### 0.6.1 2024-0717 - Fixed 'unsafe precondition(s) violated'. Closed #63 ### 0.6.0 2024-0405 - Added support for encrypted headers - close #55 - Return a consistent error in case the password is invalid - close #53 ### 0.5.4 2023-1213 - Added docs - Renamed `FolderDecoder` to `BlockDecoder` - Added method to compress paths in non-solid mode - Fixed entry's compressed_size is always 0 when reading archives. ### 0.5.3 Fixed 'Too many open files' Reduce unnecessary public items #37 ### 0.5.2 - 2023-0824 Fixed file separator issue on windows system #35 ### 0.5.1 - 2023-0823 Sub crate `lzma-rust` code optimization ### 0.5.0 - 2023-0819 - Added support for BCJ2. - Added multi-thread decompress example ### 0.4.3 - 2023-0616 - Support write encoded header - Added `LZMAWriter` ### 0.4.2 - 2023-06-10 - Removed unsafe code - Changed `SevenZWriter.finish` method return inner writer - Added wasm compress function - Updates bzip dependency to the patch version of 0.4.4([#23](https://github.com/dyz1990/sevenz-rust/pull/23)) ### 0.4.1 - 2023-06-07 - Fixed unable to build without default features ### 0.4.0 - 2023-06-03 - Solid compression ### 0.3.0 - 2023-06-02 - Encrypted compression - Added Encrypted compression ### 0.2.11 - 2023-05-24 - Fixed numerical overflow ### 0.2.10 - 2023-04-18 - Change to use nt-time crate([#20](https://github.com/dyz1990/sevenz-rust/pull/20)) - Fix typo([#18](https://github.com/dyz1990/sevenz-rust/pull/18)) - make function generics less restrictive ([#17](https://github.com/dyz1990/sevenz-rust/pull/17)) - Solve warnings ([#16](https://github.com/dyz1990/sevenz-rust/pull/16)) - run rustfmt on code ([#15](https://github.com/dyz1990/sevenz-rust/pull/15)) ### 0.2.9 - 2023-03-16 - Added bzip2 support([#14](https://github.com/dyz1990/sevenz-rust/pull/14)) ### 0.2.8 - 2023-03-06 - Fixed write bitset bugs ### 0.2.7 - 2023-03-05 - Fixed bug while read files info ### 0.2.6 - 2023-02-23 - Added zstd support and use enhanced filetime lib([#11](https://github.com/dyz1990/sevenz-rust/pull/11)) - Fixed lzma encoder bugs ### 0.2.4 - 2023-02-16 - Changed return entry ref when pushing to writer([#10](https://github.com/dyz1990/sevenz-rust/pull/10)) ### 0.2.3 - 2023-02-07 - Fixed incorrect handling of 7z time ### 0.2.2 - 2023-01-31 - Create sub crate `lzma-rust` - Move mod `lzma` to sub crate `lzma-rust` - Modify Github Actions to run tests with --all-features ### 0.2.0 - 2023-01-08 - Added compression supporting - Added compression supporting ### 0.1.5 - 2022-11-01 - Encrypted 7z files decompression supported - Added aes256sha256 decode method - Added wasm support - Added new tests (for Delta and Copy) and Github Actions CI([#5](https://github.com/dyz1990/sevenz-rust/pull/5)) by [bfrazho](https://github.com/bfrazho) ### 0.1.4 - 2022-09-20 - Replace lzma/lzma2 decoder - Chnaged new lzma/lzma2 decoder ### 0.1.3 - 2022-09-18 - add more bcj filters - Added bcj arm/ppc/sparc and delta filters - Added test for bcj x86 ([#3](https://github.com/dyz1990/sevenz-rust/pull/3)) by [bfrazho](https://github.com/bfrazho) ### 0.1.2 - 2022-09-14 - bcj x86 filter supported - Added bcj x86 filter - Added LZMA tests ([#2](https://github.com/dyz1990/sevenz-rust/pull/2)) by [bfrazho](https://github.com/bfrazho) - Fixed extract empty file ### 0.1.1 - 2022-08-10 - Modify decompression function ### 0.1.0 - 2022-08-10 - Decompression