#!/usr/bin/env -S just --working-directory . --justfile # Since this is a first recipe it's being run by default. # Faster checks need to be executed first for better UX. For example # codespell is very fast. cargo fmt does not need to download crates etc. check: spelling formatting docs lints dependencies tests # Checks common spelling mistakes spelling: codespell # Checks source code formatting formatting: just --unstable --fmt --check # We're using nightly to properly group imports, see .rustfmt.toml cargo +nightly fmt --all -- --check # Lints the source code lints: cargo clippy --workspace --no-deps --all-targets -- -D warnings # Checks for issues with dependencies dependencies: cargo deny check # Runs all unit tests. By default ignored tests are not run. Run with `ignored=true` to run only ignored tests tests: cargo test --all # Build docs for this crate only docs: cargo doc --no-deps # Checks for commit messages check-commits REFS='main..': #!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail for commit in $(git rev-list "{{ REFS }}"); do MSG="$(git show -s --format=%B "$commit")" CODESPELL_RC="$(mktemp)" git show "$commit:.codespellrc" > "$CODESPELL_RC" if ! grep -q "Signed-off-by: " <<< "$MSG"; then printf "Commit %s lacks \"Signed-off-by\" line.\n" "$commit" printf "%s\n" \ " Please use:" \ " git rebase --signoff main && git push --force-with-lease" \ " See https://developercertificate.org/ for more details." exit 1; elif ! codespell --config "$CODESPELL_RC" - <<< "$MSG"; then printf "The spelling in commit %s needs improvement.\n" "$commit" exit 1; else printf "Commit %s is good.\n" "$commit" fi done # Fixes common issues. Files need to be git add'ed fix: #!/usr/bin/env bash if ! git diff-files --quiet ; then echo "Working tree has changes. Please stage them: git add ." exit 1 fi codespell --write-changes just --unstable --fmt cargo clippy --fix --allow-staged # fmt must be last as clippy's changes may break formatting cargo +nightly fmt --all