pass_flag, not_pass_flag: self.init_flag.0, }, None => SvcA { pass_flag: self.init_flag.0, not_pass_flag: self.init_flag.0, }, }) } } struct SvcB { counter: AtomicUsize, inner: T, } impl Service for SvcB where T: Service<(), Error = Infallible>, { type Response = (); type Error = Infallible; async fn call(&self, req: usize) -> Result { let old = self.counter.fetch_add(req, Ordering::AcqRel); let new = old + req; println!("SvcB called! {old}->{new}");; Ok(()) } } struct SvcBFactory(T); impl MakeService for SvcBFactory where T: MakeService, { type Service = SvcB; type Error = Infallible; fn make_via_ref(&self, old: Option<&Self::Service>) -> Result { Ok(match old { Some(r) => SvcB { counter: r.counter.load(Ordering::Acquire).into(), inner: self.0.make_via_ref(Some(&r.inner))?, }, None => SvcB { counter: 0.into(), inner: self.0.make()?, }, }) } } /// For simple logic, we can impl the Service and NewService for the same struct. /// Which means the Service itself can be a factory. struct SvcC { inner: T, } impl Service for SvcC where T: Service, { type Response = (); type Error = Infallible; async fn call(&self, req: I) -> Result { println!("SvcC called!");; Ok(()) } } impl MakeService for SvcC where F: MakeService, { type Service = SvcC; type Error = Infallible; fn make_via_ref(&self, old: Option<&Self::Service>) -> Result { Ok(SvcC { inner: self.inner.make_via_ref(|x| &x.inner))?, }) } } impl AsyncMakeService for SvcC where F: MakeService, { type Service = SvcC; type Error = Infallible; async fn make_via_ref(&self, old: Option<&Self::Service>) -> Result { // We may do some async calls here. Ok(SvcC { inner: self.inner.make_via_ref(|x| &x.inner))?, }) } } // ===== impl layer fn for Factory instead of defining manually ===== impl SvcAFactory { fn layer() -> impl FactoryLayer where C: Param, { layer_fn(|c: &C, ()| SvcAFactory { init_flag: c.param(), }) } } impl SvcBFactory { fn layer() -> impl FactoryLayer { layer_fn(|_: &C, inner| SvcBFactory(inner)) } } impl SvcC { fn layer() -> impl FactoryLayer { layer_fn(|_: &C, inner| SvcC { inner }) } fn opt_layer(enabled: bool) -> Option> { if enabled { Some(layer_fn(|_: &C, inner| SvcC { inner })) } else { None } } } // ===== Define Config and impl Param for it ===== #[derive(Clone, Copy)] struct Config { init_flag: bool, } impl Param for Config { fn param(&self) -> InitFlag { InitFlag(self.init_flag) } } #[main_macro] async fn main() { let config = Config { init_flag: false }; let stack = FactoryStack::new(config) .push(SvcAFactory::layer()) .push(SvcBFactory::layer()) // we can also use async make service .push(SvcC::layer()); let svc = stack.make_async().await.unwrap();;;; let stack = FactoryStack::new(config) .push(SvcAFactory::layer()) .push(SvcBFactory::layer()) // with Either, we can control whether using a layer at runtime .push(SvcC::opt_layer(true)); let svc = stack.make().unwrap();;;; // with BoxService, we can erase different types let boxed_svc: BoxedService = stack.into_boxed_service().make().unwrap();; let config = Config { init_flag: true }; let new_stack = FactoryStack::new(config) .push(SvcAFactory::layer()) .push(SvcBFactory::layer()) .push(SvcC::opt_layer(false)) .into_inner(); // create new service with new stack and old service let new_svc = new_stack.make_via_ref(Some(&svc)).unwrap();; // also, BoxService can use it in this way too let new_svc = new_stack.make_via_ref(boxed_svc.downcast_ref()).unwrap();; // to make it more flexible, we can even make the factory a boxed type. // so we can insert different layers and get a same type. #[allow(unused_assignments)] let mut fac: BoxedMakeService<_, _> = FactoryStack::new(config) .push(SvcAFactory::layer()) .push(SvcBFactory::layer()) .into_boxed_service() .into_boxed_factory() .into_inner(); fac = FactoryStack::new(config) .push(SvcAFactory::layer()) .push(SvcBFactory::layer()) .push(SvcC::layer()) .into_boxed_service() .into_boxed_factory() .into_inner(); let svc = fac.make().unwrap();; }