/* 7zFile.c -- File IO 2023-04-02 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain */ #include "Precomp.h" #include "7zFile.h" #ifndef USE_WINDOWS_FILE #include #ifndef USE_FOPEN #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include typedef int ssize_t; typedef int off_t; #else #include #endif #endif #else /* ReadFile and WriteFile functions in Windows have BUG: If you Read or Write 64MB or more (probably min_failure_size = 64MB - 32KB + 1) from/to Network file, it returns ERROR_NO_SYSTEM_RESOURCES (Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service). Probably in some version of Windows there are problems with other sizes: for 32 MB (maybe also for 16 MB). And message can be "Network connection was lost" */ #endif #define kChunkSizeMax (1 << 22) void File_Construct(CSzFile *p) { #ifdef USE_WINDOWS_FILE p->handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; #elif defined(USE_FOPEN) p->file = NULL; #else p->fd = -1; #endif } #if !defined(UNDER_CE) || !defined(USE_WINDOWS_FILE) static WRes File_Open(CSzFile *p, const char *name, int writeMode) { #ifdef USE_WINDOWS_FILE p->handle = CreateFileA(name, writeMode ? GENERIC_WRITE : GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, writeMode ? CREATE_ALWAYS : OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); return (p->handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ? 0 : GetLastError(); #elif defined(USE_FOPEN) p->file = fopen(name, writeMode ? "wb+" : "rb"); return (p->file != 0) ? 0 : #ifdef UNDER_CE 2; /* ENOENT */ #else errno; #endif #else int flags = (writeMode ? (O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY) : O_RDONLY); #ifdef O_BINARY flags |= O_BINARY; #endif p->fd = open(name, flags, 0666); return (p->fd != -1) ? 0 : errno; #endif } WRes InFile_Open(CSzFile *p, const char *name) { return File_Open(p, name, 0); } WRes OutFile_Open(CSzFile *p, const char *name) { #if defined(USE_WINDOWS_FILE) || defined(USE_FOPEN) return File_Open(p, name, 1); #else p->fd = creat(name, 0666); return (p->fd != -1) ? 0 : errno; #endif } #endif #ifdef USE_WINDOWS_FILE static WRes File_OpenW(CSzFile *p, const WCHAR *name, int writeMode) { p->handle = CreateFileW(name, writeMode ? GENERIC_WRITE : GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, writeMode ? CREATE_ALWAYS : OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); return (p->handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ? 0 : GetLastError(); } WRes InFile_OpenW(CSzFile *p, const WCHAR *name) { return File_OpenW(p, name, 0); } WRes OutFile_OpenW(CSzFile *p, const WCHAR *name) { return File_OpenW(p, name, 1); } #endif WRes File_Close(CSzFile *p) { #ifdef USE_WINDOWS_FILE if (p->handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (!CloseHandle(p->handle)) return GetLastError(); p->handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } #elif defined(USE_FOPEN) if (p->file != NULL) { int res = fclose(p->file); if (res != 0) { if (res == EOF) return errno; return res; } p->file = NULL; } #else if (p->fd != -1) { if (close(p->fd) != 0) return errno; p->fd = -1; } #endif return 0; } WRes File_Read(CSzFile *p, void *data, size_t *size) { size_t originalSize = *size; *size = 0; if (originalSize == 0) return 0; #ifdef USE_WINDOWS_FILE do { const DWORD curSize = (originalSize > kChunkSizeMax) ? kChunkSizeMax : (DWORD)originalSize; DWORD processed = 0; const BOOL res = ReadFile(p->handle, data, curSize, &processed, NULL); data = (void *)((Byte *)data + processed); originalSize -= processed; *size += processed; if (!res) return GetLastError(); // debug : we can break here for partial reading mode if (processed == 0) break; } while (originalSize > 0); #elif defined(USE_FOPEN) do { const size_t curSize = (originalSize > kChunkSizeMax) ? kChunkSizeMax : originalSize; const size_t processed = fread(data, 1, curSize, p->file); data = (void *)((Byte *)data + (size_t)processed); originalSize -= processed; *size += processed; if (processed != curSize) return ferror(p->file); // debug : we can break here for partial reading mode if (processed == 0) break; } while (originalSize > 0); #else do { const size_t curSize = (originalSize > kChunkSizeMax) ? kChunkSizeMax : originalSize; const ssize_t processed = read(p->fd, data, curSize); if (processed == -1) return errno; if (processed == 0) break; data = (void *)((Byte *)data + (size_t)processed); originalSize -= (size_t)processed; *size += (size_t)processed; // debug : we can break here for partial reading mode // break; } while (originalSize > 0); #endif return 0; } WRes File_Write(CSzFile *p, const void *data, size_t *size) { size_t originalSize = *size; *size = 0; if (originalSize == 0) return 0; #ifdef USE_WINDOWS_FILE do { const DWORD curSize = (originalSize > kChunkSizeMax) ? kChunkSizeMax : (DWORD)originalSize; DWORD processed = 0; const BOOL res = WriteFile(p->handle, data, curSize, &processed, NULL); data = (const void *)((const Byte *)data + processed); originalSize -= processed; *size += processed; if (!res) return GetLastError(); if (processed == 0) break; } while (originalSize > 0); #elif defined(USE_FOPEN) do { const size_t curSize = (originalSize > kChunkSizeMax) ? kChunkSizeMax : originalSize; const size_t processed = fwrite(data, 1, curSize, p->file); data = (void *)((Byte *)data + (size_t)processed); originalSize -= processed; *size += processed; if (processed != curSize) return ferror(p->file); if (processed == 0) break; } while (originalSize > 0); #else do { const size_t curSize = (originalSize > kChunkSizeMax) ? kChunkSizeMax : originalSize; const ssize_t processed = write(p->fd, data, curSize); if (processed == -1) return errno; if (processed == 0) break; data = (const void *)((const Byte *)data + (size_t)processed); originalSize -= (size_t)processed; *size += (size_t)processed; } while (originalSize > 0); #endif return 0; } WRes File_Seek(CSzFile *p, Int64 *pos, ESzSeek origin) { #ifdef USE_WINDOWS_FILE DWORD moveMethod; UInt32 low = (UInt32)*pos; LONG high = (LONG)((UInt64)*pos >> 16 >> 16); /* for case when UInt64 is 32-bit only */ // (int) to eliminate clang warning switch ((int)origin) { case SZ_SEEK_SET: moveMethod = FILE_BEGIN; break; case SZ_SEEK_CUR: moveMethod = FILE_CURRENT; break; case SZ_SEEK_END: moveMethod = FILE_END; break; default: return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } low = SetFilePointer(p->handle, (LONG)low, &high, moveMethod); if (low == (UInt32)0xFFFFFFFF) { WRes res = GetLastError(); if (res != NO_ERROR) return res; } *pos = ((Int64)high << 32) | low; return 0; #else int moveMethod; // = origin; switch ((int)origin) { case SZ_SEEK_SET: moveMethod = SEEK_SET; break; case SZ_SEEK_CUR: moveMethod = SEEK_CUR; break; case SZ_SEEK_END: moveMethod = SEEK_END; break; default: return EINVAL; } #if defined(USE_FOPEN) { int res = fseek(p->file, (long)*pos, moveMethod); if (res == -1) return errno; *pos = ftell(p->file); if (*pos == -1) return errno; return 0; } #else { off_t res = lseek(p->fd, (off_t)*pos, moveMethod); if (res == -1) return errno; *pos = res; return 0; } #endif // USE_FOPEN #endif // USE_WINDOWS_FILE } WRes File_GetLength(CSzFile *p, UInt64 *length) { #ifdef USE_WINDOWS_FILE DWORD sizeHigh; DWORD sizeLow = GetFileSize(p->handle, &sizeHigh); if (sizeLow == 0xFFFFFFFF) { DWORD res = GetLastError(); if (res != NO_ERROR) return res; } *length = (((UInt64)sizeHigh) << 32) + sizeLow; return 0; #elif defined(USE_FOPEN) long pos = ftell(p->file); int res = fseek(p->file, 0, SEEK_END); *length = ftell(p->file); fseek(p->file, pos, SEEK_SET); return res; #else off_t pos; *length = 0; pos = lseek(p->fd, 0, SEEK_CUR); if (pos != -1) { const off_t len2 = lseek(p->fd, 0, SEEK_END); const off_t res2 = lseek(p->fd, pos, SEEK_SET); if (len2 != -1) { *length = (UInt64)len2; if (res2 != -1) return 0; } } return errno; #endif } /* ---------- FileSeqInStream ---------- */ static SRes FileSeqInStream_Read(ISeqInStreamPtr pp, void *buf, size_t *size) { Z7_CONTAINER_FROM_VTBL_TO_DECL_VAR_pp_vt_p(CFileSeqInStream) const WRes wres = File_Read(&p->file, buf, size); p->wres = wres; return (wres == 0) ? SZ_OK : SZ_ERROR_READ; } void FileSeqInStream_CreateVTable(CFileSeqInStream *p) { p->vt.Read = FileSeqInStream_Read; } /* ---------- FileInStream ---------- */ static SRes FileInStream_Read(ISeekInStreamPtr pp, void *buf, size_t *size) { Z7_CONTAINER_FROM_VTBL_TO_DECL_VAR_pp_vt_p(CFileInStream) const WRes wres = File_Read(&p->file, buf, size); p->wres = wres; return (wres == 0) ? SZ_OK : SZ_ERROR_READ; } static SRes FileInStream_Seek(ISeekInStreamPtr pp, Int64 *pos, ESzSeek origin) { Z7_CONTAINER_FROM_VTBL_TO_DECL_VAR_pp_vt_p(CFileInStream) const WRes wres = File_Seek(&p->file, pos, origin); p->wres = wres; return (wres == 0) ? SZ_OK : SZ_ERROR_READ; } void FileInStream_CreateVTable(CFileInStream *p) { p->vt.Read = FileInStream_Read; p->vt.Seek = FileInStream_Seek; } /* ---------- FileOutStream ---------- */ static size_t FileOutStream_Write(ISeqOutStreamPtr pp, const void *data, size_t size) { Z7_CONTAINER_FROM_VTBL_TO_DECL_VAR_pp_vt_p(CFileOutStream) const WRes wres = File_Write(&p->file, data, &size); p->wres = wres; return size; } void FileOutStream_CreateVTable(CFileOutStream *p) { p->vt.Write = FileOutStream_Write; }